
The Adventure of the Lost Child

Kevin Veln, a normal child born in the outskirt of Diovern County, in Prima Village. His father a hunter and her mother a housewife. One day, his father goes hunting for food but suspicious people barged into the house and attacked his mother. Surprisingly, her mother is a mage and not only a mage, a powerful mage that is capable of turning her surroundings to his power. Unfortunately, a demon had planned this whole out and manage to attacked her mother. Kevin, who is petrified because of fear is being protected by his mother at all cause. Suddenly, Kevin who passed out due to unknown reason now laying down in the ground somewhere in the forest. A hunter sees him and cure him right away after few days. In there the hunter, Lawrence, knows that the kid, Kevin, lost his memories and now doesn't know anything at all. From there onwards he, with the new name of Leopold, will embark to the vast world wondering who he is and his existance. He will search for the meaning of parents that is always mentioned in the book.

Kamikazuki_Kazuki · Fantasy
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15 Chs


Swordsman, a title given to anyone who knows how to weild sword. But it differs in the ability of the Swordsman, eventually giving birth to the step-by-step methods, also known as ranking system of swordsmanship.

Being a swordsman isn't easy as how the individual have to had a talent in handling swords and the mentality that comes with it.

"You should build your core strength! Balance is important in fighting foes! You loss balance, you'll give an opening to your enemy!" Lawrence lecture Leo as Leo doing body exercise. Leo had been in the training for 2 weeks now, the first week is the building of stamina and the rest is building the ideal body for a swordsman.

You don't have to be full of muscle to be a swordsman but you'll have to at least get the necessary strength and balance to do basic movements in swordsmanship.

'Well for a normal person you'll have to get at least 6 months of thorough training to get an ideal body for an swordsman' Lawrence thought, 'Will he surprise me again?'

At night Lawrence get out from the house and head towards the southern part of the anixiateiry forest. For the last 2 weeks he's been searching for any trace regarding to the slaught.

"This is.." Lawrence found a slight trace of dark mana around the hills. "This could be some territory of other species tribe" Lawrence said as he walks through the hill following the dark mana.

"Keke! Someone dares to enter our territory?!" someone said somewhere in the thick darkness around the trees. Lawrence unsheath his sword and get to a defensive posture.

'Where is it? Even though I feel that's it quite close I can see a thing!!!' Lawrence thought as he search around his surroundings to find the one who spoke.

"Human! Don't get nervous, we don't want to kill you" Someone said again but still Lawrence couldn't grasp where the other individual is.

"Well I don't have any choices aren't I?" Lawrence said and the other individual replied "What are you sayi-".


Light, a 3rd circle magic, it produces light that can blind your enemy at a short time.

The darkness scattered and the light filled the shade of the trees that helps the darkness to thicken. In the tree Lawrence saw a quite unusual being, they're body are gray and filled with red tattoos, their small body but big eyes and sharp teeth.

"A dark goblins?" Lawrence said as he saw who he is talking to and the dark goblin replied "Come on, you just spill the fun".

The dark goblins jump of the trees and now can be seen by the moonlight. There's roughly 6 dark goblins in front of Lawrence but he knows that there are more than 6 of them.

"We don't want a bloodshed ok? If we broke the rules here we might be running with our tails between our two legs.. even though we don't have tails" the dark goblin joke and the rest of them laugh at it. Once they done laughing the one acting as captain get close to Lawrence.

"So.. what are you here human?" the dark goblin ask.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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