
5. Georgina

“Hi my love, how have you been doing?” I greeted Sean over the computer screen. It’s literally midnight and I just woke up just to call and see how my boyfriend has been doing. Damn! Long distance relationship sucks harder because of stupid time zones.

It’s nine a.m. in Berlin and he just woke up.

“Not bad, but not good either.” He replied yawning. “Our sale statistics is struggling again. So I’m still not be able to come back home until I change it. I won’t be home next month or so that’s for sure.”

“Does that mean you won’t be back on my birthday?” I said in complete disappointment. “And maybe during Christmas?”

I should feel relieved that Sean won’t be home just so I can still have more time to fix my divorce right before he propose to me, but I have already anticipated that he’ll be home during Christmas. I miss him so much and I can’t wait to reunite with him again. The last time we saw each other was when I surprised him a visit on Valentine’s Day, which was a complete disaster because we just ended up fighting because he got upset about me cancelling my important client meetings just to see and surprise him there.

It was all my fault.

My boyfriend just gave me a sad look. “I’m so sorry my love, but sadly, I can’t.”

“Well then can I at least come and visit you?”

“Oh no. As much as I want you here, I’m working all the time and I won’t have time to be with you.” He said right away which made me even more disappointed than I already was. This is the reason why I can’t see him as much as I want to because he’s a busy man and very hardworking.

Sometimes, I even wonder about the life we have once we get married. Sean is pretty occupied with his family’s business but his parents somehow always reminds me that Sean won’t be that occupied once we decide to tie the knots. But as of now, this is our set up.

“But I miss you so much.” I said completely saddened with his news too. “I’m perfectly fine as long as I can see you.”


I sighed. “I know, I’m sorry. I’m being childish again.”

“I miss you too love.” Sean said sighing. “Don’t worry, I’ll make it up to you soon. I promise, now go get some sleep you’re still early for work tomorrow. I love you!”

“I love you too Sean.” I replied back. “You take care!”

When the screen turned black I couldn’t help but cry. I miss my boyfriend so much!

It’s been so long and I couldn’t help but think about the problem I am facing at the moment that I can’t even tell him. I didn’t cheated on my boyfriend but it feels like I am!

God! Why is this all happening to me?


The next day, I dragged myself out of bed. It’s still Sunday so basically I’m allowed to sleep in however the person who’s knocking on my door doesn’t want me to. I know whose knocking, it’s my cousin Liam he texted me last night that he’ll come first thing in the morning.

I’m still stretching and yawning when I opened the door for him.

“Morning!” I greeted.

“Don’t you know that brushing your teeth first thing in the morning is necessary?” Liam greeted as he enters my apartment covering his mouth. He’s a savage bitch!

“Like I give a shit?” I barked back as I close the door. “Why do you have to come here very early in the morning?”

“To deliver a news.” He replied heading to my kitchen and starts to rummage on my fridge like it’s as if he owns the place.

“What sort of a news that you literally have to come here at six and wake my sleeping soul up?”

“Good and bad news.” He answered without looking at me. “Besides, I kinda feel like cooking for breakfast today so I went here.”

I groaned. Liam tend to be so unreasonable sometimes. You really can’t even believe he’s working as the chief-of-operations at my Dad’s real estate business office extension in Toronto, because he is quite childish and acts like he’s the most irresponsible person in the world.

Dad is in Singapore for a two weeks business trip and he assigned Liam to act as the officer-in-charge while he’s away. I was supposed to be the one who will take over but I respectfully declined because I am going to Toronto one of these days to deal with the problem I have together with the craziest man I’ve ever met in my life who hides behind the name Austin Geiser.

“What do you want with your eggs?” He asked as he busy himself on my kitchen cooking for our breakfast. Liam and I are really close ever since we were kids. We’re more of like partners in crime and doing the same stuff together.

Back when I was still in Toronto, we both participated on every school events and we even had ballet class together. When I moved out to go here in San Francisco, I remembered how much we cried knowing that we’re gonna be apart. Teenage years, I was the first person who knew that he was gay and should I mention that he was at my fake wedding which turns out to be real?

Yup! In every important milestones of our individual lives we’re always there for each other.

But speaking of him being present at my wedding, he doesn’t know that it was real. I don’t have the guts to tell him that and I don’t have plans in doing so.

“Medium please.” I replied and started making a coffee. “So tell me about that news!”

“Do you want me to tell you the bad news or good news first?” My cousin Liam said.

“Good news, obviously.”

“Well, your father is planning to give you the huge project that you visited in Dallas few weeks ago.” He started. “He wants you to be the head of designs once the company wins the bid next year.”

“Right. What about the bad news?”

“The bad news is, before he gives you the project, he wants you to work for me and for your mom in Toronto.”

“What?” I hissed.

“For at least three months.” He added.

“And for what?” I asked dropping the mug of coffee on the breakfast table. I’m even surprised it didn’t shattered into pieces.

Liam just shrugged. “I don’t know! To improve your work maybe?”

“That’s bullshit! Dad already knows my work and he didn’t get disappointed at it, not even ones.” I demanded.

My cousin was just silent as he puts the breakfast food on the table.

“This is mom’s wishes, isn’t it Liam?” I said totally certain with what I suspected. When Liam didn’t answered I sighed.

“I knew it!” I said.

“This is not just about your mom George.” Liam started. “This is also my idea.”

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“What?” Liam asked back looking at me in surprise. “Your parents didn’t told you?”

“Told me about what?”

“Your Dad is planning to close the Toronto office George. The company’s performance has been a huge slack for a year now. Your father has already given me and your mom less than a year to recover and if we won’t be able to make any further changes, the company is done.” My cousin explained which shocked me up.

“Dad never mentioned anything about this before.” I said still trying to process the news.

“Thought you already know.” Liam said. “You were in Toronto last week right?”

“Yeah, but I only came there to fix my div—“ I immediately stopped. Shit! I almost spilled the tea.

“Fix what?”

“To fix the designs of ohm…” I started explaining while thinking what kind of an alibi I should say. “…of one of my clients in there.”

“A client? In Toronto?”

I nodded stuffing all the eggs on my mouth just to punish myself from almost telling Liam what I did in Toronto last week.

“Hey! Hungry much?” He said chuckling. “But seriously George, your dad wants you to help us in recovering our sales. Once you’ll do that he’ll trust you to take over the project in Dallas.”

“Why are you the one who’s telling me this and not Dad?” I asked still munching the food on my mouth.

“Because Uncle Theo knows that if he’ll mention the involvement of your mom in this situation you’ll just say no, complain and throw tantrums.”

“I don’t throw tantrums!” I said and drink my coffee.

My dad can’t close the company in Toronto.

If he closes it, that means he’s breaking the only connection my mom and him have. The company extension is the only thing that makes us a family even if my parents have already separated and already have their individual families. That company is the only thing that makes me feel that I am not alone, and that I still have a parent who’s looking out for me.

Yes, I hate my mom for leaving me. But it doesn’t mean that I want her to just stop being my mom or disappear in my life. I love her and I’m just trying to deny it in front of her just so she can feel how heart-breaking it is to be left behind without exactly knowing why.

“I’m helping.” I firmly said. “I’m going to Toronto.”