
chapter 1

Love has never been a feeling that only brings joy, or a feeling of dependence on the loved one… there was always the suffering that accompanied it. This is the case of a young couple whose one loved much more than needed. In college, Léonardo in philosophy class, very knowledgeable in the subject, followed and paid attention to what the teacher said, as always, when all of a sudden everything stopped to welcome a new student, she was very ravishing, but also attractive. Her name was Isabelle, her face was as beautiful as her name, she had lovely black and curly hair, a body even more dazzling than suggested by her somewhat conservative clothes, She was a distinguished girl. Barely a few days, Leonardo soon wooed her, for there was no shortage of competitors. It is on the courtyard of the college by talking with Léo that Isabelle will understand that he has feelings towards her. She started by saying: "Hi Leo, how was the philosophy class for you? Personally I didn't understand anything!"

- Hi Isabelle, I found it exciting, but seriously what you didn't understand, I would be happy to give you more explicit explanations.

-I really appreciate your attention but it won't bother you? You've probably noticed that I'm having a little trouble adjusting.

-I know, but you mean a lot to me.

-Ah! Really, uh... I have things to do at the end of the day.

-But we can meet later, at home!

-But I don't even know where you live.

-Here's the address. I'll be waiting for you around 5:00?


The hours passed, and it was like an eternity for Leo, he was impatient to see Isabelle again, he dressed, undressed, not seeing what is the most beautiful of her shirts to put on. Finally, it was 5 o'clock and a few minutes had passed, we could already see the beautiful Isabelle coming. He thinks he's an angel. Full of gallantry, he opens the door.Sitting in the living room, they were talking, talking about everything and nothing, isn't that philosophy? Everything and nothing; an idea had come to his mind, and he said: "I have a poem to show you, it's from Ronsard, I would like to read it to you, if that doesn't bother you?"

-go for it!

' 'If it is to love, madam, and day and night, To dream, to think, to think the way to please you To forget all things and to want to do nothing But to worship and to serve the beauty that harms me; If it is to love to follow a happiness that flees me To suffer much evil, A lot of fear and silence Weeping, shouting thank you and seeing me suffer; If it is to love to live in you more than in myself To hide from a joyful forehead an extreme languor, To feel deep in the soul an unequal fight Shameful, speaking to you, to confess my evil; If this is loving, furious I love you; I love you, and for though my evil is fatal: Hot, cold as love fever treats me. The heart says it enough, but the tongue is silent. ''

-Very beautiful poem! But what are you trying to make me understand?

-I wanted to show you the love I have for you, my words were not enough, I used those of Ronsard.

-You are really very romantic as a boy, and I like it! Unlike the others...

-Don't tell me that you don't hate me, I sincerely wish I had a chance with you, do I have a chance to have you?

-I don't know, we'll see! -I'll take that as a yes! Can I come with you?

-Don't get the wrong idea, Leo.

-Say yes, please! I just want to take you home. -Okay.

- So let's go!

All the way Leonardo couldn't take his eyes off her, but Isabelle liked him, after all, he's handsome! Arriving at his door, Leo could not help but have a burning desire to kiss him, and Isabelle also wanted something to happen.

-I really enjoyed the time I spent with you, so… , I hope to see you tomorrow?

-Yes, I too, the night will be extremely long, because I would like to see you too.

She was going to come home when suddenly Leo pulls her against him and kisses him! Surprised by what has just happened, she enters without even knowing it…

Leo, on the other hand, cannot help but shout throughout the cartier! Happy to have been able to kiss the girl of his dreams. It was finally daylight, the sky and the earth could not hold back Leo's insatiable desire to see Isabelle again!

In college, we had already started classes. Leo was waiting impatiently to see her again, but the hour passed and he was forced to enter the classroom. On his way home, the first person he saw was her! Isabelle. As beautiful as ever! He approached her and asked her: "May I sit next to you?"

-Yes, of course!

-Thank you… you know that you are really lovely today?

-Ah good! Thank you

-Really you're still elegant, but today you're waw!

-Stop flattering me, you big talker! You're in a really good mood today

-Oh yes, I slept very well last night!

-… I couldn't stop thinking about that moment, I couldn't even sleep, and I had a problem!

-What was it, tell me!

-My heart was pounding so hard, I almost had a heart attack.

-A heart attack, very funny!

-You know, it's no joke, when I'm near you my heart beats as hard as a drum!

-I told you to stop. And follow the professor, if not, we risk throwing you out!

-It wouldn't matter, this class is not very important, you alone are my school!

-Then why are you staying here?

-For you, to contemplate you, to look at you ... "his gaze was burning as if he wanted to devour her."

-I like the way you talk to me, although you're not the only one doing it, but you have charm!" -I take that as a compliment,' but it is you who charms me, who charms me all of you: your supple and curly hair; your black eyes that hypnotize me; your seductive lips that I always want to touch, you are a divine beauty!

-Okay, you stop there, let me follow the bear, otherwise I will understand nothing!

-Even better! You'll have a good reason to come to my house, I'm as good as the professor.

-Leo! I told you to stop!

-Okay, I'll stop!

Leonardo does not want anyone to hear it, writes in a piece of paper:

-You are free tonight?


-There is a very Chick restaurant! Not far from home!


-I would like to invite you to eat, just eat

-But I have a lot to do at home!

-We'll just have a little chat, I'll pick you up?

-Ok! I'll wait for you.