
Chapter 16: Tasty Marrow  

AN: this Chapter is with Runeskru held captive by the Mountain Men. it will be Brief

--inner thoughts—

Begin Story

The day of Clarkes escape from the Bunker.

President Dante Wallace called Monty and Raven to his office.

Prez Dante: I am sad to tell you that Clarke has run off, and in doing so, she injured 2 civillians.

Monty and Raven pretended to act worried as was planned with Clarke earlier.

Monty: Oh no, why did she run?

Prez Dante: we believe that from the trauma of being attacked by those savages, Clarke has lost her sanity.

Hearing this Monty and Raven almost burst into laughter.

Prez Dante: My people have noticed that you and your friends are constantly in the Gym training, or Studying in the Library many Different Subjects.

Prez Dante: You have no need to Fear young ones. You are safe here in the Bunker.

Monty without lying said: We don't want to stay here the rest of our lives. We have gotten a taste of the surface and want to go back.

Raven agreed: Our people are studying so in the hopes that we go back to the surface we will be prepared to build a proper home and can defend it.

Prez Dante was impressed by the grit shown by the two.

Prez Dante: I admire your convictions, hopefully one day we will all be on the surface and feeling the sunshine. If you need anything from me please do not be afraid to ask.

Unknown to these three talking, Dante Wallace Jr. leaked a room where Maya was reading with radiation.

Dante jr then brought Maya to the medical centre, and sent for Jasper.

Dante asked jasper if he would be willing to do a blood donation to her.

Jasper agreed quickly.

1 Hour Later after Dante got the update from the lab about the effectiveness of Jaspers's blood.

Dante jr was told if they could get the marrow of those from the Ark, the people trapped in the bunker will finally feel fresh air on their skin.

Dante realising how Foolish Jasper can be approached him about donating some marrow to Maya, so that she can go to the surface and experience real sunlight.

 Jasper who was thinking of nothing but getting his dick wet, gladly agreed without thinking of any repercussion.

Now this all happened without Prez Dante or the rest of Runeskru knowing

By the end of the Day, Maya was let up to the surface, and proving the new treatments functionality.

Jasper that night staid with Maya in her home, unconcerned with the doom that he has brought on his friends.

The Next Day Dante Jr brought these findings to his father.

Hearing what was accomplished the President agreed.

The President went down to talk to those of Runeskru about donations of marrow.

The President decided to talk to Raven and Monty about this.

With Monty, Raven and Prez Dante


Prez Dante: I know you are upset, but after Jasper gave Marrow to young Maya, we have found that with your help we can go to the surface without bio suits and without dying.

Monty: I will talk to my people that are here. But we are only 54, while there are 1500 of you. We will not be able to help each of you without dying.

Raven: but if you can find any other Ark survivors, we will be able to help more of your people.

In 1 week, 54 marrow transplants happened.

But at the end of the week Dante jr held a coupe, taking his fathers spot as President.

Once this was done Dante Jr Started to forcefully take more marrow, before the people of Runeskru were recuperated.

This caused the death of 10 (including Sara)

Dante Sr, who already received a transplant listened to the please of Monty and Raven to stop the transplants and killing their friends.

Dante Sr Listened and was able to get his son to give them 3 days rest.

Now one may ask, why did the Runeskru not use their Magic to escape or fight back.

The answer to that was very simple. To live on earth were many different magics were forming. Those of Mount weather developed the ability to weaken and stop the use of magic in their presence. This came at the inability to use any active magic though.

On the last day of rest for the Marrow transplants, the earth shook. Sirens were Blaring, and soldiers were running to their stations.

Monty and the others who were in their Barracks realised who was causing this. Angus! Angus was here at last.

Realising they needed to act quickly, Runeskru mobbed the 3 Mountain men keeping them in the room and without magic.

Once the Magic was accessible again, the Earth users, bend the metal doors and cement so no one else could enter the room, and take their Marrow.

As this was happening


There was an army. 

Lexa brought half the Grounder Army while Angus came with his army, and Kane with 50 guards.