
Terror of the Apocalypse

When the Comet burned through the heavens and landed on Theia, everything changed. A virus spread through the world at a sickening pace, desperate to infect every living being and turn them into something... superior. The infected individuals became rabid monsters hell-bent on consuming not only the healthy ones, but would even turn on themselves. The more they consumed, the stronger they became. Then there was humanity. When the world went to shit the darkness in their hearts was finally unleashed and allowed to flourish, showing their true nature. They committed all kinds of atrocities against their fellow man, even during these troubled times. But then again, you can't really blame them can you? They are just... inferior beings after all. That's why it's my duty to show them a better path. To make them all infected. Because once they see the glory of it, they will thank me. Treat me like a Messiah. Or even a God. Instead of calling me names like 'The Monster' or 'The Devil'. Go in with low expectations. I'm not good at writing.

KalamityAllTaken · Aktion
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67 Chs

Chapter 33: Week Five: Saturday

"So... they can see me now?" Alice questioned with confusion in her voice. At the moment, she was standing in front of a dozen normal infected. Similar to Jason, they made way for her and tried to stay out of her path.

"I guess so? I wonder if eating the Mimic changed something?" This was the only conclusion Jason could come to that made a lick of sense.

With a shrug of her shoulders, her nails came to their full length as she approached the infected. The closest one to her seemed to notice her intent and tried running. But within just a second, Alice closed the distance and easily stabbed the infected in the back of the head. Her nails went straight through the brain and came out the forehead.

The others tried running, but didn't get far. Even though the Mimic paled in comparison to other special infected in terms of speed and strength, the common ones still stood no chance.

With deep breaths, Alice returned to Jason's side showing a toothy smile. During her little massacre, blood splashed all over her face and gave her a frightening look. 


To Jason however, she looked even more stunning. With a quick kiss on the lips, he wiped the blood off her face and together they continued on their journey back home. Of course, that was after a little meal.

A few minutes later, hand in hand, Jason began a conversation to pass the time and deepen his relationship with his love even further.

"Hey Alice? Can you tell me about your childhood? Your family too?" Alice's ears perked up and some happiness bloomed within her. She was glad he wanted to know more and more about her. Though, her voice was a bit down when bringing up her past.

"Me and Lily never had the best childhood growing up. Our 'parents' were awful people and deserved the things that happened to them." Suddenly, her voice became frosty when speaking about her parents, and her eyes gained a cold look.

"Our 'father' was a piece of shit alcoholic degenerate gambler who wasted all our money. He was almost always drunk and beat the both of us harshly. Always blamed us for 'mother's' actions."

Jason grit his teeth at the thought of the both of them going through that. Although he didn't care for Lily as much as Alice, he still considered her a close friend. After all, she was his sister in-law.

"I wish I could kill that bastard with my own hands! How dare he! No! That's too merciful! Even using his skin as furniture is too good for him!"

His free hand tightened so much Alice could hear the bones cracking in protest. She squeezed his hand and continued her story, with a little less coldness to it. Jason's concern lifted her spirits.

"Now for our 'mother'. She was barely around and when she was, made no attempt to stop 'father's' actions. Hell, she even joined in when he was off gambling." She paused, before taking a deep breath and lifting her shirt to show her stomach. There, Jason could see multiple scars from cigarettes.

"I've... never shown this to anyone. Except Lily." Alice's voice was trembling a little bit. She was scared Jason would be disgusted with her. 

The man himself could tell what she was worried about and kissed her head. His free hand came over to her stomach and caressed it lightly.

"Did you think that would scare me off? Too bad you're stuck with me for eternity darling." Alice smiled brilliantly and lowered her shirt. She continued on with her story.

"When she wasn't around, she was busy getting fucked by any man who wanted it. She was, quite literally, railed by half the town. Though, some of the guys she brought home were actually good people and gave us some cash." She chuckled when remembering the fun interactions with a few of them.

"One of them even took us to an arcade and a fancy restaurant afterwards. Bought us clothes and all kinds of goodies. But... he was soon kicked out by 'mother'." She sighed and shook her head. That man would have been a good step-father.

