
Chapter 13: Just have fun

(Holly, well done guys didn't expect to meet it. This is gonna be the 5th one this week and probably the last for the week since idw be uploading every week. Well that's unless u meet the insane target of 200. 200 power stones b4 Sunday, and u get 1 more chapter. If not, the usual 3 a week.)

Chapter 13: Just have fun

"Not exactly, I guess." Noshiko said.

"I am a part of Japanese myth, just like you are now involved in Greek myth and Christinaty."

"Here, I found the requirements for a Triton to awaken." Mr Nakamura said as he passed his wife a texture that was in Japanese.

"Awakening has to occur at the age below 5, the Trintos have to be extremely close to music and the harmony of the world and they have to have a strong sense of kinship that can never break with music itself." Noshiko read.

"But that literally contradicts the Cherubims condition of breaking up all connections to the mortal world." I voiced out.

"Look, we are learning as we go as well. You have 2 of the most powerful specieses blood flowing through your veins, so give it some time. Norika and I will look for more passages, and eventually help you gain control of your powers."

"Alright," I said, standing up and preparing to leave.

Before I left, I asked," By the way, do Banshees and Cherubims have anything in common?" I asked.

"Oooooo I would avoid Banshees right now if possible." Mr Nakamura said.

"Why's that?"

"Cherubims are a sort of angels to God, Banshees are Heralds of death in Irish folktales, they would innately be attracted to a servant of something so pure. Adding the fact that you're a Triton, a demigod, and loves music, a Banshee would be further attracted to you due to their screeches. You would not be repulsed by it at all. So before controlling your powers, no Banshee." He said clearly.

"Well I might have a slight problem…"

5am, right on time, I woke up once more.

I had sent Mike a finished version of my song at about 3 last night so it's up to him to send me Jessica's contract, set up my channel and spotify account and plan my entire management strategies.

I am pretty sure todays the day Stiles knows he's the Nogitsune completely due to his 'sleep-walking.'

But that starts at night and I still have not decided if I want to intervene yet.

I knew where he was already, but I really could not intervene in this part of the story. It involved me in no way shape or form yet, it's all about Stiles.

Going to school today, I didn't really do anything out of the ordinary until gym class. When it reached the gym, which I had an exception for, I walked to the principal's office to ask him something.

"You want to start a Music Band to make up for your gym credits?" He asked, after hearing my proposal.

What I wanted to do was actually simple, I wanted to teach some of the people in the Manga club music. Some of them seemed interested, and maybe they might even want to learn some anime openings.

I knew Brendon was a massive fan of Naruto, so I might even teach him how to play Hokage's funeral and prepare him for the skills required for it.

"Sure, I am okay with that. You need a supervisor for your band though, so I suggest telling Mrs Harrison, the senior music teacher so she can even train you guys." He told me, giving me his approval.

I also nodded at his suggestion and as I was about to leave he asked me," Mr Augestine, has your eczema reduced?"

"Ah yes, the doctor gave me this new cream which made it way better. I still cannot sweat too much though."

"Noted. Well then be on your way." He told me, as I walked back to the gym. I still had to stay in class, just sitting at the sidelines.

"GREENBERG RUN FASTER!" Flinstock was still yelling when I entered back into the gym, and I turned to the benches to see Yasmine sitting on them.

I didn't want to be bothered by her, so I sat on the floor near the entrance and decided to text check my texts.

(Author's noteL: Look, I want MC Music to be released without a long ass time, so copyrights happen instantly. Suits law is weird anyway)

I had already gotten the copyrights for my song and Mike had made me a Youtube, Spotify and Facebook account.

In this world, Spotify had released recently, around 12 months ago, and Harvey saw their potential so he has them as a client.

That meant that I had their advertisement services behind me as well which was amazing.

[Benjamin: Hi Mathew. Micheal told me that you me wanted to talk to me]

[Me: Yes Benjamin, I was wondering if you wanted to have a business venture with me]

[Benjamin: Sure Mathew, I trust your brain. What is it about?]

[Me: Well you hate Zuckerberg right?]

[Benjamin: Any true CS major would hate him, he doesn't know how to code his way out of a simple…(nerd shit)]

[Me: Ok Benjamin, this would hurt Zuckerberg for sure. As a start, who don't I tell you about the all you can eat breakfast pass I am giving you for a month :)))]

As I talked to Benjamin about my plans to acquire Instagram, currently being developed as Burbn, Yasmine walked closer to me and stood near me.

"Hey." She called out, as I continued to use my phone.

"You know you're not allowed to use your phone here?" She told me, but I simply ignored her. I could sense her emotions, and while she seemed to want to say something nice, she still held her arrogance.

So I simply decided to not give her the time of the day, and plug in my headphones.

Not like coach cared anyway, after I gave him a Lacrosse season pass for Mischief Night, since I wanted him on my good side, and I loved his character, he let me do whatever I want.

[Mike: I can upload it anytime. Even the video you sent to me looks fine. Donna sent it to a professional video editor we know and I signed a contract at a cut rate price with him. It is simple editing though but he made it flashy like you asked, here's the video]

I then checked my email to see the video he had sent.

I wasn't going for anything too grand with my videos. I was going for the marketing idea of an artist I knew from my previous world, Boywithuke. I wore a simple massive mask with a Question Mark on the center.

Then, I told Mike to edit it to something similar to 'that's what I like' by bruno mars, but since that song didn't exist here, I described it to him.

[Me: Looks good, how much did it cost?]

[Mike: The editor said it would be around $7,000 for videos like this. He is a pro, and Donna got him, so it's worth it]

[Me: Alright then, let's get ready to overwork him. What's the name of the channel?]

[Mike: Didn't you ask for It to be Juiceworld?]

As I checked the channel's name, I was happy Mike made the name like what I had asked. I am taking on the name of a legend and was extremely happy about it.

[Me: Upload it then. Do whatever you want for marketing and send me the bill at the end of the quarter]

[Mike: About that, I was thinking of stockpiling a couple of songs. Maybe release 14 in a row as an album?]

[Me: Hmmmmmm, well that works too but I don't really want to create an entire album with the same themes. I want to experiment with the songs.]

[Mike: You're going to be shitting out songs anyway so it doesn't matter I guess. Just have fun with it.]