
The Adventures of Vesper

Join Vesper as she journeys through the world and makes discoveries. What will happen? In a world of humans and monsters will there be balance or destruction.

Inkythedeamon · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Chapter 5/ a new darkness

The area was silent until a new daemonic aura started to radiate from the coffin. The aura signature confused Lawrence since it registers as a high rank daemon to a lord. Lawrence opens the coffin letting the ink flow out to reveal the angel was now a daemon. The daemon Vesper opens her eyes revealing glowing purple daemonic eyes wearing a black and purple suit with her tail swaying. Vesper lifts her hand looking at Lawrence with a devilish grin as she steps out as her aura radiating makes Lawrence step back away from her. Vesper stands face to face with Lawrence then stabs him with her claws effortlessly through his chest taking his heart consuming it. Lawrence's body disappears into nothing, and her horns grow with a smoky, ink crown floating above her head. Vesper shakes her hand clean taking in a deep breath. "So perfect my ink daemon lady of Wrath" Hollow says in praise seeing his new daemon lady before him. Vesper looks at Hollow "let us go see the other sins and show them the new lord of Wrath shall we" "yes, my lord" Hollow says happily leading her to the other sins.

As Vesper and Hollow walk up to the other sin lords they smile and marvel at how Vesper is a sin lady. Then Pride walks up to her takes hold of her chin getting a good look at her features "you remind me of someone I dated a long time ago" Pride says with a hint of curiosity in his voice. "Pardon?" Vespers asked as half of her hair changes to purple gradually getting angry. The other sin lords back up seeing Vesper get angry. Pride looks at Vespers ice blue eyes which are exceedingly rare for a human to have. "How old are you, Wrath?" Pride questioning her. Vesper looks at him confused "Twenty and my name is-" Vesper begins to say. As Pride cuts her off "Vesper daughter of Narina the angel of temperance" shock forms over his features his clawed hand caresses her cheek. "Wow you had a child from an angel of temperance and is alive now as a sin lady of Wrath damn" Envy says shocked and dumbfounded. "I'm confused please help me understand what you are talking about. My father is human" Vesper speaks up not believing what she is hearing. Pride lets out a smoky breath "Twenty-one years ago me and Narina dated at that time she thought her human husband died in a war during that time we had our fun.

but sometime later he was found injured on the battlefield. He returned home from the war, and she was overjoyed not knowing yet she was pregnant with you. From there on they both thought you were his and I was unaware myself that you were born my daughter" Pride clears up for Vesper. Vesper looks up surprised "so you are my father and not Jonathan" as the wheels in her head begin to turn putting things together. Pride nods seeing Vesper is processing the info "yes, I'm proud you're here now and healthy" "true but how I got here was not great" Vesper says in a distasteful tone, "did you make a deal with any daemons?" Envy questioned, "no. The only time I was near any was when they attacked the heavens" Vesper replies as the sin lord of Lust pulls up a contract with her name in it. "Well, I've seen many bad people, but someone by the named Abaddon wagered your soul to get the power he wanted." sin lord of Lust says as he reads through the contract. Believing and not believing at the same time about this contract. Vesper's face goes from calm to 'I am about to murder people' as her hair goes fully purple in color from its original black color. "Abaddon is my stepbrother that traitor!" Vesper growls with seething anger. "Why don't you go to the mortal realm to let off some steam and get some souls in the process" Pride suggests trying to avoid a problem if the sin lady of Wrath explodes. Vesper takes in a breath thinking "very well father I shall do that" Vesper nods to her father and walks away through an inky portal to the human realm.