Jason listened quietly and didn't interrupt again. But his anger spiked once more when learning of their slut mother.

"Anyway, one day the whore decided enough was enough and ran away with some rich sixty year old." Alice suddenly snorted.

"We learned a few years later he dropped her ass only a few months in. Ironically enough, she caught him cheating on her!" The duo laughed loudly at the same time. After a few moments, Alice continued.

"So when she left, 'father' became much angrier and the beatings were more frequent. Then one fateful day, when Lily was sixteen, she walked into his room late at night and stabbed him to death. Turns out he wanted to sell us to his loan sharks to pay for the debts." The sudden turn stunned Jason briefly, but then he spit on the ground and smiled.

"Good riddance. Your sister did the right thing in taking out the trash." Alice looked at him strangely. The way he said that was almost as if he was envious.

"But wait!" Jason's eyes widened as he thought of something. 

"Is this the crime Lily got away with?" Alice nodded with a smile.

"Yup. See, just a day before, the drunk bastard got into a heated argument with the neighbor. It escalated and punches were thrown before being broken up. Now why is that important?" Before she could continue, Jason answered.

"She framed him." He had an impressed look on his face.

'Wow! She is awesome!' 

"That's right. After an hour, Lily called the police with a frantic voice. They arrived and questioned us and the neighbors. Obviously, they suspected the guy who got into an argument with the victim just yesterday. They asked him to come down to the station and search his house. But then! He refused!" Jason was on the edge of his seat listening to the story. Metaphorical seat anyway.

"The police left and returned with a search warrant. They found the bloody knife inside the trash that had his fingerprints all over it. Thing is, just before killing the sack of trash, Lily snuck into the neighbor's house and stole his kitchen knife."

"Then something I never could of anticipated happened. The fucker had 100 gigabytes of child porn all over his computer! I mean, I always knew he was creepy. But not to this extent."

Alice paused for a brief instant, recalling all the times she caught him looking at young children. She always though it was a little weird how he stared at them so intently.

A chill went down her spine when remembering the one time he cornered her in the supermarket. Before, she never thought anything of it. But now she was telling the story, a sudden realization struck her in the heart.

'He... was definitely up to no good that day.' The creepy smile and him offering her some candy made Alice squeeze Jason's hand tighter for comfort. Thankfully, Lily saved her and brought her away from him. Just another reason she loved her sister deeply.

"Anyway, they took his sorry ass away and with the money we got from some of the nice guys, we were able to move here. The... End!" Alice finished her story with a slight bow, which Jason freed his hand so he could clap. She giggled and retook his hand when he was finished.

"So what about you?" Jason's eyes shook slightly when she asked that.

"What about me?" Alice could sense the difference in his voice and turned to look at him.

"Your childhood?" Jason was staring at the bloody and ruined street ahead of him with blank eyes. He sighed and prepared to speak. But then, they heard a commotion.

From up ahead, the two of them could hear the sounds of something big coming. Whatever it was, it was extremely large and fast. Thankfully, Jason could sense it wasn't a Behemoth or anything else like that.

Suddenly, a gray shadow jumped out from a wide alleyway and landed in the middle of the street. As it stood in place, Alice and Jason were able to get a good look at it. 

"No way... Usain Bolter?!" Jason's voice was low in an effort to not draw any attention. Alice was a little shocked and looked at the gray humanoid thing who was staring at the alley.

She had heard him talk about Usain Bolter before, but seeing him in the flesh made her realize Jason didn't do him justice.

"He looks like an alien. How freaky!" Alice whispered. Next to her, Jason nodded his head in agreement.

The body of Usain Bolter was fully gray and completely hairless. His eyes had no pupils and were entirely black. The arms and legs were far longer than the rest of his body, almost making him look like Slenderman.

"Oh!" Jason pointed at the bottom portion of Usain Bolter.

"He's got no junk!" They both stared at his smooth groin region and chuckled to themselves.

Even though he wasn't as frail as before, he was still much thinner then other infected. Even Alice had more meat on her bones than him. His height had changed a little and he became slightly taller, standing at 7ft.

There was a slight cut on the side of his leg that was bleeding a little. However, the blood was not red but instead a milky white.

