
The Adventure of the Lost Child

Kevin Veln, a normal child born in the outskirt of Diovern County, in Prima Village. His father a hunter and her mother a housewife. One day, his father goes hunting for food but suspicious people barged into the house and attacked his mother. Surprisingly, her mother is a mage and not only a mage, a powerful mage that is capable of turning her surroundings to his power. Unfortunately, a demon had planned this whole out and manage to attacked her mother. Kevin, who is petrified because of fear is being protected by his mother at all cause. Suddenly, Kevin who passed out due to unknown reason now laying down in the ground somewhere in the forest. A hunter sees him and cure him right away after few days. In there the hunter, Lawrence, knows that the kid, Kevin, lost his memories and now doesn't know anything at all. From there onwards he, with the new name of Leopold, will embark to the vast world wondering who he is and his existance. He will search for the meaning of parents that is always mentioned in the book.

Kamikazuki_Kazuki · Fantasie
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15 Chs

Leo's Training Start

Leo is trembling. His body is shaking as if telling him to just hide or he will die. Lawrence called Leo, "Leo it's ok now.. come out" Lawrence said.

Lawrence kneel towards the bed and lean his head under the bed. Lawrence is surprised, he is seeing Leo who is trembling and sweating so much.

'Is it trauma?' Lawrence thought 'When he felt the dark mana coming from the Slaught he immediately runs off.. is it connected to his past?' Lawrence then extend his hand to Leo and said "It's ok now. I drive away the monster".

Leo saw the hands of Lawrence, he grab it and trust Lawrence. In the kitchen Lawrence is preparing for a tea.

"Leo, do you want to learn the sword?" Lawrence said it out of nowhere but he knows that Leo needs to learn how to protect himself against any emergency or disaster that may happen in the future.

"Uhm.. do I have the talent for it?" Leo asked. To be exact, Leo had been observing Lawrence in his training session every morning and thought, can he be like him?

"So your in" Lawrence said as he sit at the table with Leo. 'Leo doesn't know that he's affinity with mana is extreme. To be exact I think he's a blessed one' Leo thought.

Blessed One, a title given to the children that's been born with a good talent on something. Depending on what God blessed them, they received such title.

"For today rest then tomorrow we will start your training" Lawrence said and Leo agreed to it. At night. "I need to make sure to protect him while I'm not here" Lawrence said and deploy a simple barrier that can block monsters and notify him at the same time.

"The Slaught is a rare monster that only awaken when there's a lot of dead bodies that doesn't receive the Goddess blessing" Lawrence said as he jump around the trees and search the forest.

At the morning. Leo woke up early. "Morning Leo, you should take your breakfast before we start" Lawrence said.

A moment later. "Today I will teach you the foundation of everything, the basics" Lawrence said and told Leo the importance of basics in swordsmanship.

Basics in swordsmanship is composed of proper posture and slashes. The two basic swordsman attack is vertical slash and horizontal slash. Even though the two is most likely similar it both needs a different posture.

"So before you have the right to carry a sword! You have to train your body first!" Lawrence said and assured Leo that there is not a single monster around the swamp so he could run without worrying about anything.

After running around the swamp for 5 laps he stops. Leo's cardio is low so his breathing is terrible at first that's why Lawrence have to build Leo's Cardio first before anything else.

After a week Leo can run 10 laps around the swamp without any trouble. 'This kid.. he grows really quick if it were me it would take a month or so' Lawrence thought.

'Is this good enough?' Leo thought as he run around the swamp. He look at Lawrence at the distance if he signal that he could stop now.

'At first it was hard not I can run well' he thought. Dispite the terrible terrain he was running to he adopted really quick and memorize the path that had quite tricky path on them.

"Ok you can stop now!" Lawrence shout at Leo and then they move to second phase building his body. "Now do pull ups as many as you can" Lawrence said.

'Pull ups?' Leo thoughts.

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