
Teen Wolf is Teen Wolf...Well, Maybe?

A new Stiles is about to rock the world of Teen Wolf, he is going to take everyone by storm. He is about to rock the boat...... A Lot!!! ////// Pairing Decided! //////// I own nothing by my own ideas, found pic on Pinterest!

91422 · TV
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5 Chs


Saturday Night

After a full day of working on spells he was able to get three down, which was something he was happy about, though they weren't anything big they were useful to him. The first was a type to control fire like fireballs and such, or simply just making a flame appear for him to use, the page it was on gave him all sorts of ideas to use it for.

Another one was a message sender, he could write something down and have the message appear somewhere else, all he needed to do was put a little of his magic into it and the message would go where he wanted. It would be useful if he ever told someone about his magic, although they wouldn't be able to send anything back to him at least he would be able to get the message to them just in case.

The last spell was a locator spell, at the moment it was limited to Beacon Hills since he wasn't that strong but it was something, now he could always find anyone he was looking for. That was something he loved about his magic, since it was unique to him no one could block it, he would always be able to use it no matter the situation.

Though he was a little mad at the fact that he didn't know more about the supernatural world and didn't know where to look, he wasn't stupid enough to believe he was the only supernatural being in the world. That would just be crazy, if he was then it is also a recipe for disaster since he could take over the world with his power, since the only thing that could kill him was hanging around his neck at the moment.

He wasn't about to tell anyone about that though, for the moment he actually really enjoyed the thought being immortal, of course he wasn't at the moment but he could be later in life. At the moment he wasn't planning to kill himself to activate the vampire side, he did not want to be stuck as a kid for his entire life, this wasn't some TV show.

"Hey son, how was your day?" His dad asked standing in the door way looking into the room.

Stiles nodded while setting his grimoire to the side, "It was good just helped Scott some with his shooting for try-outs that are coming up."

"Oh yeah, will I be seeing you play some this year?" He asked actually looking hopeful for it.

Stiles though shook his head, "Nope, I am actually thinking of quitting I don't want to just be a bench warmer again this year. I might try out for something else though, maybe basketball, I have always been better at that."

Honestly he didn't want to play Lacrosse anymore, and with the basketball season starting around this same time he still had a chance to try-out for the team, even if the team only won two games of the twelve each year. When he was growing up he was always better at basketball but to hang out with Scott he followed him to Lacrosse, he just didn't want to do that anymore though, he didn't want to take the limelight from him.

He could already see that Scott was super jealous about what happened earlier today, he didn't want to have to deal with that again, so he might as well go ahead and be in his own sport. Looking to his dad he could see the stunned expression on his face, but soon a wide smile took over his face as he began to nod at him.

"Yeah, that sounds like a good. I always wondered why you didn't keep playing that, you would show out way more there then you would in Lacrosse, plus basketball games are on my off days so I can make them." His dad said with a wide smile while getting more into it the more he talked about it.

"Well that settles it then, first thing on Monday I will go talk to the guidance counselor about changing my schedule so that I can try out." Stiles said with a smile, he knew with his new sense he would be better at any sport he played, and he would rather it go into something that he enjoyed rather then something that he just sat on the side lines of.

"This is great! I can't wait to see you playing son, I haven't seen you play since sixth grade, do you want to out back and work on your shot? We could get you back int he right form before you need to try out." His dad continued with some excitement, although he looked tired he did look ready to do this.

"Yeah we can shoot around some since it is about to get dark, I know you just got home but you can help me get back into form before school Monday since I will no doubt have to try out." Stiles said not wanting to make his dad sad by saying no, plus it could also help his dad get in shape some more.

"Sure thing, let me get out of this uniform and we can go ahead and play when I come back out." His dad said while walking backwards wanting to go ahead and make it back before it could get to dark out.

Stiles just nodded while going ahead and thinking about how he was going to tone it down with shooting, he had enhanced senses but he still needed to cover that up since no one knew. Although he was going to be the best it didn't mean he was going to make it obvious, that wouldn't happen until the first season game when he beat the opposing team.

