
4. Austin

Away games is never as exciting as home games. However, I always feed from the energy of the crowd even if it’s negative just to win a certain game.

We’re currently facing New York tonight, one of the best team’s among all the teams based in North America. And I must say that the game is pretty intense, especially knowing that the well-known goon on the league named Harry Bergeron who used to play for Switzerland is now playing on their team.

I still remember how he terrorized and eliminated two players in just one game against Texas last season. He’s a beast on the ice! I’m talking about two hundred pounds of power and the speed that will land him a huge contract in the World Hockey League, huger than what he already have.

It’s the middle of the third period and we’re currently leading with a 4-1 score. They obviously wanted to bounce back, desperate enough to score and beat our asses out. Zach Bauman got the chance to steal the puck from the opponent’s forward and passed it right away to me. I took the zone as fast as I could and I can really sense that Bergeron is eyeing up behind me trying to steal the puck, sadly, I’m faster than him.

However, he was able to slam me into the boards causing my whole body to ache making my vision into a quick blur. Luckily, I was able to do a drop pass and our team captain John Tallish was able to flick a wrist shot causing the scoreboards to light up.

When the buzzer signals the end of the game, we head to the locker rooms with complete bliss from winning 5-1 against New York.

As we all catch our breaths and after doing some little ceremony for the said win. Coach Miller immediately cut the small celebration by roasting us on our mistakes during the game, even if we have won, he still won’t let us celebrate and I understand that. My team haven’t gelled up much considering the fact that we’re already in the middle of the season. The play-offs are looming and yet the whole team’s performance is a huge slack.

I even have already previsioned that the Smashers won’t make it to the play-offs even if Zach and I are the highest pointers this season it still doesn’t give us the guarantee in securing a slot in the top twelve teams for the playoff games.

“That was a hard ass hit.” Our team captain John commented as he sympathetically looked at me while I removed all my gears to check my right side and I can already see a huge reddish spot in there. This will be a huge bruise for sure!

“This is nothing. I’ll live.” I said and prepared myself to go to the showers but right before doing so, I checked my phone.

Georgina have been texting me non-stop two days after our first meet up at the restaurant, asking if I have already made up my mind about the divorce. I’m not going to lie that checking my phone every five seconds became my habit for almost a week now, and that’s because of her.

Georgina: have u been thinking? Have u decided yet?

Me: not yet. I’m still busy w/ the playoffs, wifey! ;)

Georgina: well then, make it fast!

Me: I can’t. I’m not the WHL organizer.

Georgina: I meant about ur decision. Not ur stupid game!

I snorted as I put my phone down and head to go take a shower. Even on text I can still hear her feisty retorts.

And speaking of my decisions, I obviously have already made up my mind.

Of course I don’t want to get married yet. I’m young, I’m living the advantages of a professional hockey life and to be honest it’s really shameful to think that I’m living this crazy life and I chose to settle down at the age of twenty-four.

No. Actually scratch that! It’s already shameful, because I am already married at the age of twenty-two! Damn it, if the media and my fans find out that I am married at that young age they’ll surely gonna roast me or something.

But in all honesty though, the upcoming trade, not being able to make it to the play-offs this season is such a huge drag to think about, but having this feisty woman at the moment has been a complete entertainment for me.

And that’s the only reason why I am keeping this long. I’m not yet ready to get married obviously, but I’m seriously having a blast with the situation so I’m prolonging it. Probably for like a month or two, I’m fine with that.

When I ride the team bus heading to the airport to go back to Toronto few moments later, my phone beeps again. And I’m already expecting that it’s from Georgina, she gave me her email address.

Georgina: i will send the necessary documents for u to read. Make sure u inform ur lawyer about the trial.

Me: I’m not dealing w/ this problems unless ur in Toronto.

I replied back.

Two days after we met for the very first time she flew back to San Francisco according to Patrick. I was kind of disappointed that I wasn’t able to see her again. But you know, I’m smart and a stubborn guy, I mean all hockey players are. So I’m using the husband-card to force her from going back or staying in Toronto until our marriage is over.

Jezz! I couldn’t believe I am mentioning the word husband now.

I expected Georgina to shoot a text back but she called me instead.

“Hey what’s up wif—“

“Are you fucking kidding me right now?” She hissed which almost made my eardrum burst into oblivion. “You seriously want me to fly from San Francisco to Toronto all the time to deal with your stupidity?”

“You know for a start, calling me names is bad for our relationship right?” I answered her and I immediately noticed everyone in the bus looked at me in great surprise but I chose to ignore it.

I sat on the seat next to Zach who’s now mockingly looking at me.

