
A Predatory Man

"Come on, move your damn ass."

Ethan was watching from afar as Scott, a ticking time bomb, got involved in these aggressive games where rage was the main source of energy for every player. It wasn't the best idea for a newly-turned werewolf to get involved in such things.

If it became a problem, he would eliminate him immediately. Ethan knew the safety of those around the threat was essential. "If you don't cause a commotion, I won't kill you now. If you manage to control yourself, you might live longer."

Ethan had more significant problems to deal with than a little dog who didn't know how to behave. He also didn't want to involve agents of the light because Scott was his student. How could he let someone else mistreat his student when it was his responsibility to do so?

Make no mistake, Ethan wanted to kill any supernatural being since he had no code like other hunters. But he knew keeping the portal to this place secure was necessary, so an idea came to mind.

What if he used Derek Hale to take control of this town in his name? There wouldn't be just hunters here, but also a pack of werewolves, imitating the situation in Forks, where the Cullen vampires coexisted with their nemesis, the werewolves, who were partly the alternate force the S.G.C. used for their most complicated tasks.

This made it clear that to eliminate monsters, other monsters had to take charge of the situation.

At that moment, one wrong move, and Ethan would shoot Scott, setting aside his interests.

Alison was watching the game from afar, but the unmoving figure of Ethan staring at the boy she was interested in caught her attention even more. "Has that teacher always taught here?"

"No, this is his first time, and I personally think he's very attractive. But I doubt he would get involved with students, as I know men like him." Lydia looked at Ethan from a distance, her discreet smile fading after a few seconds.

"What are men like him?" Alison was unsure what Lydia meant.

"Predators. He doesn't look like it, but I think he's a manipulative, narcissistic man lacking the empathy to care about anyone else. My mother knew a colleague who was similar to him. She defined how to identify them, and I'm sure Professor Ethan is like them."

Alison was a bit puzzled and said, "I wouldn't be so sure about that."

"Then you'd be surprised. Just by looking at that expensive suit, it's easy to understand that this man is not here for work. There are other things driving him to work in this small town." Lydia had no illusions about a man like Ethan because she knew perfectly well that he was entering a zone she couldn't control.

Scott, who was playing, was a bit confused by overhearing those strange conversations about his history teacher.

Ethan, of course, didn't know this, but if he did, he would applaud Lydia for describing him that way. He wasn't entirely like those words, but he certainly adhered to them. Having a relationship with someone else would end in failure because he couldn't control himself at certain moments.

That insatiable thirst for killing was present when he appreciated it. So he also came to this town, partly to control himself. "Well, it seems you passed this time."

"[Derek Hale is in town.]"

Ethan, who was looking at his cell phone, was surprised and murmured, "Then we must hurry."

Things had sped up now, so Ethan didn't stay at the high school much longer. Of course, he would leave two agents to monitor Scott's movements to ensure he didn't cause trouble.

The last thing he needed was another large-scale problem at the high school where he had decided to teach. Before solving the small details, there were still more important things to resolve.

(1-3) If you want to read original novels and more than 30 chapters of this novel, I'll wait for you on my Patreon: SrCuervo

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