
Halmut's Change of Plans

"But it would work?"

Gasnon nodded and sighed, "Yeah… but the moment the rapier blocks or parries an attack, it will have a better chance of breaking."

"That's fine…" Jack also sighed, relieved to hear that. "Mind if I try?"

"Try what?"

Stepping forward, Jack held out his hand and eyed the heated metal plate. "I just want to take one swing. That's it."

"Just one? What do you--"

"Please, just one swing?"

"I… guess… but lightly…" Not fully understanding what Jack was intending, he flipped the hammer around and let Jack take hold of it. The smith pointed carefully at one end of the plate. "Right there, nice and light. But if you ruin this, I'll kill you."

"If I ruin it, then I'll pay for it a hundred times over."

"Then go ahead, with all the force you've got!"

Jack rolled his eyes and smiled. Timidly, Jack lightly tapped the piece of metal sighed, "There… perfect!"