
2. Austin

The rumors that I have keep on hearing about me being traded is indeed true.

The Canada Smashers Hockey Team is finally letting me go right before the new season commences. I mean, its fine with me. I don’t totally care what hockey team I will play for as long as I can play, I’m all for it.

Aside from that, I have also received a lot of offers from different teams anyway. Every team that is in there wants to sign me. Not to brag but I am one of the top scorers in the league and I am one of the reason why the Canada Smashers made their way to the World Ice Hockey Cup playoffs after twenty-plus years of not making it.

However, even if that is the case I’m still kind of hurt and a bit disappointed that they are letting me go. It does make me want to question them about, am I not that enough as a player of their team despite of all my efforts?

And yet, that’s part of a professional hockey player life. If you play for pro you always look forward to play on another team since being on a same team throughout your career is never gonna happen.

“The Switzerland Bulldogs wanted to talk to you later this afternoon.” My manager Jake said as we both leave the Smasher’s headquarters. “They offered way bigger than the Texas Blue Dragons.”

Jake had a meeting with the Smasher’s administration discussing about my trade while I on the other hand did some media appearance for the team’s PR for tonight’s charity event. Honestly, I haven’t cared that much about the team I am going to sign to actually. Because despite all those huge amount of offers that the other team is ready to give me, part of me wants to go back to my root.

I want to play for Texas.

My bestfriend Martin Connors is playing for them and is currently the team captain. He’s been telling me to accept their management’s offer ever since he found out few months ago that I am going to be a free agent once the season is over.

But despite of it all, I want more time to think about accepting any of those offers. There’s way too many best hockey teams who wants me on their team so I am definitely not going to rush things. I still have few more months to think about it anyway, as of now, I still want to enjoy the rest of the game season and my remaining time living here in Toronto.

“Can you cancel that meeting?” I asked my manager.

“Why? Do you have more important errands to attend to?” Jake asked a bit annoyed. “Austin, you don’t want your prospects to wait for you. You’re not the only hockey player in here.”

“Don’t worry about it!” That’s the only words I said right before I walked out of the building and head to my car.

I’m seriously not in the mood yet to deal with any agents and teams. Besides, part of me already have chosen the Texas I just need more time to finalize my decision. But as of now, I need to see Patrick. He called me last night that he wants me to meet someone really important.

He didn’t told me who exactly he’s talking about and why he wants me to meet the said person. I’m kind of a bit nervous to find out who it is because Patrick seems so serious when he informed me and he seems very vague too.

I was about to confront him at his place earlier this morning but I have to be present at the headquarters. He just texted the address to where I should meet him and that’s just it.

If this man pulls another prank with me I’d totally punch him. I snickered at that thought. Patrick is one of my closest friend on the team right before he retired last year, we always hang around during road trips and sometimes Zach Bauman and I spend the night at his place playing with his sons.

They love being surrounded with hockey players all the time, especially around me and Zach. Patrick’s sons do love us since we are really closest to their father and spends most of our free time at their house playing mini sticks and binge watch movies on their couch. Our team even jokes that Patrick do have four sons at home and two sons on the road which is Zach and I.

Patrick is indeed like a father and a big brother on the road. Even if I still see him around during games and during his family events that I get invited to, I still totally miss our bonding on the ice. And for sure, once I move out from Toronto I’ll miss him.

I arrived at a restaurant forty-five minutes later, the small restaurant is pretty far from the city itself and it makes me wonder how come Patrick drives all the way up to here just for me to meet someone. Patrick saw me first when I entered the said establishment.

He slapped my hands. “Glad you came.”

“What is going on?” I asked Pat right away because I am completely starting to get confused. “This place is way too far from the city. Who do you want me to meet?”

“Really important.” Pat said as we walk past several tables and head to a more exclusive corner in the said restaurant.

“And who is it exactly?”

“Your wife.” Pat drops which almost made me chuckle.

“My what?” I asked completely chuckling about how ridiculous that was. How can I have goddamn wife when I don’t even have a proper girlfriend. And most importantly, I don’t remembered myself attending my own wedding, however, Pat looks way too serious as he stares at me chuckling which somehow made me stop from doing so.

Shit! He’s not actually serious, is he?

“You really don’t remember, aren’t you?”

“Remember what?” I asked again but then suddenly I remembered the marriage joke they keep on telling me for years now. “Is this about the marriage you guys keep on talking about before?”

Fuck! I really got shitfaced that night that I don’t even remember any single memory of it.

“Yes.” He answered. “The fake marriage wasn’t fake, Austin.”

And that made me stop from walking. “The fuck are you talking about? What do you mean it wasn’t fake?”

“The marriage wasn’t fake.”

“How come it wasn’t fake?” I just kept on asking because I already felt the horror strike to my system. There’s no way I’m married! I’m way too young for that and I can’t be married on a goddamn stranger.

“You should ask Connors about that. I don’t exactly know the rest that happened that night but you’re married Austin and your wife wants to see you.” Patrick explained and I couldn’t think straight anymore.

Pat and I entered another exclusive path in the said restaurant. He guides me to a corner where there are only two pair of couples eating, as we walk towards a certain table, a tall chick with a wavy long brunette hair wearing a black dress stood up looking straight to my eyes.

She’s gorgeous.

That’s the only words I can describe her.

As we walk towards her I couldn’t help but stare on her gorgeous face and so was she, she’s looking straight to my soul. I couldn’t even breathe.

Damn! This is my wife?

She nodded to Patrick and so was he. “You guys go nuts!”

The girl smiled at me, the kind of smile that doesn’t even reach her azure eyes. She looks way too gorgeous from a far but up close?

She’s stunning. No, she’s striking! I seriously can’t breathe. Like I have to inhale really deep just to live, she’s literally taking my breath away.

Dude, if this is truly my wife I surely won’t complain. She’s breathtaking!

“Mr. Austin Pablo Geiser?” She said offering her hands for a handshake.

“Just--just Austin.” I replied trying real hard not to stutter while accepting her hands and just through those milliseconds of touching her I feel an immediate weirdness that makes my heart skip a beat.

She nodded. “Hello Austin. I’m Georgina Rodriguez.” She said shaking our hands and releases it.

She sighed after doing so. “I’m your wife.”