
The Adventure of the Lost Child

Kevin Veln, a normal child born in the outskirt of Diovern County, in Prima Village. His father a hunter and her mother a housewife. One day, his father goes hunting for food but suspicious people barged into the house and attacked his mother. Surprisingly, her mother is a mage and not only a mage, a powerful mage that is capable of turning her surroundings to his power. Unfortunately, a demon had planned this whole out and manage to attacked her mother. Kevin, who is petrified because of fear is being protected by his mother at all cause. Suddenly, Kevin who passed out due to unknown reason now laying down in the ground somewhere in the forest. A hunter sees him and cure him right away after few days. In there the hunter, Lawrence, knows that the kid, Kevin, lost his memories and now doesn't know anything at all. From there onwards he, with the new name of Leopold, will embark to the vast world wondering who he is and his existance. He will search for the meaning of parents that is always mentioned in the book.

Kamikazuki_Kazuki · Fantasie
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15 Chs

Search II

"So why are you here human?" the dark goblin ask with a curious face.

"I'll get straight to the point. I have been following the dark mana, and somehow I end up here" Lawrence answered and the dark goblins look at each other.

"A dark mana? I'm sure everyone of us doesn't go down this mountain for a long time" the dark goblin said as he look around for the trace of a dark mana.

Dark Goblins, they have the same physical structure like the normal goblin but it differs in their color and the way they behave. According to the myths, dark goblins is just an ordinary goblins in the past, but they died and the God of Darkness and Death granted them second chance.

"I think the only creature that have the authority to use dark mana is us in this forest" the dark goblin said and Lawrence proposed another hypothesis about the mystery.

"But, if other uses a ritual to summon a creature from the abyss and bring it here in the material world" Lawrence hypothesize, then the dark goblin adds "then the creature that comes from the abyss can only use dark mana because it's the only authority that had been given to them by the Gods".

Lawrence sense another thing not far, and a goblin from the tree jump out and whisper something to the dark goblin Lawrence is talking to.

"Looks like something happened in the camp we were managing" the dark goblin said and wave his hands "then we depart human".

The dark goblins left but Lawrence can sense the intense energy that coming not to far from where he is. So he followed the energy and everytime he closes the distance the more intense and dense the energy is.

And suddenly a explosion can be seen in some distance. Lawrence goes to where the light is and there he sees the dark goblins fighting a demon.

"Kehehe!!! You lowly creatures that only receives the pity of the God dares to block my path!" the demon said and release an incredible amount of demonic energy.

"So there are people who is summoning the creatures from the abyss! If the Gods knows this the abyss will be in turmoil!" the dark goblin from moment ago said.

"So?! You can't even said anything because there's no one that going to escape here!!!" the demon laughs and he point his finger at the dark goblin.

[Demon Energy: Needles from the Abyss]

Needles from the Abyss, a demonic energy that demons can only use, this produce needles that contain the poisonous demonic energy that could petrify any creature aside from the demons.

"Such pity tricks!!!" the dark goblin said as he put his right hand up. The dark goblin that holding a staff then uses they're own power.

[Dark Authority: Scale of Darkness]

Scale of Darkness, a defense type dark power that converts the dark mana into a wall of thick dark energy that protects the user and the designated individuals.

"Kehehe! You bunch don't know how weak your authority in darkness is!!!" the demon said after all his needles bounce of the the defensive barrier dark goblins put.

"Now try defending this!" the demon shout.

[Demon Energy: Abyssal Flame Cannon]

Abyssal Flame Cannon, a sudden burst of abyssal flame.

"The energy is concentrating in his finger!!!" the dark goblin shout and the dark goblin shamans tremble in fear but still try to cast another defensive spell.

"It's time to die you low lives!!!"

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