
TBATE:Journey to The Horizon

The journey of a young man It all began when he died, and his journey started into a world of magic and wounders from a novel he read "The Beginning After the End" Will this soul prevail or will the darkness of the world swallow him. Its my first book so l hope you like it

X_Y_Z · Anime und Comics
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43 Chs

| Xyrus Academy (4) |


Time slowly passed as I went class after class each and everyone of the classes being more boring than the other most of the times I tried to understand how Aether works with the help of my demonic eyes but till now not much results have been shown for example if I concentrate and create a scenario with the fire magic in the dungeon I can trick the Aether to go inside and give it a purpose of destruction but if it's water I can't give it a purpose normally water is not used for destruction

In a sense everything has still to follow the laws of this world I can't just make water be able to destroy everything it touches.

After breaking through Silver stage I got a much more better understanding of the elements and how to use them the more I train the easier it is to use them soon enough I will have complete mastery over them.

The way mana acts towards me is very different than the people of this world it's like I am the only one able to use it this way maybe it's a plus from my race but I don't know how far I can go with mana alone.

And just as I was thinking time stopped around me I am not affected but I can probably guess who did it

Arthur used his beast will to save Tessia for sure that idiot knows only how to get hurt I said as I started to move towards the location they should be in.

Just as I arrived I saw Sylvie trying to protect Arthur by releasing an immense killing intent.

"It's okay Sylvie,Arthur need help "I said as I appeared before her seeing me coming she let me pass as I quickly picked up Arthur and started to move quickly towards the infirmary of this school.

"Bring someone Tessia to the infirmary she also needs treatment" I said to the professor.

The last thing I heard was Curtis saying sorry and a Green Owl following us from above.

"P-Professor, I-I didn't mean to. I mean, I didn't think Princess Tessia would suddenly faint." Curtis ran to his professor, his face pale in fright.


Just as the healers started treating Arthur,

Director Goodsky entered inside.

"How is Arthur doing?" Cynthia asked me.

"He should be fine the wounds on his body are dangerous but with treatment he should be fine but he will wake up with a lot of pain" I responded to her as I gently patt Sylvies Head she was the most worried on.

"Fufufuff, that's great to hear"she said as she giggled putting her hand infront of her mouth.

"Anyways,how is princess Tessia?" I asked her while the healers were done with their job and excused themselves.

"She is in much better condition than Arthur he should have protected her more than himself" she said while getting worried at what caused this.

"So,do you know what caused this?" I asked her out of curiosity seeing if things have changed from the original.

"You see as a gift to her for accepting to be my disciple, I didn't give her anything so a two months ago I got my hands on a mana core with a beast will inside and I managed to get it for her…"she said feeling guilty

"Her body could not handle the beast will and she lost control" I finished for her.

"Yes that is correct" she said getting a hold of her self.

"If she can't handle the will than it should be a strong mana beast " I said being to her as I let Sylvie go as she went atop of Arthur.

"It's from an S-class mana beast that the Lances hunted deep in the beast glades the Blood vine Golem" she replied.

"A new monster I presume" I said never having heard of such a mana beast.

"Yes it was found in a dungeon under a forest with poisonous plant mana beasts." She said not sure if she should tell me all of this.

"Anyways,maybe you should ask Arthur for help in assimilating the beast will" I said as before she could respond Arthur started to slowly wake up.

"COUGH! COUGH! Aughh..."

"How are you feeling, Arthur?" Director asked Arthur after hearing him cough.

"Never better. Why do you ask?"he responded sarcastically.

"If you have the will to answer sarcastically, I'm sure you'll be okay," she chuckled

How's Tessia?" He asked, his voice hoarse.

"Well, good news is, Tessia is in a much better state than you." She let out a sigh.

"...Her body can't handle her beast will, right?"

"How did you know?" Director Goodsky came around so she could face him completely.

"I sensed it when I saved her, make sure no one knows that Tessia has a beast will, at least for now. I'd help Tessia with the assimilation myself if I was able to but I'll leave her to you." Arthur said

I could tell she wanted to ask more questions but she held back for his sake.

