
chapter 2

While Leo was getting ready to be really Chick, Isabelle was getting all pretty! Leo wore a black jacket, a white jersey underneath, black jeans, black and white sneakers, he was handsome, but Isabelle, she! She looked breathtaking! And here comes Leo, like a knight coming to fetch his princess. In front of the door all excited! He rings… And that's Isabelle!

-You look lovely, You look so much better than I imagined!

-Thank you, but I just dressed up for the party! -I may have exaggerated a little bit, I correct, you look like a goddess tonight!

-Okay! Are you finished?

-Okay, let's go! Madam, if you will follow me, this taxi will take us to our destination…

Arriving at the restaurant, a man as elegant as he is cultured, Leo pulled out her chair, so she could sit down.

-So tell me, what do you want to order tonight? I am at your disposal!

- I don't know, I feel a little embarrassed, because after all it's like… I… Um!

-I see, don't feel embarrassed it's just dinner, it's not a date!

-Shall I order us some dessert? Then we can talk a little.

-Okay, but tell me, am I the first one you bring into this restaurant?

-To tell you the truth, no, you are not the first, but one thing is certain, you are the first one with whom I feel so good and who makes me feel so strongly.

-Oh! Tell me, can you describe it to me?

-Do you really want it?


-Then, it's like the sea, so beautiful and so devastating,it is like nectar, sweet and pleasant, it is like diamond, because it is precious and rare!

"Here's your dessert, miss," said the waiter as he approached Isabelle. "May I pour you some wine, sir?" He said to Leo.

-With pleasure, a little champagne too, for the young lady, please. While drinking his wine, he went on to say, "This wine is delicacy, just like you!"

-Then you impress me, you are a great classic!

-It doesn't matter, Isabelle, with all due respect, what matters is to know if I can make you feel, which you've never felt before?

-Uh, in a way, yes, when I'm with you, everything is different.

-I'm delighted. Love your dessert?

-Yes, it was exquisite.

-Dinons, now!

Time passed, they ate and discussed much. But after all this talk, Leo decided to make his statement: "I know that things went pretty fast but tonight I understood that I love you Isabelle, you may already be, but I have to ask you, do you want to be my girlfriend Isabelle?" But she said to him: "I don't know if you'll be the ideal, you're different, I don't know if I deserve a boy like you."

-Don't say that, I'm the one who doesn't deserve a girl like you, of such beauty, I beg you to think about it, and tomorrow at school you will give me your answer, okay?

-Okay, we can get out of here? It's getting late.

Finally day, as usual, always punctual, he eagerly waits to see Isabelle again. Here is a very good friend, Chris, a friend from high school. -How are you doing, old man?

-How are you doing, buddy? We haven't seen each other in years! It's been since high school, hasn't it?

-That's it, old man, so tell me, Leo, how are things with the girls?

-You know me! Rare are the ones who love me.

-You have always aimed for the gold medal, it always starts very well unlike me!

-You! You assemble them by the thousands, you laugh at me!

-That's it! You know, it's like that with the girls. Here comes Isabelle, calm, radiant, she approaches Leo.

-Hi, Leo, who is it?

-Sorry, it's a friend from high school called Chris. Isabelle, this is Chris. Chris, Isabelle.

-Nice to know you Chris.

-Me too, Isabelle, I almost forgot that Leo, always had pretty girls in his company!

-He never said that to me!

-Don't worry about Chris, he's laughing.

-So, Leo, I have to go away, we'll talk to each other again, OK, it's been a pleasure to meet you Isabelle, I hope we'll meet again!

-Me too, Chris, goodbye!

" What a pretty girl" said Chris in his mind'' Leo and Isabelle entered and went to their usual classes.

During a class…

-You took time this morning!

-Because of you, I slept way too late last night. -Didn't you like it then?

-I didn't say anything like that, on the contrary, I really liked it last night, but I just went home too late!

-Okay, forgive me, okay?


-So, have you thought about my answer?

-Uh, yes!

-And it is?


-Wait, I brought a little gift for you.

-What is it?

-A rose!


-Yes, here!

-Oh she's beautiful Thank you, that's really nice of you!

-I'll bring hundreds for you, if it makes you smile every day.

-Ah yes, really?

-You don't believe me?

-Yes, of course!

-I'm serious!

-Me too…

-So have you thought about it or not?


-Isabelle! Do you want to be my girlfriend?


-Please accept! Uh… You said yes!


-You said yes!


-You said yes!!! She said yes! Uh… Sorry, I shouldn't have made all that noise.

-You shouldn't have!

-Sorry, I'm overjoyed, I'm really glad you accepted!

-I am happy to see that it makes you so joyful, now we must concentrate on the course!

-Oh, yes, I almost forgot.

When the classes were over, Leo accompanied her to her home, and they walked hand in hand… he wondered if it was real, because he would like it never to end! But he woke up! Because holding Isabelle's hand, he dreamed with his eyes open. When he arrived at her home, he said goodbye, but to her great astonishment she kissed him!... Neither on earth, nor in heaven, Leo could know where he was, but what he was sure of was that he liked to be in Isabelle's arms.