
Teen wolf:the legend of stiles stikinksi

What if stiles got the bite that night in the woods?what if a new stiles was born that day?how would this affect the story?Find out by reading!

Shadowking123 · TV
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21 Chs

chapter 19:The uprising

In the forest a man who ran as fast as a cheetah was running rapidly in the forest.


A man with beast like features and dark red eyes stabbed the man in the back with his claws and lifted him up in the air.

???:ahhh!Please!I beg of you!Mercy!

"You should know by now,I don't show mercy to my enemies"The man said as he took his claws out of him and thrn threw him on a nearby tree and stabbed him with a stake.

"Tsk,were-cheetahs they really fucking piss me off"

New York City

Derek hale could be seen in a bar when he saw a familiar face.

Derek:Hello,stiles what the hell are you doing here?

Stiles:Well,I came for you?

Derek:What?you want me to come back?How did you even get here anyways?

Stiles:Now,that is my business but I need you to tell me how to get a tattoo.

Derek:a what?

Stiles:a tat-

But before stiles could finish Derek cut him off.

Derek:I heard you the first time,but why do you want one?

Stiles:Well,it signifies a new me you know?and the fact that I am an Alpha aswell I kind of want to give of a 'mysterious boss'kind of vibe when others seem me you know?

Derek looked at Stiles and gave him a 'really?'look as he raised his eyebrows at stiles.

"Oh come on Derek?Do you know how I can get a permanent tattoo or not?"Stiles asked trustingly.

Derek:Yeah,ok I do.

Beacon hills county hospital

A blonde haired teenager could be seen in the hospital with what looked like faded bite marks on his neck and bruises on his body.

The blonde haired teenager was Jackson he slowly opened his eyes to reveal a strawberry blonde haired Banchi with a worried look on her face.

Lydia:Jackson!Jackson!what happend?

Jackson:I don't know.but why would you care?arent you with stiles?

Lydia:What?But that doesn't mean that I still don't worry about you.

Jackson:Lydia,just go away ok?I don't need your sympathy.

Lydia looked hurt at Jackson's word and walked out of the hospital room leaving jackson to replay the event that happend all over again.

Until,Jackson realised something he quickly touched his neck and felt like a wound there but he knew he had been bitten.even though he was In pain Jackson smirked to himself.

Beacon hills high

Danny walked in to the changing rooms when he heard a faint sound coming from by the tap area.

Danny:Josh,I swear if that's you I'm gonna kick your ass again.

But Danny heard no sound he quicy got out his fangs as his eyes glowed yellow as he turned on his senses.

Danny then recognised the sense but before he could do anything he got bashed into one of the lockers.

Danny then got up ready to fight back but got bashed on to the other side of the locker.

Danny then saw what looked like a big muscled bald headed man with dark red eyes before the man got out his claws and stabbed Danny in the ribcage.

Danny's eyes glowed yellow as he growled in pain as the unknown man said "Tell your Alpha to meet us by The Hale house after school the man said as he twirsted his claws in Danny's ribs once again as Danny groaned "and tell

Him to not be late deucallion doesn't like to be kept waiting."

The man then left the changing rooms leaving a hurt Danny on the ground with blood left on his body.

Danny then stood up and went to the shower to clean off the blood before he left to go and roam the school when he was found by Scott.


Scott heard his name called and looked at Danny and looked suprised "oh shit,Danny are you ok wait what are you doing stop that!"

Scott said as he dragged Danny on his shoulders outside of the school.

Scott:Are,you insane?Whwat were you thinking almost turning out there in the hallways and why are you all sweaty.

Danny:I'll tell you later just were is stiles?

Scott:I don't know ok but you need help I think I know someone who could help come on.

Scott said as he ran to the clinic with Danny.

Beacon hills,clinic

A dark skinned man could be seen in the clinic when he saw someone walk in.

"Long time no see old freind?"

The dark skinned man look up in suprise as he said "you?why are you here?back in town?after all these years?"

"Oh my oh my deaton you seem angry?what not happy to see me?"

"no I'm not,look you can't be hear this town has changed since them days."

"Oh deaton,I know that very well and I don't plan to stay I just came to deliver a message."

"Oh,and what's the message?"Deaton asked in curiosity as he looked at the man infront of him.

"Have you heard of the "prophecy of The destroyer?"

Deaton looked shocked as he said "Yes legend says that the prophecy entails a monster that destroys other monters a werewolf that kills other werewolf an Alpha."

"Yes,well the prophecy is real and you need to make sure to stop it."

"What?how is it real?and who is the destroyer?is it gonna happen in this town?how am I meant to stop it?

"Yes it will happen in this town and your a Druid you will know what to do you will find out who it is soon and you must stop him and if not"The order"will make there move.

"I understand,I'll stop the prophecy."

"Well,then bye old freind it was nice visiting."The man said as he left the clinic.

Scott ran to the clinic carrying Danny on his back as he ran faster to dragons clinic driving he ran inside when deaton noticed him.

Deaton:Scott?whats going on?who is that?

Scott:It's danny hed a werewolf like me he need help I don't know what happend but it's really bad.

Deaton:Put,him on the table get the tools quickly.

Deaton then took Danny's clothes of as he inspected the wound.

"It's a claw mark,from an Alpha."

Scott:what?you mean stiles did this?

"I mean it could be,do you know if there are any other Alphas in town?"

Scott:what?no?but I haven't seen stiles in days left time I talked to him he said he was going somewhere and that he was gonna come back.

Danny was groaning on the table as he said"It..it wasn't stiles it was someone else."

Deaton:Ok,who was it can you give us a description?

Danny:It..was this big man he was bald and he was definetly an Alpha and he said something ab-

Scott:Danny?what happend to him?

Deaton:Don't worry he'll wake up in a few hours I have something that will heal him we can find out who did this and why then.

Scott looked relieved as he looks at deaton and said "Thank you,deaton."

Deaton:Your welcome Scott.

Argent household

Allison heard a knock from the door as she opened the door she saw Scott.

"Your late,you were supposed to be here 15 minutes ago."

Scott:yeah sorry Danny was hurt and I had to take him to the clinic apparently there's another Alpha in town.

Allison:what?How do you know?

Scott:Someone attacked Danny and the reason he wasn't healing was because it was an Alpha.

Allison:was it stiles?

Scott:No,it was someone else.

Stiles was on his way back from New York after getting his tattoo he was driving in his jeep with Derek.

Stiles:why did you wanna come with me?

Derek:I got bored in New York so how's it going in beacon hills.

Stiles:well it's been pretty quiet I turned this guy into a werewolf but he had to go on a vacation and he hasn't come back yet I think he just wanted to become a werewolf.

Derek:What about Scott?

Stiles:Well,he's still trying to be a good person and all that but otherwise he's doing alright.

Derek:That's great.

Stiles:Yeah it is but I know that Scott is 'special'or has some 'unique abilities' or something.

Derek:What?like what?

Stiles:I've noticed moments where he has an increase in strength or moments when he's faster i even saw his eyes glow red a few times and I think I know why.

Derek:You don't think?

Stiles:Yeah,I think that Scott's a 'True alpha'Crazy right?

Derek:No he probably is but how do you know about True alphas.

Stiles gave Derek a -_- face as he said "I practaically know everything about supernaturals from legends to monsters to there origins and stuff."

Stiles and Derek then whent into beacon hills but they didn't see a huge bear like monster from the forest who was watching them that let out a huge sadistic grin.