
That time I reincarnated as Noir

Harsh_Saharan_9700 · Anime und Comics
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2 Chs

A Pleasant surprise

Authors POV

In the vast expanse of barren lands and black sky we see a man with black hair lying unconscious, the most peculiar thing about this man is two red and gold locks of hair on his head. You guessed it right, it's our MC, now known as Noir, lying in the spirit world. After some time the man starts to wake up and groggily gets up. After looking around for some time he finally spoke

"So this is the spirit world, quite different from my imagination I see. This feeling of being a demon is also quite peculiar to me, I have never felt like it before. It's as if my body has stopped ageing. Well that's a perk of being a demon at least." after analysing the situation a bit he tried to find out about his powers, which came to him instinctively just like his title Noir.

Noir's Pov

"Hm? I seem to have got two unique skills

Great wisdom and Desire. Desire seems to be an enhanced version of skill Shion got in the show, what was its name again, yeah!Chef it was. Although it's only a surface power, complete analysis will have to wait till both skills complete their integration with my soul and from looks it will take a few months. Let's find something else to do till then and first let's fix these clothes, like hell I am going to wear these weird pants around". Saying it noir closed his eyes and started to feel and move his own magicule ,

'hm let's try that manifestation magic, now lets try the molecular reorganization approach'.

Slowly clothes of Noir started changing and  after some time he was standing in a luxury black tuxedo with gloves and all.

[Image here]

'Hmm, this magic is both simple and complex at the same time, although the concept is simple but calculation and control required are hard, although it's easier to just to use magicule to just  coagulate the mater together and than use imagination to to give it desired form , but it also waste quite a lot energy to form and maintain the end product as it's not to stable. Although the prior approach seems beneficial it is hard to achieve, if I was a human then I would have probably fried my brain by now but there is one more benefit of using the first approach'.

Just then VOICE OF THE WORLD spoke in his mind,

[Extra skill Molecular manipulation acquired]

Just after that a smirk formed on Noir's face.

'As expected, now let's move around a little and find other primordials'.

Time skip

It has been a few months since the birth of primordials and 'Great wisdom' and 'Desire' have finished assimilating in the soul of Noir. During this time Noir just made plans for the future and thought about new skills waiting for current skills to finish their assimilation.

Noir's Pov

"Ahhh man, it's so boring here, why haven't other demons born yet? How long will it take for others to be born? I have so many things to try on them and I also have to try all those anime moves as well tsunade's super strength,  jiraya's sage mode, black flash from jjk and all those spells I was designing".

(What? What were you thinking that he will be some evil mad scientist only thinking how to destroy everything! Well maybe he will but that's not the point. Point being once a otaku always a otaku.)

Just as Noir was ranting about some random bullshit, he felt something stirred in his soul and realised that his skills have completed the assimilation process and are ready for work. With a glee full smile he spoke,

"Hey great wisdom are you up and working now?"

{Notice- yes master}

"Nice and please stop doing that notice thing and try to follow human speech patterns".


"Nice, now as your first task I want you to make a complete analysis of me and my skills and report me your findings."


Currently there is no anomaly in the master's body or soul.

Master's current race is the Arc Demon,

There are two unique skills and five resistance skills and two extra skills.

Great wisdom has the following abilities:-

•Thought acceleration --

Enhances thought process up to 10000 times of original.

•All of creation --

Allow the individual to comprehend any non-concealed phenomenon.

•Parallel thinking --

Allow users to multitask by dividing the thought process.

•Chant annulment --

Enable users to cast magic without chant

•High comprehension --

Increase the passive ability of understanding and finding solutions to any issue.

•Instantaneous learning --

Enable users to instantly learn and master anything.

•Analysis --

Provide the holder ability to analyse any situation, individual, magic, skill, art, and object.

•Perfect memory --

Provide individual ability to remember everything and recall it without any issue.

Desire has the following abilities:-

•Desired outcome --

Allows the individual to manipulate the outcome of any action according to the user's desire.

Effects increase in case of stronger desire. Effects are also proportional to probability of outcome.

•Adaptive Evolution --

Allow individual to adapt and evolve to any unwanted effects, status, situation or attack.(Basically mahoraga from jjk)

•Modification --

Gives the power to modify anything under users authority.(Including magic spells and skills.)

•Creation --

Allow the individual to create anything as long as he has sufficient understanding of product and have sufficient magicule


It automatically regenerates any kind of wound as long as the user is alive.

•Desired enhancement --

Enhances all desired aspects of the user proportionally to the strength of desire.(Same as millim's skill furry but without the drawback of losing control.)

Master also has extra skill Molecular manipulation and extra skill magic sense alongside resistance skills spri}

Suddenly Noir spoke interrupting the skill great wisdom,

"Leave it at that I already know about them, but what I am curious about is why do you have the ability to respond on your own even though I never asked for it? You developed it during the assimilation period during past months, didn't you?" In noir's mind his thoughts were along the line of,

'This kind of development speed is both fascinating and terrifying!'

To Noir's query great wisdom replied,

{The answer is both affirmative and negative. I got this ability by absorbing a part of the master's soul during the assimilation process that was commanded by the unique skill 'Desire' in response to the master's desire for company.}

Although noir was surprised at first, he still calmed himself down and spoke in a serious voice,

"I see, so it's like that. Seems like 'Desire' also responds to my passive desires, I'll have to keep them in check from now on. And as for you 'great wisdom'?"

Seeing Noir deeply contemplate skill suggested to immediately reverse the process as it was supposed to be , to which Noir said,

"No, let it be, I was thinking to do it either way once you evolve in ultimate skill. Never thought it would happen so soon though. Well now that you have a soul of yourself you have become different from other skills. And since your existence came from me that makes me your father? or mother? Let's just say father for now as I am in male from."

After hearing Noir, the skill was unable to do anything as it felt, for the first time it felt something, and that feeling was joy but it went away just as soon as it came. Skill collected itself and replied,

{That is a way to look at it master.}

After some thinking noir finaly spoke,

"Yes let's go with that and stop calling me master you brat, it feels weird, just don't try betraye me or something, it will bad to fight you, you know?"

After Noir finished speaking 'great wisdom' spoke in his AI like voice

{I will never do such a thing.}

Although the tone was flat as always yet the speed at which the answer was quite fast, giving it all away. Smirking a little Noir spoke,

"Yeah whatever, although I am quite interested in how far you will go in your development, I am looking forward to it.

Feel free to give any advice you think is necessary or demand anything you want, but remember I am the one in charge and will make final decision. Understood!"

To Noir's words skill respond


Although on the surface the skill 'great wisdom' was the same as ever, but deep down it was feeling many surging emotions it never faced before like anxiousness, fear, confusion and finally joy and relief being only remaining alongside a desire to improve itself. For now great wisdom decided to put it all aside.

Meanwhile Noir was thinking

'It 's already developing so fast I thought I would have waited several centuries for it.'

After some silence noir started to walk again and said to no one in particular.

"This is going to be really fun."

Will Noir be invincible from the start


is there going to be some twist?

find out in next chapter!

Harsh_Saharan_9700creators' thoughts