
Teasing Intentions (Izuku Midoriya x OC)

Raven Tanuki used to be the ultimate prankster back in her high school days where she attended UA High. She would always pull the most notorious pranks with her partner in crime, Denki Kaminari, and living up to her surname, Tanuki, which meant the Trickster. One day, after going too far with one of her pranks and ultimately ruining someone's birthday, Raven told herself that she would never pull a prank on anyone again and abandoned all that were in progress. 5 years later, her class had graduated and become part of the system. Raven had bettered herself for a good, boring life as a hero. Until, one day, one of her former classmates, Izuku Midoriya--now Pro Hero Deku--runs into her during her patrol. What happens if Deku picks up where Raven left off? What exactly were Ravens intentions back in high school?

SM_Hawkins · Anime und Comics
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21 Chs

Prosthetic - Chapter 15

--5 Years Ago--

"Come on, Izuku!" Raven pulled him along through the halls of Heights Alliance, the bags of clothes hanging off her arms as she gripped his wrist, "I need someone to show my new outfits too!" She said.

They had just gotten back from the mall, and Raven had gotten so much stuff. She practically spent her entire allowance on everything she bought.

Keep in mind, she is the golden child of the Tanuki family, so she was loaded.


Anyway, Raven pulled Izuku into her room, and he was absolutely bewildered. After all, they had just gotten back from the bus and she randomly grabbed Izuku's wrist and yanked him all the way to her room. Just to show him the stuff she got, like he wasn't there in the first place when she bought it.

As they entered, she dropped all of the bags on the floor and turned around, ushering Izuku to sit on her bed. He felt like he was in a fever dream; he really didn't know what was happening.

"Alright, Izuku! I'm gonna try on a bunch of outfits for you, and you're gonna tell me what you think of them, okay?" Raven said, all preppy.

He just nodded soundlessly, wondering how he got himself in this situation.

Raven took all fifteen of her giant bags of clothes along with her into her bathroom, where she began the modelling show.

Raven loved to do this as a child. She would go into her parents' closet and try on different pieces of their clothing, sometimes mismatching them where the shirt was her dads the the skirt was her moms. It was a fun time, back then, and when she would do that she would make her parents go out and sit in the living room as she came out and showed off the new outfit every time she changed.

This time, though, she actually did have new outfits to show off. So this was much better.

The first outfit was a black graphic t-shirt and green cargo pants, the green contrasting lightly with her purple hair. It was a cute outfit to go out in public in.

The second outfit was a tight cropped shirt that was beige, and white straight pants that hung off her hips. Another cute outfit that would be great to go out in, and literally almost made Izuku drool.

If you can't tell, Raven loves earth tones. It contrasts with her hair and eyes in such a beautiful way and matches her style easily.

this went on and on until Raven got down to the accessories. She changed back into her normal clothes for lounging around, a simple sweatshirt that went down to her mid thighs and covered the shorts she was wearing.

Raven walked out of the bathroom and met eyes with a tired looking Izuku, almost feeling bad that she made him stay this long. He's been there since they got off the bus from the mall, and it was nearing dinner time.

She frowned, holding the last couple of bags that held the miscellaneous things she bought. "If you want to leave, you can go. I'm sorry for keeping you for so long, I just really love shopping!" Raven said apologetically, setting the bags down by her bed instead of opening it up to show him everything else.

Izuku piped up when she spoke, as if snapping him out of a trance, "Huh? Oh! No, it's okay, really!" He said, a little flustered that he was caught zoning out.

Raven lifted an eyebrow, "Are you sure? It is getting pretty late," She stated drawing her eyes over Izuku's face, and Izuku took that time to trail his eyes over her current outfit, both of them examining the other in an air of silence.

In a beat of exhaustion, Izuku didn't completely know what he was saying. "I think I like this outfit the most," He commented, zoning out as his eyes trailed over her bare thighs, when suddenly he was thrown back into reality and covered his mouth in complete and utter humiliation. "Oh my god! I didn't mean that- That wasn't- I-" He kept cutting himself off, but it was no use.

