
Chapter 5: Treasures

"Look what's in there!" Melinda exclaimed, pointing at the sparkling crystals on the cave wall. "It looks like gems!"

Tim came closer and shone his flashlight on them. "It's really beautiful," he agreed. "We have to collect them, maybe they will be valuable."

Tom, in turn, went to the other end of the cave and noticed something sparkling in the recess. "What is it?" "What is it?" he asked, shoveling sand and dirt to get a better look at the object. "Wow, it looks like a chest!"

He started to brush away the dirt, then asked Tim for help. They were removing dirt from the old chest until they finally opened it.

"Wow!" exclaimed Tim. "There are ancient scrolls, some strange artifacts and... a map!"

Tom took the map and unfolded it. "It leads south from here. Could it be a map to a lost treasure?"

Melinda stamped her feet convulsively. "We shouldn't stay here. The sooner we get out of this cave, the better!"

"She's right," Tom agreed. "Let's take these scrolls and artifacts with us, and then get out of here."

They collected everything they found and left the cave. However, they had already had to contend with difficult circumstances, and they still had a lot to do to uncover her secrets and find treasures. But they were ready for whatever lay ahead.

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