
The Adepts (HP+Marvel+)

n the world, their are those with power, and those to weak to seek it. Power, wealth, influence, health, anything and everything a person wants, the adepts have. Everything is equal in death, it's only the matter of how you did in life if death will leave you.

Panda_sword_Master · Filme
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4 Chs

Chapter 1: Orphanage Escape

The orphanage, a cold, dreary, grey place that's run down. The sky overhead a dull grey with light that only means to lessens anybody's and everybody's mood. The orphanage head, a priest with a matron who's a sister and nuns that don't care for the children, we're they 'discourage' bullying but support if it's someone who they don't like.

Rage and death were constant here. The nuns don't care what happened as long as it doesn't affect their silent time we're they smoke and drink which is most of the day. The pastor 'randomly' picks for punishment which is just with him. He chose a girl once and the next day she got to the roof of the building and jumped. He neck snapped and she just suffocated, choking on her own blood. I watched as the light drained from her dreary eyes but she didn't seem in pain, more like euphoria, and I can understand why, to get away from the planet of pain, misery, and suffering.

She was one of my friends, my closest and she died in front of me with a smile on her face. The police were called and the body taken away to never be seen again except for a black rock with just her name carved into the stone set up in the church cemetery.

That weekend, while I was discretely skulking around the back alleys and commercial streets in search of food and winter gear that I wouldn't get from the orphanage, I heard a pair of elderly constables talking on a bistro's terrace, as they spiked their cheap tea with even cheaper gin from hip flasks that had been stamped with their precinct and unit names as if it were normal. The two old bobbies chatted about the poor little tyke that the sawbones had gone to pick up from the church-house, as they called the orphanage. Both men had sighed forlornly about the fact she had just been raped before she jumped, given her hymen was torn and she had lesions in both vagina and anus still bleeding fresh, wounds that a head-first jump off a building would never produce.

I hated this, my life, the people in it, my gifts, that had me stopped and thinking, my gifts, is that why everyone didn't like me? Is that why the nuns would try to target me or sick the bullies on me. I've always healed very fast, the strong bone claws that I never showed anybody, the smell and hearing always the best, and my inner dark that talks to me as a friend. My eyes, one a predators eye with a vertical slit for a pupil with orange flames of the iris that look like they're coming from it and the other is a purple that shines of a nebula that they both glow with power. He is also able to talk to anything and everything as well as able to move stuff with his mind. The nuns haven't caught him yet but I decided now is a good time along with his starting power of beast who he makes have an element to happen.

When I got back to the orphanage in the dead of night I start locking doors, the priest is sleeping with one of the sisters and they both are dead drunk. I lock even the doors with the children and the nuns own personal quarters. Then I go to the center garden of everything while dragging the stone tablet to the center and getting it into the ground. I miss her, Raven Darkhölme, you will be forever missed as a sister to me. I start gathering me darkness, all of it, along with the power for my other abilities all together and let it spread over me, and I unleash it. Super powered blue flames, misty darkness all around me and I let it out. Flattening the whole compound along with about another good half mile, of just blue flames and my darkness going, taking me with it, we are one, and we flee.

I can see people in strange dresses as I fly away as they point their sticks at me. Light flys from then but I dodge it and keep going. They try to fly after me on their brooms, what are they, witches, but I get away as I am faster. I continue to go and go until I feel my power waning, I've already crossed the waters and felt the bone chilling cold. I land in a forest at the edge of the water while reforming back into my human body.

I was in front of a lake. I dipped my tongue in it and it was fresh water. I was in a little snow covered meadow with trees all around covered in snow while also making everything look gloomy somehow. The sky was overcast but it was still bright out. The treeline was like a mix of fairytale and dark, like their was a glow from the trees while I could feel I was being watched but I don't know from what.

I still feel to tired so I just lay down on the snow. My mind drifts back to Raven and fresh hot tears fall from my face even if they are freezing on them. I try not to think about her but my mind just drifts back to her and soon I fall asleep into Morpheus's grasp.