I definitely know once this phone conversation ends, my teammates will surely make fun out of me especially Zach who’s now adjusting on his seat ready to eavesdrop on my conversation, so I pushed him right away only to be given by a chuckle.

“First of all, we don’t have any relationship Geiser!” Georgina replied. “Oh my goodness, why do you have to be so immature?”

“I am not.” I replied back. “I just don’t want to settle this problem via phone calls, texts or emails. Come home, and we’ll settle this.”

“Second of all, Toronto is not my home!”

“Your mom is living in Toronto. So technically, Toronto is your home too.” I countered.

I found out about that because Patrick told us about what he remembered during the day of our marriage. Patrick and her mom are neighbors before and that’s why they knew each other. Pat invited her to go to a party with them and at that night I remembered right before I got shitfaced, Zach and I together with his other friends hanged at his parent’s place, did our pre-game right before we head to the bar where we saw Patrick and Tina. And the rest of it all, I already don’t have clue about.

But according to Patrick, he introduced me to Georgina and we partied our asses out. Then we saw a couple getting married at the neighboring booth and Pat dared us to get married. He also dared my best bud Zach to ask for some legal papers to sign into and voila! We got married.

Speaking of Zach, I haven’t told him yet.

We still don’t know the rest that have happened as to why our fake marriage got legalized, Zach is the only person who knows why and what happened so I still need to talk to him about it. Hopefully, he remembers it vividly just so we can have a strong evidence once we get to the trial court soon.

“You’re incorrigible!”

“So, you want me to be the one who will fly there—“

“No! You’re absolutely not coming here.” She immediately said.

“Good. Then I guess you-- coming to Toronto is already agreed.”

“I didn’t agreed to it yet.” She declined and silent for a bit. “Fine! I’m coming back to Toronto.”

“Perfect. Any plans on living with me then?” I said smirking. Teasing and making fun of this girl is way too entertaining.

“What a huge ambition, don’t you think?” She replied sarcastically.

“Wifey--” I started.

“Wifey?!” Zach echoed eyeing me widely.

“--didn’t you know that every girl who knows me wants to live with me?” and I mentally slapped myself when Zach caught the said endearment.

Georgina laughed and I know she was just doing it to insult me.

“Almost every girl.” She corrected. “You know what, this conversation is getting out of nowhere. I’m hanging up!”

“Alright I—“ and right before I finished my sentence she hanged up. She really hates me.

I put my phone on the side pocket of my suit and as expected Zach and the rest of the guys who have heard my conversation on the phone started to throw some questions at me.

“Since when did you have a girlfriend?” Zach asked.

“I don’t.” I honestly said.

“Then who was that?” Zach added. “For sure I am not the only one who heard the relationship word in there. Plus the cheesy endearment!”

“Yeah.” Dennis one of our defensemen agreed. “Come on dude, spill the beans!”

“No, seriously it was nothing.” I firmly said.

Rumors spread easily. I specifically know that we are not a huge celebrities that is always on tabloids and what not but we have our fair share of gossips and dramas in the society too.

Georgina is not one of those girls who dies to date me, just have sex with me or even attention. She despises me right before we officially met, hence the fact that she wanted a divorce.

I am not stupid. Obviously, she doesn’t want any people to know that she’s married and so am I. I don’t want any rumors to spread and let my family hear about it. Especially, my mom. She’s a very traditional Mexican woman. If she finds out that I am married and knew that the wedding happened on a bar with people who are all drunk, she’ll kill me.

I’m the only son of three kids and my mother is so overprotective of me sometimes, I seriously hated it because I am already way too old but I do love her. If it’s not because of her I am not here in the World Hockey League doing what I exactly love, so I’ll give her the credit for that.

So anyway, as much as possible, no one has to know that I am married except for me, Georgina, Patrick, Martin and whoever processed our papers.

Zach and Dennis are still forcing me to fess up when our team captain John T finally stepped in.

“Leave Austin alone, dickheads!” He warned which made everyone who have heard it including me snort. “If he wants to make his relationship lowkey then let him!”

After captain said those words my two annoying teammates shut their mouths up and minded their own businesses. One fact about our captain, everyone is afraid of him. Just one word and everyone follows him.

“Thanks Capt!” I said appreciating what JT did. I know for a fact that he can relate to me at the moment.

He’s a pretty lowkey guy and is currently dating a very well-known supermodel, however, despite of how easy he gets targeted by the spotlight he remains as lowkey as ever. He doesn’t even have any social media accounts for a start.

As we travel the road on the way to the airport, everyone is already minding their own businesses. I started to relax myself and right before deciding to take a nap I throw elbowed Zach.

"We need to talk." I whispered. "But not right here."