
Teen wolf:the legend of stiles stikinksi

What if stiles got the bite that night in the woods?what if a new stiles was born that day?how would this affect the story?Find out by reading!

Shadowking123 · TV
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21 Chs

Chapter 1:The beginning

Stiles stilinksi was a loser there wasn't anything about him that stood out to anyone his only friend being Scott McCall they were like brothers they did everything together.

One night stiles when to Scott's house to ask him to go to the woods to find a dead body

Scott heard a noise from the window.he picked up his bat and whent to check it was stiles.

After a heated conversation of convincing Scott to come out in the woods and find a dead body with him stiles and Scott ran in the woods Scott running behind him because of his asthma

Scott:stiles slow down

But stiles never slowed down and looked behind him after to see Scott was gone.he then saw lights in the distance and saw it was his dad.stiles decided to run away from his dad and whent to go find Scott.


Stiles hearing Scott's screams ran faster until ge saw a wolf biting Scott.stiles was scared he wasn't moving his body froze full of fear.The wolf the ran to stiles and bit his leg.stiles screamed in pain and the wolf ran away.

A loud howl was heard in the woods that day and 2 screams of 2 teenage boys that life's where never gonna be the same

Guys this is my first story and it is a what if stiles got the bite aswell.dont worry things will change because of stiles being a werewolf and I won’t stick to canon and stiles actions will change the story.I hope you guys enjoy reading!

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