Even from twenty meters away, the duo could smell his blood. It was... delicious. But not enough to make them lose their minds.

Usain Bolter hastily looked around with a hunched over back. Soon, his eyes locked onto the duo. His weird face was full of fear as he lightly whimpered and ran off down the street opposite them.

With nimble movements, he easily climbed the buildings and moved from roof to roof before disappearing from their sight. The two of them were stunned at the sheer speed he had, especially Jason.

"Even though I'm fast, there is no way in hell I could even match half of that speed." Usain Bolter was easily three times faster then previously. He truly deserved the name of Usain.

Before they could think anymore on that, a massive brown beast came from out the same alley. While it looked for it's prey, Jason and Alice stared at it with strange faces.

"Is that... a grizzly bear?" Jason asked, memories of the demonic pitbull named Cupcake came flooding back. Maybe his words could come true?

'Am I secretly a God? Can my words influence reality?'

"I guess so? Must've escaped from Pally's Beasty Zoo. He's so big though..." A normal grizzly bear would usually be five feet tall without standing on it's hind legs, and eight feet once upright. This thing was easily double that.

"Alice... go hide over to the side." Once the bear noticed them, it roared like a monster from Hell and rushed them. It's speed wasn't as slow as it's tank-like form suggested. 

Knowing she would be of no help, Alice ran to a broken car and hid behind it. She prayed Jason would make it through this in one piece.

Seeing it come faster than expected, Jason waited until it was so close he could smell it's racid breath. Dodging a downward swipe of it's left paw by sidestepping to the left, he punched with all his might at the beast's ribcage. But all it did was make the bear growl slightly in pain before turning it's head at him.

"This feels like a dream..." Jason frowned as he said that and jumped back to dodge another strike. What he meant was the feeling of punching something in a dream, only for it to become jello and do zero damage.

'Must be all that fucking fat. I should use my nails.' As his punches seemed to do little damage, he instead opted to use his other weapon. 

Jason rushed in and closed the distance between him and the bear. The beast tried snapping at him with it's massive jaws, but hit empty air instead. Jason had jumped high up and landed on top of the bear's head. Within a split second, he dug both of his hands into the grizzly bear's eyes. Due to the length of the nails, they almost reached it's brain.

The grizzly bear screamed in pain and tried to fling the pest of it's head, but Jason held firm. The bear suddenly ran foward and without knowing what was in front of it, managed to hit the side of a building. Due to the impact, Jason flew off and landed a few feet away.

The now blind bear panicked slightly at it's loss of sight, turning it's head left and right frantically. Not giving it a chance to adapt, Jason immediately ran towards it and was about to slice it's stomach open when the bear suddenly switched tunes.

Jason had no choice but to bring up his right arm to block an incoming paw swinging at his head. When it landed, he skidded across the road for several meters before stopping. His right arm felt numb, but was fortunately still in working condition.

'The hell was that?' Jason frowned at seeing the sudden change in attitude. Did it... trick him into coming closer? 

'It might be blind now, but it's not deaf. Probably heard my fat feet stomping on the ground.' Now, Jason was much more cautious and moved towards the bear with silent steps.

The blind beast's ears twitched slightly. Although just barely, it could hear him. However, the bear didn't show it and instead slowly turned it's head away from him.

When Jason was just a few feet from it's head, and the bear was about to rip this rat's heart out, a loud crashing noise came from the opposite side. Since the bear's senses were heightened to their peak, all his focus immediately shifted towards the origin of the sound.

From where he was standing, Jason was somewhat shocked but did the let this chance slip. Closing the distance with full speed, he slipped underneath the blind bear's neck and sliced it's throat open. Pools of blood flowed out of the beast as it roared in massive pain. 

Before Jason could move away, the bear managed one last clean hit on his back and sent him flying foward.

"Jason!" Alice came up swiftly and supported him as he fell to the ground. The clothes and skin on his back was torn open from the bear's claws.

"Fucking hell that stings!" He gritted his teeth as he got up.

When they both looked at the bear, they saw it take a few wobbly steps towards them before collapsing. After a few labored breaths, it stopped moving.

