
Teen Wolf: The Singer

Mathew. Someone who was the entire world knows, is blessed by god. Every single instrument he had picked up since the age of 5, he had mastered with relative ease. It took him a year with the piano, to reach levels current musicians took decades to reach, and he was only a good. Only his talent was not a blessing but was a curse. Being taken advantage of since the age of 7, he was destined to live a life of sorrow. When he was 14, he was taken away from the public eye since he had finally broken down. His progress in instrument stopped. He started playing worse, getting sick more often, and the only reason he stayed alive was for Archer. However one day when he was 16, 2 years after being taken away from the publics eye, even Archer wasn't enough for him to stay alive. But when he opened his eyes one day, he was different. Mathew had changed, and now, he would travel to a certain part in the world, to find out why God had placed this curse on him. I do not own the cover or any characters that are not original in this work.

Fat_Cultivator · Filme
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27 Chs

Chapter 1: Suits

Chapter 1: Suits

The office is located on the top floor of the Pearson Specter Litt law firm in New York City.

The decor is sleek and modern, with dark wood paneling, plush leather chairs, and a large desk at the center of the room.

Behind the desk is a floor-to-ceiling window that provides a stunning view of the New York City skyline.

The walls are adorned with various works of art, including several abstract paintings and framed diplomas and awards.

The office also features an entire music collection, for Harvey to use as he pleases, something he had collected from clients over many years.

Harvey Specter's office is designed to project an image of power, success, and sophistication. It is a reflection of the character's personality and status within the firm.

Inside of Harveys Office, there was a young man thanking him profusely.

The young man was around 16 years old, standing at 1.82m height, he had wavy black hair which he didn't seem to have cut in a long time, since it fell to his neck and did not seem to be well taken care of.

He had a malnourished body, since he clearly was too skinny even inside of the suit he was wearing, and his hands and fingers had plenty of bruises and cuts.

"Thank you Mr. Spector." He said, with an extreme happiness in his voice.

Harvey looked at the kid, with emotion in his eyes. This was a case that Mike had brought to him, since he needed help in solving it, however Harvey had to quickly break one of his rules in taking care of clients.

Don't become emotionally attached to the client.

"Don't mention it Mathew. It's the least I could do." He said, as he shook the young man's hand.

As Harvey and the kid now identified as Marcus spoke, 3 other people entered inside of the room.

They were Jessica Pearson, Donna Paulson and Mike Rose.

When Mathew saw Mike, he immediately walked over to him and thanked him as well.

"Thank you for taking my case…nobody wanted to go up against my parents for me." Mathew said with emotion in his voice.

"It's…the least we could do." Said Mike, as he turned to Harvey and nodded.

Mathew turned to Jessica to thank her as well, but she quickly raised her hands and said," Oh don't look at me, I had nothing to do with it. It was all Harvey and Mike."

Mathew nodded at her, as Donne walked up, and revealed a cake from behind her back.

It was an Oreo-Ice Cream cake with beautiful frosting decorations on it. It wasn't too big, but the point wasn't the size of the cake, but the sentimental value the cake held to the young man.

Donna winked at him as she said," Don't worry, it's on Harveys Card."

Mathew couldn't help but smile. He has to thank the stars and everything in existence for that 1 night 2 months ago. When he was given his memories from his other life.

(POV Mathew)

I felt happy for the first time in many, many years. Considering that right now, I have 2 different sets of memories.

One is me from another world, where all the people I am interacting with are fictional characters. I am from a world where I had the opportunity to live a semi-normal life. One with nothing to do with this dreaded activity.

A me from a world which has much, much better and more advanced music. I might have enjoyed life there.

And then there is me from this world. One who had to go through hell ever since I picked up an instrument at the age of 5.

I still remember the days dad was around…when he would show me the true beauty of music and not the monstrosity behind it.

I watched as Jessica and Donna eventually left the room, to leave me with Harvey and Mike.

Mike sat down on the couch from the opposite side of me, as Harvey poured us all glasses of scotch, and passed it to each of us.

"Alcohol to a minor Harvey?" Donna asked, from outside of the office.

It was around midnight right now, so barely anyone else was in the office.

"What are they gonna do? Press charges? With me here?" Harvey questioned back, as she sat on the seat in the middle of the couches.

Donna smiled and didn't say anything, as I had my first taste of alcohol in this world.

Even in my past world, I never had Scotch before, so the slightly numbing taste at the back of my throat was definitely a new experience.

"That was a brutal case." Mike said, as he leaned back a little, and loosened his tie.

Harvey smiled at him but didn't say anything to disagree.

Getting emancipation from one's own family, considering that that family owned a company on par with the Fortune 500 and didn't want to let go of their greatest 'asset' was definitely hard.

"What are your plans for now, Mathew?" Harry asked, breaking the silence.

Looking down at the glass for a bit, I tried to gather my thoughts.

Recently, I have been feeling a pull from a certain side of the world.

It started when I came to this world. It wasn't strong at first, however it got stronger and stronger and about 4 days ago a name came into my mind.

'Beacon Hills.'

I knew which show that name was from. I knew if I didn't go there with sufficient preparation I might die.

I knew that going there was a stupid decision, considering what I had to fight to live, and now I might put my life in danger.

But now I really want to go there…it was this sense of a feeling of home, something that I had missed for a long time.

"I've been thinking about moving to Beacon Hills." I shared my thoughts with the pair/

"Where's that?" Harvey asked as he looked at me as if I was joking.

"It's a town in California. I saw something about it in the paper a couple of months ago." Mike, Mr. Photographic memory said.

"Why there? Any place in the world would want to have you. Even if they don't, I can get you anywhere with a phone call." Harvey said, as he put his glass down.

"I know it seems rash but I want to be able to live my life peacefully for a couple of years. Stay away from the world at least for a couple of months." I explained my intentions.

"That's fair." Harvey said, as he started to refill his glass.

Mike and I turned to look at him in shock.

"Did they update his programming at some time?" I asked Mike.

"No, update emotions isn't scheduled for another 5 years." Mike replied as Harvey looked at us with an annoyed expression.

"Harvey!" Donna said, as she quickly walked into the office.

"What is it Donna?" Harvey asked as he saw Donna panicking slightly.

"I just got a call…Alisha Hardman just died." She stated.

Harvey just looked at her for a second, before sighing a little.

"Why does it matter if Alisha Hardman is dead?" Mike asked, however Harvey gave him a look as if to say, not right now.

"Well Harvey, I believe it is time to go." I said, as I stood up.

Things were about to get messy for the main cast, dealing with Danial Hardman.

"Alright, let me know if there is anything I can do to help. While I know it's a bit early, Happy Birthday." Harvey said, as he shook my hand.

"If I ever need a lawyer, you 2 will always be the first I call." I said, as they smiled back at me while I walked out of the office.

After walking out, I saw Ray waiting for me, and then followed him as he dropped me off inside of my hotel.

After going up to my suite, I flopped onto the bed and tried to gather my thoughts.

Removing my suit, I couldn't help but feel slightly disgusted at my extremely skinny features.

I decided to order some room service, something a couple of months ago I never thought I would be able to do at all.

Soon, as I started eating my Pizza, I got a call from a number I had never seen before.

"Hi Mathew. I am Venessa, a friend of Harveys. He was saying something about setting up a new identity for you?" She asked over the call.

Dam, Harvey sure does move fast.