
Chapter 4: The cave

After collecting a sufficient amount of liquid, Tom decided to investigate its properties. He sniffed the contents of the jar and smelled a strange sweet smell that resembled the aroma of citrus fruits. Perhaps this liquid was some kind of sticky insect trap.

Intrigued, Tom decided to conduct an experiment. He took a knife out of his pocket and carefully cut the trunk of the tree. At the same moment, thick, yellow resin began to flow out of the wound. Noticing this, Tom decided to collect a few drops of resin into an empty soda can.

While Tom was doing the experiment, Melinda and Tim were looking forward to the results. When Tom returned to them with the jar, they looked at him curiously.

"What is it?" Melinda asked.

"It's resin from a tree," Tom replied. "I wanted to see if she could be useful to us. Maybe she can protect us from something or help us on our journey."

Melinda and Tim came closer to examine the resin. They noticed that it had a thick consistency and a pleasant aroma. Suddenly, they heard a strange sound like a loud grinding noise. They turned around and saw that the tree from which they were collecting resin began to make alarming sounds, as if it was coming to life.

They were amazed by what was happening and did not know what to do. Suddenly, the tree began to sway, and its branches began to move. Melinda, Tom and Tim felt the ground begin to shake under their feet.

"Run!" shouted Tom.

Our heroes ran to the side, leaving the resin and the jar behind. The tree continued to shake, and suddenly it broke into two pieces, opening the way to the secret cave.

They stopped and looked curiously into the cave that had opened. It was dark inside, but they could see something shiny and mysterious. Their adventure was just beginning, and they knew that they had to explore this cave and uncover its secrets.

They cautiously entered the cave, but did not know what was waiting for them inside. Perhaps they will discover treasures or face new dangers. But they were determined and ready to continue their journey in this mysterious and dangerous world.


Hi, could you tell me if I should keep writing this story?