"Are you okay?" Alice asked softly, her hand hovering over his wounds. It pained her to see him like this.

Jason nodded his head and hissed slightly.

"Fine. Just hurts a little bit is all. But anyway, nice job distracting him! Up high!" He gave her a bloody high-five as she happily smiled at his praise.

"Well..." Alice flipped her hair back dramatically and pointed her nose at the sky.

"My trashcan throwing skills are unparalleled! It's only natural after all!" She laughed haughtily as Jason joined in. 

"But, you were pretty damn awesome yourself." Her eyes soon drifted over to the dead bear and she licked her lips.

"So... are we going to eat it?" But she became disappointed when Jason shook his head.

"No, this'll be for Killgore. She hasn't had a good meal yet." He looked at it's dead corpse with a worried expression.

"How am I to get this back though?" Jason walked to the dead bear and grabbed it's paw. Pulling as hard as he could, he managed to drag it across the road. Though, it would be a slow process.

After an hour of constant dragging and talking, Jason had no choice but to stop as another foe appeared. Luckily, Jason had met a few infected along the road who volunteered to be sacrifices and heal his wounds.

"Can't get a break can we?" In front of them was an eight foot tall Juggernaut chomping down on some poor woman. By the weak struggling, she was clearly still alive even though most of her body was eaten.

He stared at the dastardly duo with a surprised expression before huffing and puffing in rage.

Dropping his food on the ground, he crossed his arms together and bent his back foward a little. Immediately, he ran fowards like an angry bull hellbent on smashing through them. Alice already moved away as Jason waited in place.

As for the woman? She tried crawling away with one arm, crying softly with dead eyes. But, what was even the point? After watching her children get eaten alive in front of her, could she go on living?

When the big bull was close, Jason easily stepped out of the way and watched as the Juggernaut kept going for a few more meters.

Jason ran after him and by the time he stopped and turned around, he was already in front of him. With a quick and powerful uppercut, the Juggernaut's knees buckled slightly as he became staggered.

Only after taking another four quick, but strong punches to the jaw did he try fighting back. He angrily roared and threw a straight punch with all his built up fury. 

But Jason leaned his body to the right and grabbed his arm with both hands. With a grunt of effort, Jason spun around and threw the stunned Juggernaut over his shoulder; slamming him onto the ground.

"Woah! Badass!" Alice exclaimed off to the side as she jumped like a child. She loved watching him fight. It was exhilarating. When would she be able to do that?

The Juggernaut felt his head buzz due to the impact and saw little cartoon birds flying around his head. Suddenly, Jason appeared over him with his nails at the ready and thrust downward. With widened eyes, the Juggernaut was just barely able to stop the attack by placing his hand in front of him.

The nails went straight through his palm and stopped just a centimeter before his eyeballs. Before he could sigh in relief, a stinging pain came from the side of his head. The lights in his eyes faded and his limbs softened. His last thought, was about the birds. What were they?

Jason removed his left hand from the Juggernaut's skull and made his nails return to normal. After licking the blood and bits of brain matter off his fingers, he waved his hand over to Alice and smiled.

"This one, we can eat." He was excited not only for the increase in strength, but also for Alice. With this guy in her stomach, she should be able to handle herself just fine. Plus, she could really use the extra height. 

The two cannibals dug into the Juggernaut ravenously, as if they hadn't eaten for days. When only bones remained, the both of them stood up and welcomed a new set of changes along with the familiar black veins. It seemed like they would accompany them through every evolution.

For Jason, he received an increase in both strength and the durability of his skin. The fat on his body receded again and made way for more muscle, getting him closer and closer to looking like a Greek God.

Similar to last, he gained two inches of height bringing him in at 6ft 8in. He grinned when he felt his crotch move slightly. When he took a little peek, it seemed like he gained another inch down below as well.

'Wait. This won't continue every time right?' There was some worry his cock would grow and grow until it couldn't fit Alice at all. 

'But what if she gets bigger as well? And... deeper?' Jason looked at his lovely partner and saw her going through a transformation.

Alice had the obvious gains of strength and durability. But the most prominent change was the height and muscle development. She had easily gained an extra three inches of height bringing her in at 5ft 7in, making her tower of her sister by an inch. Her visible arms had gained enough muscle to almost catch up to Lily, who constantly worked out. Even her assets gained some extra cushion.

