
Chapter 4: partners

Blaze POV~~~~~~~~~~

I'm going through my regular stretches before our gym teacher gives us any instructions. I sigh deeply calming myself- trying not to get too excited.

I just really do enjoy this class so much.

I attempted to focus on my stretches, but the other students are way too talkative.

"Look, Shadows here.."

"What? Why ?"

"He probably heard about Blaze?"

"Is he going to challenge her?"

I can't let them distract me.

What's so important about him anyways? The huge ego he has? It's the biggest I've ever seen..

Then again..I've been raised in just a castle..

"Back off! Get outta my way!"

My ears flicker from that voice.

I turn my head to see Shadow pushing through a few students.

So rude.

Other students quickly got out of his way as if he ran the place..

Which he doesn't.

His red crimson eyes could be seen a mile away. I've got to say his streaks are fascinating..but he's still rude.

"Starring are we?" Tikal giggles from behind me.

No I wasn't starring.

" He just caught my attention for a short while." I look over to her. She continues to laugh.

"Rouge came as well. I think she will be out with Amy any moment now." Tikal smiles.

Oh. I wonder why Auntie Jennifer didn't ask me to look over Rouge or anything, I suppose her grades weren't as bad.

She hasn't seen me in this class either..

Our gym instructor enters the gym apologizing for his lateness then begins to give us instructions on what would be going on today..

"For now we're just going to focus on being on the defensive side of the fight."

He explains, then allows students to begin on the mat that he pulled out.

The fire proof mat. I glanced down at it. Ive seen one like it at home, I actually used it.

Enough about the mat though.

I watched intensely at the two students currently fighting. I was acquainted with one of them- his name was Knuckles, who was on the offense. His form always looks almost perfect in the beginning, then he gets sloppy if he gets too ticked off.

Short tempered, but still good.

I'd say he'll make a good instructor himself one day.

"Psst, Blaze."

I quickly turn around to see Silver on my shoulder giving me a small wave.

"Hey Silver. Where is Sonic?" I asked him. I need my partner..

He shrugged.

Oh Sonic. He's so fast yet, so late.

"That's enough you two." The instructor sighs deeply catching my attention.

"Blaze, would you like to demonstrate?"

Me? Gosh where is Sonic? He's my partner.

"Uh, I cannot find my partner. Perha-"

"I'll be your partner."

I was cut off by the now familiar voice of no other than Shadow.

The students around us began to chatter. I turn to face Shadow as he walks up to me.

"So first you did not wish to speak to me. Now you'd like to be my partner in gym class?" I ask raising a brow.

What is this hedgehog's game?

He says nothing, but just glares at me.

Not speaking, huh. "Fine." I sigh.

"Great. Now you two get ready- Ima go grab some popcorn." The instructor turns his back to us.

"I'm going to destroy you. In front of everyone. You are no match for me and I will prove it." Shadow says through gritted teeth, yet still manage to get spit on me.

"Thou shall say it, but not spray it."

I stare then walk to my side of the mat.

If he wants to be my partner, then I suppose he's going to be my partner..

"Blaze, you're going defensive. Begin."

I get in my fighting stance ready for him to strike at me.

Shadow throws a few punches left and right. I dodge and block him barely. He takes a few steps back staring me down.

Then charges at me again punching faster and adding a few kicks.

I dodge those as well. He backs away again.

I can see the amount of force he's putting on those punches.

Geez, is he TRYING to hurt me.

"Anyone can dodge a few punches."

Shadow breathes taking a few steps to his right.

I move to my right as well. Looks like someone is out of shape.  How long has he been skipping?

I stay silent as we circle around each other. He isn't bad.

Not at all..

Shadow then smirks. "Try dodging this."

There was a flash, and Shadow was no more.


"Oof!" I forcefully stagger forward from being kicked in the back.

Uh is that aloud?

I quickly turn around to a smirking shadow. I take a few steps away from him looking to the instructor.

"Wait-can he do that? Can we use our powers?" I asked almost frantically.

The instructor shrugs.  W-what? How does he not know?

"Hehe. Don't get scared now, princess.  I'm just getting started.."

Shadow chuckles from behind me.

Wish I could have gotten a heads up..

"You want to use your powers? Fine then. Come at me." I sigh.

I've dealt with something like this before. I'll manage.

In a flash he teleports again ,but this time going for a punch. I catch his arm, his fist barely missing my face.

I look back at his face to see him shocked, then angry again.

He teleports going for a blow to my head.

I dodge and take a step back.

This is fun.

I can feel a smile appearing on my face as I prepare to endure more attacks.

Students began taking sides and cheering us on.

"Haha get em Blaze!" I here Sonic exclaimed.

I mentally shake my head at him, or the so called Blue Blur. So enthusiastic.

I continue to avoid Shadow as he sends me his attacks until our instructor orders for us to stop. He wanted a few more student to go before Shadow and I switched. Shadow would be going defensive next.

I glance at shadow for a quick second to see him looking frustrated. Seems that he wanted to go longer.

As I step off the mat dusting my clothes off my friends can up to speak with me.

"Blaze, still as amazing as ever." Silver chuckles.

" You looked good. You have some skill." Amy doesn't make eye contact with me as she clings to Sonic's arm.

Sonic sends me a Thumbs up.

Tikal sighs. "Just be safe."

I nod to her as other students begin to spar. I turn my attention to them silently judge them.

Mid way into it I felt as if I was being watched. I glanced round the room till my gaze met with a pair of red crimson eyes.

I stared at them waiting to see something negative or rude.

But he did nothing.

The way he moved as he sent attacks my way. I couldn't watch it closely because I was avoiding  him but, they seemed perfect.

We continue to stare from across the gym. Those red, hypnotizing-

"Uh Blaze you okay?" Silver waves a hand in front of me. Getting my attention.

"Oh! Uh yes I'm fine..." I look away from Shadow to the floor.

"Ooo I think I know what's going on.." I watched Amy folds her arms.

"Is that a blush a see? A tiny little shade of pink perhaps?"

No Amy you don't. You're seeing things.

"Don't be ridiculous, Amy. " I close my eyes taking a deep sigh.

"Shadow, Blaze? Ready to continue?" The Instructor nods.

We step back on the mat. This time I'll be attacking while Shadow attempts to defend himself.

We eye one another again as we get ready.

