
Chapter 3: Strange Things

"Would you like to come to the city with me?" Melinda asked.

The friends looked at each other and Tom replied, "We'll go to the city with you." Although they did not want to follow this creature, they also did not want to stay in the forest.

For 10 minutes Melinda led her friends towards the mountain towering over the tall trees. While Tom was walking calmly, Tim was walking and looking around to notice something interesting.

Thanks to this, he noticed a Corpse exactly like Melinda, frightened, he ran up to Tom and pointed in that direction, but there was nothing there. Tom looked at Tim as a moron and decided not to pay attention to Tim.

Although Tom believed Tim, he decided to be more attentive to Melinda and her actions .

after an hour of walking, Tom and Tim asked Melinda to make a stop. Melinda agreed and our heroes sat down on the rocks.

"I'm not sure we should trust Melinda," Tim whispered to Tom.

"Although I want to get into the city, I somehow feel bad being in the company of Melinda"

"What are you talking about here?" Melinda suddenly appeared and asked her friends.

Scared, Tim fell off a rock and hit the ground. Melinda, we'll see, apologized to Tim for scaring him.

Tom, who was watching this, noticed a strange tree that differed from the others in that it was yellowish in color and all the beetles flew around this tree. Approaching the tree, Tom noticed a sticky yellow liquid, since Tom had a soda can that he carried with him after entering this world, he filled it with this liquid.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Hiya_tiycreators' thoughts