Alice snapped out of her addicted state and turned to Jason with a big fat smile.

"I feel... so strong!" She clenched her fists and watched in amazement as her muscles rippled with power. 

Jason chuckled and lifted his shirt, showing his incredible abs. He marveled at them for a second before speaking to her.

"Go ahead. Punch me as hard as you can." Alice hesitated for a few seconds and voiced her concerns.

"Are you sure?" She didn't want to hurt him by accident or cause any sort of pain. But when she saw him laugh out loud like it was the funniest thing in the world, she suddenly wanted to see him keel over and worship the ground she walked.

"Don't worry sweet cakes! No chance in hell you can hurt me. Now, give it a try." Jason had a smug smile on his face that irritated Alice to no end.

She pulled back her arm and launched a sloppy punch right at his stomach. Even though she had some training with Lily after the would-be rapist, it didn't mean she suddenly became an expert martial artist. 

When the punch landed on Jason, there was a tiny little boom. For the victim himself, all he felt was this prick of pain. It was practically nothing. 

"Hm." Jason frowned a little. 

"What? What's wrong?" Despite wanting to hurt him a little, she couldn't help but feel some concern.

'I think I did more damage to myself though...' Alice thought as her hand throbbed in pain.

"You're strong enough for a normal human, as that punch could easily kill someone, but for the special infected it's not enough. You need more." He was telling the harsh truth. If Alice were to fight an infected, even if she were stronger and faster than them, she would most likely die.

As Jason lowered his shirt, he took a bone and grabbed the bear's paw to drag it.

"Being stronger or faster then something doesn't automatically mean you win. But don't worry. I'll train you up good. You'll become a certified Badass Warrior Princess in no time!" Alice giggled at that and followed behind after him, grabbing the other paw and helping him.


By the time Alice and Jason reached the apartments, it was quite late. Maybe an hour or two before night arrived. They had stopped dragging the bear and left it out on the street for two reasons. One, it wouldn't fit in the doorway as it was too... big boned.

The other reason was because they had a guest. A man was trying his best to free himself from the bear trap currently keeping him in place. 

"Nice! We caught a human!" Jason gave Alice a high-five, who then looked at their captive with a grin.

"So, what do we do with it? Put it into a ball and force it to fight for our entertainment?" Jason looked at her strangely.

"You know about Slavemon?" He didn't think a girl like her would have played a game like that. 

Alice looked at him with a bright smile and became super enthusiastic.

"Of course! That game was my guilty pleasure since middle-school! My favorite Slavemon was The Dark Gurgle!" Jason joined in and became excited talking about his childhood game.

"I know right? He was so edgy looking, but so cool! What about-" They went on and on about the game and their favorite Slavemons, most annoying Slavers to fight, the works. Completely forgetting about the man in the trap.

Suddenly, Jason grabbed Alice's head with both hands and gave her a meaty kiss.

"God I fucking love you!" He was beyond happy to learn about her gaming nature. It made her seem so much more awesome in his eyes.

She gave him another kiss before repeating the same.

"I love you too." She grinned like a fool before coughing lightly and looking at their prisoner.

"So... what should we do with him?" Only now did Jason take a look at their guest.

As for the man caught in the trap, he was confused on what they were talking about. Some nerd shit game? Slavemons? Were they insane?

"Hm. I... have an idea." Jason walked closer to the man

"Hey friends! Do you think you could give me a hand here?! Shit hurts like a son of a bitch!" Seeing them walk towards him, the captive sighed with relief. He had been stuck here for the last hour trying to get out.

'Wait a second...' As they came closer, he got a better look at Jason and his face changed slightly.

'Isn't that the motherfucker Ram told me about?' Before he could think any longer on that, Jason grabbed him roughly by the shoulder and acted like they were friends.

"Sorry about this pal! Well, not really." The sadistic smile on his face gave the man chills. Especially when the girl next to him did the same.

