
Chapter 5: You Fight Good

THIRD POV~~~~~~~~~~


Blaze silently yet fearlessly begin attacking shadow.

He focuses as he defends himself well.

Blaze smiles as she moves quickly not taking any breaks.

This is more fun than sparing with Sonic.

Shadow pushes Blaze off himself.

She paused. "Oh yeah, he's good." She mumbles to herself.

She lets out a giggle before speaking again. "Alright Shadow. Let's have some fun."

Shadow locked his eyes on her hands and shoes as they begin to smoke.

The smoke turned into flames.

Shadow froze then chuckles. "Hehe now we're talking."


After gym class all the students had plenty to talk about as they were on their way home.

Everyone except Shadow and Rouge was walking through the school parking lot. 

Blaze was trying to get her group of friends to stop praising her for her performance.

"Guys, stop it." She tries to get them to be more quiet. "It was nothing too great. Not me anyways. I believe Shadow did really well too."

"I'm not telling Shadow good job. It'll boost his ego way too high." Silver fumed. Causing the others to snicker.

"I mean he's not wrong, right Soniku?" Amy looks up to Sonic..

Sonic looks down to Amy. "Uuh yeah Ames. Ill prove it. When Shadow come out I'll tell him how awesome he was, and make his head explode from his ego." Sonic explains quickly..

"Sure?" Blaze sets her hands on her hips.

"Well.." Tikal points. "He's right there."

The groups turns around to see Shadow and Rouge walking out the building.

Sonic speeds up to Shadow. "Sup Shadow! You did great back th-"

"Out of my way, Faker."

The group then notices that Shadow and Rouge where walking right towards them.

He stops beside Blaze.

" Listen, princess. Back there w-was something that was not expected and I-"

Silver fold his arms. "Oh ho ho hooo. Not look at Shadow trying to-"

"Let me finish!" Shadow barks.

Silver shuts up with a smirk on his face.

"I *cough* uh. You...*cough* You fight good." Shadow says between coughs.

"Call me Blaze." She nods.

"Also,thank you! You did great too you know. Actually..Sonic if it's okay with you..

I'd like to be Shadow's partner for a while. I-if Shadow doesn't mind that is."

She looks between the two.

"Uuuh. What?" Rouge pokes her head in.

"Sure thing, Blaze! As long as we still get to race every now and then." Sonic holds a thumbs up. "Amy looks like we're going to be partners again."

"Yes!" She exclaims.

"Wait. I didn't agree to any of this." Shadow folds his arms.

There is no way he would want to keep being the Princess's  partner.

"Would you please? You're the only one that can show me your skill.." Blaze looks to Shadow with big eyes.

He froze for a moment.

"I suppose I'll take up the offer. Just don't annoy me." He mumbles.

Maybe there is.

As Rouge and Shadow was about to walk away until Blaze noticed his arm.

"Oh, your arms.. a-are they okay?"

Everyone looks down at Shadows arms as well.

There were a few burn marks that would be concerning for a common  mobian.

"I'm fine." Shadow continues walking.

"Now hold on Shadz, that looks prett-"

"I said I'm fine." Shadow walks away quickly.

"Shadow! Wait! Don't ignore me!" Rouge trails him.

The group watches them leave.

"Well I was going to ask Rouge if she wanted to study with us..." Amy sighed.

"It's fine. Maybe she can tag along next time." Tikal looks to Amy.

"Psh, we'll catch up with Shadow later." Sonic waves them off. "Us guys are gonna hang out."

Blaze looks to Silver. "Apparently." He shrugs with a smile.

"Cmon Silver! Let's go hunt down Knuckles and Tails!" Sonic starts strutting off.

"Oh! Alright then!" Silver levitates catching up to Sonic.


During math today Blaze had invited Tikal over to study with her. Tikal then thought I'd be nice to invite Amy, who was planning on asking Rouge to join.

See there's a chain there.

Her room turned silent for a moment...

There has been many awkward silences..

Blaze hasn't really talked to girls her age.

"Ugh, I do NOT  want to study anymore.."

Amy sighs catching their attention.

Blaze groans as well. Finally someone spoke.

Tikal laughs closing her textbook.

"Would you rather talk about Sonic?"

"Yes! Let's do that! He-uh. Hold on a second. " Amy goes from being excited to looking at Blaze folding her arms.

"Blaze-don't lie to me. Do YOU have a crush on Sonic?"

Tikal looks to Blaze as well.

Well..this is sorta awkward.

"Would you like for me to answer honestly?" Blaze shrugs.


"Like how I feel honestly ?"


"You sure?"

Amy looks to Blaze not pleased.

Blaze sigh with a giggle. She was just messing around.

"Uh to be honest...Sonic and I do get along very well, and he isn't ugly.." Blaze thought aloud.

"But, I rather have Sonic as a good friend than a potential boyfriend- or boyfriend at all."

"So...no?" Amy asks getting excited again.

"Not at all."

"Thank goodness I don't have to murder you in your sleep." Amy laughs with a dramatic sigh.

"She what?.." Blaze mumbles while glancing to Tikal.

"Ignore that part, Blaze" Tikal laughs at my confused face..

"Okay okay. Silvers next!" Amy smirks to Tikal, who blushes lightly.

"What about him?" Blaze got up to stretch.

"Tikal has a crush on him." Amy spins around.

Blaze smiles to herself.

"I think that'll work out fine." She sits on her bed. "Silver talks about you all the time, Tikal. Don't tell him I said anything but, he likes you as well.."

She looks to the floor hiding her face . "Oh-really?"

"Absolutely. You should ever have to worry about him not being interested."

The room went silent for a few seconds.

"I'm gland we are on good terms, Amy." Blaze nods to her. "Though we had a lot of fun, I felt sorta bad that I took your gym partner away. I just like a challenge, and Sonic was strongest." She explained.

Amy sits in one of the bean bags cushions that was in the room. "Yeah. I really appreciate that..So you like Shadow right?" She changes the subject.

Blaze froze entirely.


Amy and Tikal exchanged glances.

"Are you sure Blaze.."

"Yes. Of course I am. I uh don't mean to insult him or anything. Shadow is a... he isn't bad looking." She explains.

"Oh, speaking of Shadow..The principle called me to the office. She told me that I have to watch Shadow and let her know if he acts too much out of character.."

"Ooh I bet you're excited,huh. To spend time with your crush like that." Amy puts her hands together.

"I am excited, but not because he's my crush-cause he's not my crush. I am excited because I am glad to help one of our friends. " she close her eyes with a smile.

"I'm sure that's what it is.." Tikal grins to Amy.

"Don't worry Blaze we'll keep your little secret safe...from Rouge." Amy looks back to Tikal..

Blaze ignores them as she sighs deeply in her bed..

"Does Rouge know? I feel like she won't be very happy." Tikal thinks.

Amy shrugs.

Blaze looks off. "Either way it's  not going to change anything. Principle orders."