
26. Austin

After I get off the plane in Dallas, Mom and my sister Audrey is waiting at the bottom of the escalator.

"Look at you!" My mom says. I gave her a tight hug also as Audrey.

"I miss you too mom!" I said.

She gives me a sappy mom smile before wrapping one thin arm around my waist and squeezing.

"You look awesome. Been looking really wonderful."

I shrug as we begin to make our way to the exit. "I feel pretty good."

"Mom thinks you’re depressed over how your season was going." My sister inserted.

"You did not check any bag?" She asks as we pass the baggage carousels.

"No I didn't." I replied, I did notice the look of disappointment on my mom's face. "You know I’ve got to get back for some urgent meetings. Even if the season for Smashers is already over, plus being a free agent kind of keeping me busy these days." I lied.