Jason's finger nails came to their full length as he stabbed them into the man's body. Ever since he had gotten the Mimic's memories on how to copy people, he had this strange sensation that it was a flawed method. Thankfully, this kind soul willingly delivered himself to be experimented on.

The nails dug deep into the man's flesh and caused him terrible pain, but what came next made him want death. It felt like there was some kind of worm burrowing inside his mind and sucking the memories out of him.

"..." He tried to scream, but all that came out was silence. His body was stuck in place as it dissolved visibly to the naked eye.

Underneath his skin, Jason's nails and fingers had turned into black tendrils that dug deeper and deeper into his victim's body. He was taking everything. His personality, memories, voice, and physical form. 

After a few seconds of this process, the man's body had disappeared and fused into Jason. Clothes and all. However, there was no change on the surface. 

Jason was currently sifting through the man's memories at an extremely fast pace. From birth, little league baseball, first crush, getting his shit kicked in and girlfriend stolen, and eventually final moments. There was one part of his memories that Jason focused on, The Reapers. Especially someone called Michael who was the leader.

The man, Robert, was full of respect and fear towards this person. As for why he was here caught in the trap? It was simple. He was looking for Jason. Michael had given him strict orders to only observe from a distance once finding out where he called home.

'Alright, let's give this a shot.' Jason decided to try out his new shape-shifting ability. As soon as he willed it, there was a slight itch in his throat as the rest of his body started rippling slightly. Almost like water on the surface of a lake.

His bones made loud cracking sounds as they became smaller, scaring Alice. As the muscles shifted and changed, his height went down and down until reaching 5ft 10in. After another few seconds, the rest of his body followed including hair and eye color.

"This is trippy." Jason's voice was completely different from before, becoming lighter and not as deep.

"Woah..." Alice poked his arm to see if he was real and was surprised. It didn't feel fake in the slightest. Especially the clothes. 

'That... makes no sense.' 

"How does it feel?" She asked him. Jason thought about it for a few moments.

"Strange to be sure. Having someone else's... everything inside me. I have all his little quirks, dreams and ambitions, and even the health problems like shit oral care." He opened his mouth and showed normal human teeth, but ones that were poorly taken care of. 

Suddenly, he grinned deviously.

"I can definitely do something fun with this. Sneak into Michael's base and fuck with him." Jason had a bad impression of The Reapers and Michael himself. There was only one reason, but it was a valid one. Rape. He hated rape.

"Who?" Alice asked in confusion. She watched in amazement as Jason returned to his normal form within a split second and took her hand. Even his ripped clothes came back.

"I'll tell you on the way up." And so he told her everything he knew from Robert's memories.

The base where Michael was hold up just so happened to be the same location the kid from the supermarket told him about. He never did get around to finding it's location. Too many things happened and he eventually forgot about it.

He also talked about their numbers, weapons, his plan to infiltrate them, and... naughty activities they performed. Which made Alice disgusted.

"Ugh! Filthy bastards!" For obvious reasons, she wasn't a fan of rape or rapists.

Finally, they had reached Jason's apartment. He let go of her and put his hand on the doorknob. There was some worry in him that Killgore would attack her on sight.

"Wait here. Let me talk to her first." He opened the door and stepped inside before shutting it behind him.

Hearing the noise, Killgore came running. She stopped right in front of him and wagged her tail, which moved against her will. Though, she will admit she was happy he returned.

'But why did my meatbag change again? Will he... do that again?' She thought as she stared at his crotch with a strange look.

Jason bent down and rubbed her head, raising an eyebrow at where she was looking.

"I know I know. I'm the most handsome thing in all creation. But it can't work between us! For I... belong to another! No! Don't weep!" As he kept playing around jokingly, Killgore looked at him like he was retarded.

'Why would he even think that?' More and more everyday, she believed her meatbag was batshit insane.

"Now listen up sweetheart. I'm gonna bring someone in and if you nip at her, I'll snap your neck. M'kay?" The casual way he threatened her with death scared Killgore a little, who quickly nodded her head.

"That's a good girl." That smile and his tone of voice when he said that only made her fear run deeper.

Jason got behind her and held the scruff of her neck with one hand. As he gripped her tight, he yelled out.