Shaking those thoughts out his head he grabbed the basketball he kept in the corner, he should spend more time working on Lacrosse, but he loved shooting the basketball more. Since he was already dressed in something he could play in he didn't need to change, walking down the stairs and out the house he went over to their garage.

Luckily the house they lived in the people building it were smart enough to put in a decent sized garage, which they made from concrete, it was a perfect place for them to set up the basketball goal they had.

Warming up he dribbled the ball some, he immediately noticed that he had way better control of the ball as he did so, his moves transitioning was a lot better too which he loved. His smile wouldn't leave his face as he kept moving around the driveway, he didn't stop at all trying to move the ball faster and faster as he did so, it felt amazing.

Finally he lined up for a three point shot (Jump Shot is the same as Luka Doncic) the ball effortlessly flew through the air and into the net, nodding his head he jogged over to pick it up. As he bent over to get it he could hear his fathers feet hit against the pavement getting closer and closer, looking over he was in basketball shorts and a old warn T-shirt that he would use when he was working out.

"Alright son let's get started!" His dad said while stretching out, when he felt limber enough they went ahead and started with a one on one game just so that Stile could get back into the feel of playing a game.

An hour later they played two games which Stiles won both of, of course he took it easy on his father but he still played hard, he was happy with the compliments he got for his playing. His dad didn't get to praise him much for his games, but they both were more excited at the prospect of Stiles playing for the school team, they both just knew that he was going to shine.

They were out there for another two hours with Stiles practicing shots and running some drills, his dad was serious about him getting ready to play on the team, in his words 'I see the potential greatness shinning in there, we just need to bring it all out.' was his words. Stiles didn't fight him on it either, he followed everything that his dad was saying, if years later he was a basketball star then he would credit in every interview how his dad was the cause of him getting to where he was.

"Let's call it a night, the sun is leaving us but we can get back it tomorrow when I am off, are you going to be here?" There was just hope dripping from his voice, Stiles could tell his dad really wanted him to get into this, his heart was beating in excitement and because he was exhausted.

Stiles smiled while wiping sweat from his bro, "Of course dad. We can pick this up tomorrow after you get a little rest when you get home."

"Screw rest, we get that when we sleep. I will come home in workout clothes, you just make sure you are out here and ready." His dad refuted while shaking his head.

Stiles couldn't help but to laugh when he heard him, "Got it dad. I will be here right and ready, I have nothing planned for tomorrow anyway, I am just going to do some homework."

His dad nodded while patting him on the shoulder as he steered him back to the house, "Alright, so how serious are you about playing then? I want to know what is the plan here."

Stiles thought about it and really didn't know, he wouldn't be activating his vampire side until he was at least twenty five, that would give him at least six to seven years in the leagues if he made it to the pros. Really though his main issue was securing a way to pay for college, he didn't want to have his dad worrying about that when the time came, it would make things easier if he was to just get a full scholarship through basketball.

"I want to take this as far as I can, to be honest I want to see if I can play for college, it is the best options, I don't want you to have to worry about it." Stiles explained and kept going when he saw his dads face falling, "Dad I don't blame you, I love the fact that you are law enforcement, hell you are my inspiration to try and join the FBI. This doesn't make me oblivious to our situation though, I know mom started a college fund for me when I was a kid and you have kept it going all this time since she has been gone.

We will need more then that though for the whole four years, hell even one if this basketball really takes off for me and I commit to the draft."

His dad was quiet but he could see the wheels turning as he thought about it, eventually he nodded looking back over to him, "You are right son, we will do it this way. Don't worry about it to much though, you are still smart enough to get a scholarship when the time is right. Plus you are still only a sophomore right now, you don't have to worry to much."

"Okay. Well I still want to talk to you about me getting a part-time job, I want a new car. The jeep is breaking down to much." Stiles explained since he didn't want his dad to talk him out of it.

"That is fine. I will even help you and match whatever you make at your job, it will go quicker if I do that." His dad said with them both shooting the jeep one last look before they both went into the house.

