
27. Georgina

I felt like a zombie for the rest of the night, but of course I couldn't sleep when I finally crawled into bed. Sean has been constantly picking fights with me, all I ever did was just call him sacrificing my goddamn sleep to adjust on his timezone, tell him I miss him and ask if when will he come home, then he'll just end up answering me not to pressure him or something. I was just fucking asking him!

This is the third time that this happened! I was frustrated. I need him to go back because things between me and Austin... Argh! I don't even know the word. But I fell hard on him and I felt like I am already cheating to Sean!

If he could just come back home in order for myself to stop from hanging out and calling Austin! I'm going crazy but at the same time I am starting to feel attached.

If Sean makes me feel upset, Austin was there to cheer me up, put smile on my face and makes me feel like I am free! I am me when I'm with Austin and it scares me.