
3. Georgina

“This is really legit.” The man in front of me commented as he reads the contents of the certificate I gave to him.

I can’t believe I married this man.

He’s got a long hair, the moustache which makes him look something like Narcos. And I’m assuming he’s got a tattoo sleeve on his right arms because part of it are showing every time he moves his arms. He’s wearing a suit over a striped t-shirt paired with a white sneakers. I understand that he’s an athlete and all that and as far as I know they always make some stepping up when it comes to fashion and all that.

But all in all, he’s absolutely not my type! He’s even the exact opposite.

I like clean-cut gentleman, wearing suits like that is just their normal wardrobe. For short, a legitimate business man. I know, I am being biased because I am surrounded with those type of guys at my work plus Sean embodies it all. But ever since I was a kid, I already found myself marrying a business man myself and an architect just like me.

And yet, here we are!

“You’re really my wife.” I heard him sigh still staring at the paper. “I can’t believe I am married!”

“Why do you look like you’re even happy with this situation?” I asked completely annoyed with his expression because he is freaking smiling. Is he kidding me right now? There’s nothing to be happy about in this goddamn situation!

“Well, I just don’t see myself marrying. Especially at this age.” He answered and placed the paper down resting his two elbows on the table looking straight at me.

“There are many people who settles down at this age.” I countered because I am settling down myself.

“Well, not me. And yet—“

“Which is very wrong for the both of us.” I cut him out right away, I don’t have time to play around the bush. “And that therefore, we need to split up and file for divorce right away. Tomorrow will be good, actually. I have already called a lawyer to handle the ca—“

“What if I don’t want to?”

“What do you mean you don’t want to?”

“What if I want us to just stay married?”

Is he fucking serious right now?

“Mr. Geiser this is not a joke. This is a serious matter a—“

“I am serious.” He said looking straight to my eyes. I don’t know how I should describe the way he looks at me. There’s no hint of playfulness in there. Damn it! He really can’t be serious.

“We don’t know each other. Our marriage isn’t right. We need to end it!” I firmly said.

“Then let’s get to know each other. Let’s make our marriage right!”

“What’s the matter with you?” I already snapped. He is definitely making me lose my temper right now.

“Nothing!” He said resting his back on the chair looking like a champ. “I want us to stay married.”

“Do you want me to punch your face, kick your ass and strangle your balls right now?”

“Oh, you’re a violent woman! I like it.” He said winking at me.

I groaned loudly in frustration as I put my hands on my temples. This guy is a fucking nightmare!

“Oh sorry folks! My wife is having a bad day. Just ignore us, thank you!” He said which made me looked up and I just realized that I have caught the attention of the other people in the restaurant.

He is still plastering those annoying smiles when I looked on him.

“You’re unbelievable!” I commented in complete frustration and he just accepted it with complete finesse.

“Of course I am! I’m Austin Geiser.”

“I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about, but that wasn’t a compliment!”

“I can’t believe you don’t know who your husband is.” He said still grinning at me.

“Because I’m not interested.” I feistily said.

“Whatever. So, wifey! By the way, can I call you wifey?”

“’No. Because I am not your wife.”

“Oh, you can’t lie.” He playfully said waving the said certificate. “It says here that you are. Legally!”

I groaned again snatching the paper from his grip.

“We will get a divorce. No buts, no ifs. Just divorce!” I said once more and walked away from him.

Goddamn it! I’m surely going to have a hard time fixing all this things for sure. That guy was a psychopath asshole. Who does he think he is? I’ll totally murder him if only I can just for me to jeopardize and void our stupid marriage.

Screw him!

I left the table and go look for Patrick around and told him how huge of an asshole his teammate is when suddenly my phone rings. It’s my Dad calling.

“Good morning honey.” My Dad greeted. “How was Toronto?”

“How did you know I am here?” I asked completely surprised by his question.

I filed a one week leave in the office and told my Dad that I am going for a break just after I have done fulfilling all the projects assigned to me but I didn’t exactly told him that I am specifically going here in Toronto.

“Your mom called me yesterday.”

“Mom—mom called you? What did she say?” I stammered because I planned on not telling anyone of them because I literally know that my father loves to force me into hanging out with my mom and so was she.

And I don’t like it.

“She said you were doing some business with one of her neighbors before. I thought you’re getting a break why are you working?”

“Oh! Ohm…” I started because I don’t know what I would say. “I wasn’t working. I just happen to see one of her neighbors the first time I got here and they ask me if I can work for the interior design of their house so that is why.”

“That’s wonderful.” He replied and I thank god that he actually bought my lies. “I’m glad you visited your mom.”

“I didn’t.” I said right away. “I was just there to ask some information about her neighbor and that’s just it.”

“Georgina, you know how much your mom loves and misses you.”

Here we go again.

“Go spend some time with her. Perhaps, you should stay at her place while you’re there.” He added.

“Oh no, Dad. I’m fine.” I quickly said. See? This is what I am talking about. “I’ll be back there next week anyway.”

“No, George.”

“Seriously Dad, its fine.”

“You should stay at your Mom’s house—you know what we’ll talk once you’re back here next week I have a good news for you. Enjoy your break honey!”

“Alright Dad, bye!”

My Dad hangs up and I continue searching for Patrick inside the restaurant. When I spotted him drinking a coffee I immediately squatted my way into him and he noticed me right away.

“That man was ridiculous!” I hissed as I walk towards his table.

“Hey wifey, wait up!” Someone behind me called up and I don’t need to look back to know who owns the voice because I already know who it is.

I chose to ignore him and just talk to Patrick who’s now standing up. “Why? What happened?”

“He’s stupid! He doesn’t want to end our marriage. Who does that Pat?” I demanded just in time my jerk accidental husband joined us.

I glared on him but he just gave me a stupid grin and a wink. Urgh! What a jerk.

“What did you do Austin?” Patrick asked him and I totally appreciate it that he acts like the mediator in this situation, or should I say the father of this stupid jerk beside me.

I mean, I don’t blame him. If I were him I’d totally do the same because aside from the fact that he’s the older guy out here, he also plays a huge part of this mess. If it’s not because of his stupid dare, this wouldn’t have happened.

“Nothing! I just told her, I don’t want to end the marriage.” He said and all I did was just raised my hands in frustration and disbelief looking at Patrick with a see-what-I-mean look.

“And why would you want that?” Patrick asked and just like me he’s starting to feel the frustration too.

“I just need some time to think about it—“

“—and why would you need some time to think about it?” I inserted in total disbelief.

“I want to know what really happened that night—the whole damn story.” Austin reasoned out.

“Just why?” Patrick asks.

“Yeah.” I supplied. “Why? And what for? Seriously, there’s no point of knowing what happened here because it was all some kind of a bullshit dare.”

“If it’s bullshit, then we’re not here.” Austin replied.

I just literally dropped my jaw in total disbelief on how stupid and unbelievable this guy is.

“Why are you doing this?” I demanded annoyed this time.

“To fix our marriage, obviously.” He said grinning.

“Oh my God!” I exclaimed like almost the whole restaurant have heard it. “Hello? We’re complete strangers there’s nothing to fix about Mr. Geiser!”

He just sighed. “I need some time to think and while I do that, I need to know the whole story.”

I just rested my forehead on my palms after hearing his statement because I’m nothing but frustrated about this guy. Seriously, I want to strangle him! But I guess I don’t have any choice but to let him do his worse just for him to agree about the divorce.

If I have to deal and adjust on his stupidity just to persuade him, I will. Or even if it means me crying in front of him or whatsoever.

Gosh! Why would this whole thing turned out to be so difficult?

This man is overly unbelievable to no end!