"Come in!" Alice hesitantly entered and came closer to the calm Killgore. Seeing how everything was going alright, she brought her hand to Killgore's nose.

The beautiful killing machine sniffed and frowned slightly.

'She smells... like my meatbag.' After a few more sniffs, she had it all figured out.

'His mate. I see. Maybe I should do something like this...' Killgore licked her hand a little, which made Alice smile happily.

As Jason let Killgore go, Alice rubbed the top of her head and scratched behind her ears.

'O-Oh! That's... good...' Alice had hit a sweet point that made Killgore's eyes close halfway. Suddenly, she snapped out of it and backed away hastily.

'Seductress! Witch! Not that easy to get on my good side!' She sneakily wiped away the drool on her mouth with a paw and eyed the witch warily, wondering if she used that same sorcery on her meatbag.

"By the way Killgore, I brought you home something delicious. It's all the way downstairs out in the street." Hearing that, Killgore immediately ran off and out of the apartment. She was beyond starving.

When she got there, her eyes lit up in joy when looking at the mountain of food in front of her.

'I love my meatbag!'

Then, it was just the two of them. Alice looked around the place with curiosity.

"I've never seen your place before. It's nice." 

"Let me give you the 'grand' tour then." He then started showing her around. The area he used to work out which contained his dumbells and such, his genius level trap, his old bloody hammer framed on the wall, his game console, and finally the bedroom.

"This is where the magic happens. And then there's this little bastard right here." Jason brought her to the skull of the first Juggernaut he killed. Suddenly, he remembered something.

"Almost forgot. Wait here." He ran out of the room and returned just a few minutes later with a jar of water. Inside that jar was the Mimic's eyeball. 

Jason cleaned off a shelf next to the skull and placed the jar on top of it. He tapped the glass lightly and chuckled when the eye moved.

"Welcome to your new home, bitch. You even have a roommate! Don't say I never did anything for you. Now, there's some ground rules-" Alice found it funny how he had a full blown conversation with an eyeball in a jar and a skull nailed to the wall.

Eventually, the two made their way to Jason's bed and laid on top of it. As the they spoke to each other for about five minutes, their bodies became closer and closer until their faces were only a few inches apart. Suddenly, Alice leaned in and kissed him on the lips. Not shying away, Jason placed the his right hand on the back of her head and deepened the kiss further.

After a minute, their tongues began exploring the other person's mouth. The both of them were a little hesitant since this was their first time, but soon enough they were fighting for dominance. Then, Alice's hands started roaming Jason's body. Not wanting to be outdone, he did the same. 

His right hand left her head and went down to her neck. Gently rubbing it, he went to her shoulders and did the same thing. Then, he felt her hand travel to his groin and manhandle it. Reluctantly, he pulled away from her with heavy breaths.

"Are you sure about this Alice?" He got his answer pretty quick when she squeezed his hardening cock. She looked at him with loving and sultry eyes.

"Very sure. We might die tomorrow, so why not live today?" Her breaths were just as heavy. Suddenly, Jason snorted and smiled.

"What a cheesy line." They both laughed as their lips came together once more.

Unlike before, they were much more rough with each other. With their lips still connected, they began tearing of each other's clothes instead of taking them off normally. Their minds were too far gone with lust to care about something like that.

Once naked and on top of her, Jason grabbed his rock hard eight inch cock and lined it up with Alice's untouched cave. Just as he was about to put it inside, he heard his love speak up.

"Be... gentle. It's my first time." She said with a worried look. Jason leaned down and kissed her gently.

"Mine too." Alice felt much better knowing they were each other's first. She nodded her head and got ready for the pain. 

Getting the go ahead, Jason inserted his cock into Alice and pushed fowards slowly. Inch by inch, his dick disappeared into her until he felt a slight resistance. With a strong thrust, he broke her hymen and fully hilted himself inside her all in one go. But aside from a little bit of blood, there was no gasp of pain.

Both of them were currently experiencing a level of pleasure they had never felt before. It was so powerful they both moaned loudly even though there was no movement. As for Alice, unlike what she heard, there was no pain at all. Only pleasure. An addictive amount.

