

Scott and Stiles. The best of friends.....through thick and thin. Thin indeed. With Kate Argent dead and Peter Hale's brutalized remains six feet under, it seemed their newly changed world had once again changed and now, the two Shape-Shifters had even less help with their mentor gone on his own power trip... Power. The two needed to learn it's value and how to capture it fast. Beacon Hill's was beginning to live up to it's name in the worst way. It seemed to have become a beacon to their worst nightmares. The Argent Family and all of it's high caliber hunters, their weirdly ominous benefactors, and a new mindless serial killer with a very real connection and difference from the WereWolves of Beacon Hills. So many new forms of adversity....so little help..... Speaking of beacons. Another was drawn to the small town of horrors. A young man from a place very different from the coddled western world. A man moving with his own principals, ideals and supernatural origin. An origin intertwined with that of Zeus, Lycaon and The Druids. One motive led him, one directive guided his hand. The question was, to whom did it align with inside the town of terror? The Hunters? Their mysterious Benefactors? Or Scott and his friends who were in dire need of a functioning Pack? Then again, maybe it all meshed together into one ball of supernatural violence and deadly alliances. Only one way to know for sure....

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TEENBEAST Cast/AU World Info

Sup guys, thought I'd go ahead and make this auxillary chap for those seeking imagery and rehashing of information on teenwolf pertaining to my universe. Obviously, SPOILERS BELOW!


Cast/Stats Info

Scott McCall: 16 years old, brown hair, brown eyes, 5'9, 200lbs. True Alpha WereWolf, (Partial) Full Synthesis. (See Partially Synthesized form here.)

Mieczyslaw Stilinski (Stiles): 16 years old, light brown hair, brown eyes, 6'1, 175lbs. WereCoyote/WereLite, (Partial) Full Synthesis. (See Partially Synthesized form here.)

Derek Hale: 22 years old, black hair, brown eyes, 6'0, 195lbs. Alpha WereWolf, (Partial) Full Synthesis. (See Partially Synthesized form here.)

Erica Reyes: 16 years old, blonde hair, light brown eyes, 5'10, 160lbs. Grey Lion/Onurian, Full Synthesis achieved. (See Full Synthesis form here)

Vernon Boyd: 16 years old, black hair, brown eyes, 6'4, 210lbs, Grey Lion/Onurian, Partial Synthesis. (See form here.)

Victoria Argent: 48 years old, red hair, blue eyes, 5'8, 165lbd. Grey Lion/Onurian, Full Synthesis achieved. (See form here)

Marco Mihos: MC, 16 years old, black hair, brown eyes, 6'9, 260lbs, Grey Lion (Vengeance Bound), Full Synthesis. (See forms here.)

Kat: OC neighbor of Marco, 23 years old, brown hair, white eyes, 5'5 155lbs. Blind human.

Alison Argent: 16 years old, dark brown hair, brown eyes, 5'8, 140lbs. Human, trained huntress.

Lydia Martin: 16 years old, red hair( strawberry blonde) green eyes, 5'6, 150lbs. Current cause of powers and psychosis unknown.

Alan Deaton: Age Unknown, bald, 5'10, 170lbs, Druid Emmisary of The Beast Pack of Beacon Hills/Beasts of Beacon.

Y'all know everyone else thus far….(I'll add more in time.)


World AU Info

Known Shifter Races as of Volume 2:

WereWolf: Born from the curse cast on Lycaon from Zeus, men and women needed to learn to revert to their human forms by Druids offering aid. Overtime this bond became normal and all WereWolf packs now have Druids. Due to Zeuses curse, WereWolves also have an internal Spark that is the epitome of their power and demise. WereWolves have the strongest Bite Force of all Shifters, decent power and the highest Stamina, allowing them to rundown anyone and anything. Even a car if necessary. Weaknesses to Silver, Wolfsbane, Mountain Ash and loud sounds are known. Pack sizes usually cruise from 3-40.

WereCoyote/WereLite: Sometime down the road of WereWolf history, they were altered. At least a small subset of them, creating the evolved WereCoyote. This subspecies of WereWolf doesn't need a vicious bite or scratch to be changed. Instead they work off inheritances which are painless in transference and can skip generations, which throws off hunters. WereCoyotes are identical to WereWolves in every way just smaller, thinner and faster on average. They can also assume a quadrapedal full coyote form that looks more like long legged hound with sabered fangs. (Kind of like how Druids are said to be able to shift into Wolfhounds…..ERHM…..anyway.) Strengths tend to be centered around speed and agility. Not as strong as WereWolves or ferocious. For this same reason they don't feel the pull of The Full Moon as intensely either. WereCoyotes join into WereWolf packs

Kanima: Reptilian Shifter born from the WereWolf Spark being twisted by someone with a cold soul (cold careless and cruel natured person.). The Kanima is a killer that follows the command of another like itself. Where Wolves seek a pack, Kanima's seek a master. Can fly on dragon-like wings, use thermal vision, paralyze with claws soaked in natural toxins. Weakness to Silver.

Grey Lion: Grey Lions have origins possibly inspired by Zeus and his pantheon. The same way Lycaon was cursed, protectors of the pyramids in Egypt were blessed by Anhur the God of War to become a leonine warrior race of men and women. Overtime statues and imagery of them made its way into historical texts and statues. (Sphinx, Cats in artwork etc.) eventually the race of god blessed people travelled as the gods lost prominence/relevance. During this time Africa and Greece were known to be in trade with one another. This overlapping caused the WereWolves to hybridize with the Onurian people creating Grey Lions and the offset group of the German based Lowenmensche. Grey Lions are the biggest of the known Shifters, they tend to have lower stamina due to their large stature but incredible explosiveness and power. The males have higher defense due to thicker skin while the females tend to be faster and more graceful hunters. Prides tend to be from 3-20 members led by a hunting group of women and defended by male guardians meaning packs have two Alphas.

FULL SYNTHESIS: A way of life/phenomena lost in the western world due to Hunters skillfully spreading lies throughout the shifter families to weaken and neuter them over time. Due to them being Shifters, forms are fluid and everchanging. This also means some are stronger than others. Fully Synthesizing with the animal nature of yourself as a Shifter allows you to grow stronger, shift more intensely and use abilities you didn't know you had. (Fully Synthesizing is something Peter Hale did in season 1. Unfortunately the animal nature in him was twisted and deformed by his trauma meaning he had to connect his animalistic urge to hunt with his depressed and traumatized urge to murder.)


Argents: Historically prominent Hunting family originating in France and said to be the slayers of The Beast of Gevaudan. Known to be the ones to spread lies through WereWolf packs in the west, reducing them to side burned teens with sharp teeth. Lead by strategically sound women and martially trained men.

Warlocks: Historically prominent Genocidal Military Unit dating back to the 5-6th Centuries AD. Known to overpower and swallow other hunting groups and use the power of Runes and dark magics to kill Shifters in droves. Last large purge was the Genocide of The Grey Lions.

In time I’ll add more but for now this what we workin with! Lmk what ya think and thanks for reading!

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