Stiles was starving as they walked in, they ended up spending so much time playing that dinner just blew by, their options now were to either make something, but neither could really cook, or go out and buy something. "So what is it going to be dad, are we cooking or eating out tonight?" Stiles asked as he opened the refrigerator looking inside.

"Fast food, it is to late to be cooking anything, just go pick us up some food." His dad answered while taking his wallet off the counter and handing him a fifty.

Stiles nodded, he grabbed his keys from the hook before walking out the house, he already knew what to get his dad, since they have been trying to get him to eat healthy it would be something light but filling. He himself needed a lot, ever since he became a werewolf he noticed that his appetite has gone up a lot, another reason he wanted to get a job since he would need to get his food in take up.

Shrugging he swung by a local owned place called 'Carter's Diner' it was the only place in town that was twenty-four seven, every where else closed early, even the big chain places since it was a medium sized town. He got himself a plate with their biggest burger along with fries, also a regular salad and a Taco salad, for his dad he got the man a burger but sweet potato fries that they baked instead of frying.

He knew how much his dad needed to eat healthy, and while he wouldn't do it with everything he would make sure that something in his meal was healthy for the man to eat. He wouldn't get him a side salad or something, his dad would just try to drown it in which defeated the purpose of a healthy meal.

Driving back he ignored the wolf howl he heard, with his knew sense he knew it was in the woods, and while he might still be curious about it that didn't mean he didn't feel the dread at the wolf howl. Whatever was out there was commanding respect, he knew about the status of wolves, and he was a Omega at the moment a lone wolf without a pack not even a beta.

Although he didn't know about how they did it in real like that is how they did it in books and movies he has seen, they could follow where there is one alpha, beta, then mid tier wolves, then omegas. The one he just heard was to his absolute knowledge a Alpha, it was like he was calling out to someone, but he also seemed to be really angry with the way he was being called out like that.

All he did was shake his head, he didn't know what was happening but he wasn't going to get involved, as much as he wanted to know more about it his instincts were telling him when to stay away. He refused to even attempt to head that way, instead he went home to mind his business, if he got better with his magic then he would maybe work on something to help him fight higher chained wolves.

Though he didn't know if he would be able to use his magic when he was a wolf, he would need to check it out when he finally turned the next full moon.

As he made it back home his dad was already showered waiting with a movie on, he wasted no time walking over and handing out the food, he was starving himself and his stomach growling could attest to that. Neither spoke as they dug into their food moaning at the same time, though his dad scowled at the fries he still ate them knowing he would be badgered about them.

After dinner Stiles didn't stick around but went up to shower, when he got out he checked his phone and saw that he had many text from Scott about helping him tomorrow too, but he ignored that instead focusing on his homework. It might seem rude but Scott doesn't try with his studies, and even if they might be best friends that didn't mean he was going to jeopardize his own grades for him.

Though Stiles had to stop after finishing his English paper, he couldn't d anymore and he still had math to do, while he wasn't Lydia Martin smart, he could get it done fast so he saved it for tomorrow night.



Stiles woke to a new alarm then his old one, although he didn't need to work out he was going to start his day with them, he was hoping to get his reflexes better, this would also make where isn't wasn't weird that he got better. Smiling he sent Scott a message since the guy was up early too, he told him he couldn't help before taking off out the door for his jog.

As the day went on he learned more about his magic after finishing his math homework, he decided to get it out the way early so that he wouldn't have to wait for it at the last moment, like he usually did. Mainly with his magic he tested out how long he could cast a spell for while also figuring out a pain spell, which he actually managed to do making him gape seeing the page on it.

The spell work effecting the mind or body depending on what he wanted to use it on, which was really cool since but he thought it was overkill since it already attacked the mind.

When his dad finally made it home they practiced some more with Stiles trying a little harder, he was encouraged the entire way but also was pushed to his limits. He saw from last night even only using fifty percent of his sense he would hit seventy percent of his shots, as for at full power he wouldn't miss unless he was fouled.

They both went inside with smiles that night having a good rest after practice.