Raven stood there in shock as she registered his words, and then burst into laughter while smacking her leg. "Oh WOW!" She wheezed, "That's great! I should wear this more often then huh? You got a thing for thighs?" Raven poked and prodded the poor embarrassed boy even more.

He only covered his mouth in shame. "N-no! I don't!" He wobbled out, but Raven noticed something, he was close to tears.

"Awww I'm sorry Izuku, I didn't mean to make you embarrassed, I think it's completely normal that you're into thighs!" She tried to comfort, but was terrible at it, "Here. You're sleepy, I think it's time you go to bed and sleep all of this off. You'll barely remember it in the morning." She said, standing back up to help him off the bed and lead Izuku to the door of her dorm room.

He nodded, the sleep suddenly overwhelming him. "Good night, Izuku!" Raven smiled as he left her dorm.

"Good night," He replied back with a yawn.


--Present Time--

It's the next day, and Raven is currently trying on outfits that she bought at the mall with Izuku. Of course, half of the clothes she bought were from Izuku's input, which basically means that he made her get them.

Raven stood in front of her full body mirror looking at her figure in one of the more flashy outfits he had suggested, and she didn't know how to feel about it.

It was a corset like top, which was all white and showed off her cleavage--which she didn't have much of--and midriff, and then some cute, ripped jean shorts to go with.

It was really not her style, to be honest.

"Lemme see!" Shouted Izuku from the other side of the door. He's been wanting to see all of the outfits after what happened yesterday. Raven guesses he got a little needy..

Anyway, Raven deadpanned as she threw the door open and glared at Izuku, doing her best to show her dissaproval for the outfit. He wasted his money on all this shit.

"Oooou!" He cooed, "This is cute!" He said like he was some girlfriend of hers, which she had none of.

She gave him a pointed look, "I look like a typical white bitch," She spat, shoving the door in his face.

"You do not!" He shouted through the crevices, and Raven rolled her eyes, ignoring him completely.

Raven sighed as she unzipped the top and threw it on her bed, about to try on the next outfit. This next outfit was a beautiful black, sparkly party dress that ended mid-thigh and was skin tight. She was kind of apprehensive about trying this one on, but the way it seemed to glimmer in the light was calling her name.

She slid the dress on, having trouble with the zipper, but she's a bad bitch, she don't need no man to help her. She got it anyways with a lot of struggling.

"What's taking so longggg?" Izuku whined, "I wanna see the next one!"

Raven huffed, "You sound like a toddler, shut up," She bit, not in the mood for his childness.

She could hear his little toddler stomps as he pranced around her living room, "Just hurry-!" Raven threw the door open to reveal her in the party dress, the sunlight glistening off the glitter that surprisingly didn't shed when she put it on. "W-wow," He said, looking her up and down, "You look hot!" He said, smiling wide.

"God, you sound like my gay best friend," Raven snorted, when suddenly, he was right next to her ear, his hands placing themselves on her hips as he pulled her closer to his chest.

"Would a gay man be doing this?" He whispered into her ear huskily, sounding a little pissed off.

Raven, who was absolutely baffled, placed her hands on his chest and looked up at him in surprise. She could feel his hands gripping onto her waist; they were warm. She could feel his muscles on his chest, even as she smirked and slid her hands up to where they rested on his shoulders, completely lost in her own head as she felt him up. "Well, I wouldn't expect a gay man to be eyeing me up and down everytime I walk into a room," She shot back, feeling that same feeling in the pit of her stomach.

It seemed like she always felt this tingly feeling in her stomach, like there were bugs or something that were trying to get out, whenever she was this close to him. Was she sick? Did Izuku have something to do with it?

Raven didn't know, but right now, she was too focused on the feeling of his biceps on the palm of her hands, their eyes never leaving the other.

"We should go to a club!" Izuku suddenly sprung up, his voice an octave higher than it usually is as if he was nervous.

Well, that's one way to suggest it.