Since they were still lost in the rush of dopamine, they didn't see the massive amount of black veins traveling from Jason's groin region and into Alice. It spread through her entire body, even reaching her heart and brain. Only after a few minutes did they look down at the same time. The phenomenon was still going on, but was less than previously.

But they didn't care much for it. Jason's hips slowly moved back before thrusting foward again. Alice locked her legs around his waist as he sawed in and out of her with a steady rhythm. Her heels dug into him, egging him on further.

When Jason leaned down to take her lips once more, he interlocked his fingers with her's and held her hands down. After a few seconds had passed, Alice separated from him and moaned gently before asking him something. 

"Fuck me harder!" Jason was afraid of hurting her, so he didn't go as rough as he wanted too. But now, he was given full reign.

With hard thrusts, Jason pounded her into the bed with brute-like ferocity that would easily kill a normal woman. Alice's moans became louder and louder as her lover destroyed her insides. There was no pain, only pleasure. Looking at his neck, she thought of something.

As her teeth changed into their other form, even while still being held down, she leaned up and bit into his neck so hard he began bleeding.

"What was that for?" Jason asked amused with heavy breaths, his thrusts slowing. Alice laid back on the bed with a bloody mouth and wild hair, her teeth still the same monstrous form. She licked her lips and stared dead into his eyes.

"Marking you as mine." Those words lit a fire in his heart. With renewed vigor he thrust his cock into her as hard as he could, making her moan deeply. At the same time, his teeth changed into their fanged form and he bit her neck the exact same as she did to him. 

Even though she felt pain, she moaned loudly at the act of him claiming her as his.

Suddenly, after another powerful thrust, the bed broke underneath them. They both looked at each other shocked before bursting out laughing. They kissed each other deeply, tasting each other's delicious blood, and switched positions to doggystyle.

Jason slammed his meat rod back into it's warm and cozy home, becoming rougher and rougher with her as time went on.

"Faster! Harder!" Especially when she asked for it so eagerly. 

As his right hand smushed her head into the pillow, she bit into it and wrapped her arms around it's fluffiness to brace herself. They were like primal beasts whose sole purpose was to breed.

After a few more minutes of rough sex, he leaned down onto her back with his sweaty chest sticking to her and whispered into her ear.

"I'm coming!" She whimpered, but made no effort to stop him. Despite how risky it was. She wanted it badly.

With a few extra hard thrusts, his white and slightly black milk splattered inside with enough force to destroy a normal womb. They both moaned loudly at the same time as Alice came as well, her pussy tightening like crazy and her eyes rolling into the back of her head.

Her juices overflowed onto Jason's cock and all over the sheets. Feeling his warm and thick goo build up inside her, Alice purred contently like a cat.

Jason bucked his hips once, twice, thrice. Trying his hardest to push his cum further and further inside her. 

The both if them panted heavily and stayed in that position for a few minutes. Until... Alice felt something.

"Wanna go again?" She looked behind her with a sweaty face and spoke seductively, her hips swaying from side to side. Inside her, she could feel the already hardening cock tense up at her words.

"Gladly." Jason smiled and kissed her on the lips before separating and moving again.

As his thrusts regained their harshness, he grabbed her arms and locked them together behind her back. Alice's mind was completely gone from lust and she could only think of one thing.

"Break me!" Her loud screaming only made him go harder. With his left hand holding her arms, his right slapped her ass so hard it left a red handprint.

Alice loved this position, the submissiveness of it. Being bred like a bitch. She never wanted the pleasure to end, and neither did he.


Killgore made her way up the stairs with a belly that was so full it distended downwards. Even after eating her fill, and then some, there was still plenty of meat left. But if she ate anymore, her stomach would explode. 

She was full of happiness as she stepped into the hallway. This meal would help her immensely and give her lots of strength.

"Oh fucking hell!" Hearing the clapping sounds and loud moans coming from the meatbag's apartment made her pause. 

'Are they... mating? Or fighting?' She only guessed because she too had never done such a thing before.

Instead of going into the apartment, she stopped outside the door and laid down. She would wait until they were done before going to bed.

But even after three hours, they were still going.

'When will this end?!' Killgore thought with her paws over her ears. They did little to stop the constant moans.