"Once I got here into infirmary, I didn't let anyone else see either of you besides the healers and Ráel he was the one that brought you here" she said as she pointed at me.

"How did you know were I was" he asked me being surprised by her words.

"Not even a thank you very nice of you Arthur, I sensed your beast will and I came as fast as I could, Sylvie did not let anyone come near you to do I had to intervene." I responded nonchalantly as I took a bag of sweets out of my dimensional ring since coming here I have a sweet tooth and enjoy sweets way to much.

Director Goodsky stood up and started walking towards the door before she turned around

"I contacted the royal family, as well as your own, though. They should be coming soon.

Get some rest, Arthur. Though your body is unusually strong and I don't think there will be any repercussions from moving around soon, it's better to be safe than sorry." She grabbed the handle of the door but turned back before leaving. "Thank you for saving Tessia."

Arthur just smiled as he slowly closed his eyes slumping back to sleep.


POV: Arthur Leywin

I stirred awake was from Sylvie licking my cheek. 'Papa, are you feeling better now?'

I must've been having a nightmare because I was drenched in sweat.

"Honey! Art is awake!" I heard my mother's voice to my left.

Turning my head was a lot easier if I ignored the pain.

"Hey Mom, when'd you guys get here?" I gave her the best smile I could muster up.

"Are you okay? Ráel told us what happened, really Arthur getting hurt so badly on the first day of school?!" I could tell she wanted to hug me but she held herself back after realizing I probably wasn't in the best state for that.

My sister rushed to the other side of the bed and leaned forward. "Brother!! Are you okay now? Does it hurt?" My eyes widened in horror as I noticed that she was about to place her hand on my body to probe me but before she was able to, Mother stopped her.

"Miss, Alice your son goes around saving princess you have taught him well" Ráel said as he gave a teasing smile towards Arthur.

"Good job, son you make me proud" dad gave me a thumbs up as they all started to giggle at my embarrassment and red face.

"I see you all are having a good time"Coming in through the door was Director Goodsky with the whole Eralith family, including Tess, who was looking a lot better.

"Th-This..." My father took a step back in surprise as my mother gasped, covering her mouth.

"Pleased to finally make your acquaintance, Mr. and Mrs. Leywin," Alduin Eralith, Tessia's father and the former king of Elenoir, grabbed my stunned father's hand and shook it.

"We have always wanted to meet the parents of Arthur. It is such a pleasure to meet you in person." Merial, the former queen of Elenoir and Tessia's mother, Merial Eralith hugged my mother, who still had her hands over her mouth in disbelief.

Merial then went to Ellie and patted her head gently. "You must be Arthur's little sister. You're so adorable!"

"Greetings. I go by Virion Eralith, and I am your son's former teacher." He shot me a cheeky grin as he grasped my father's hand.

Without the energy to even retort, I just smiled helplessly back as my father and mother's gazes switched back and forth between the Eralith family and me.

I turn to my side seeing Ráel enjoying his sweets like he is not in a presence of royalty.

"H-H-H-Hello! My name is Tessia Eralith. It's a pleasure to m-meet you! Please take care of me! I'm Arthur's childhood f-f-friend and I'm not sure if he talked about me with you but I really am!" Tessia bowed so her body was at a full ninety-degree angle, her voice a mixture of respect and panic. She quickly got back up with her hair draping over most of her face and as she tried to fix her hair, I could see her face becoming more and more red.

At this, my parents became a bit more surprised, but my mother looked at me with a coy smile.

"I see you weren't joking Ráel" my mother said as she kneeled infront of Tess.

"I see. Well aren't you the prettiest girl I've ever seen. Please take good care of my son. As you may know, he's the type to get into trouble a lot, so it'll really help me if I know he has someone like you next to him, now and in the future." My mother shot her a wink as she stroked Tess' hair.

I wasn't really sure what Tess really heard but she was definitely overthinking everything. Eyes widening as her already red face turned a shade brighter, she responded in a voice that was an octave higher than usual. "Y-YESS!!!" she beamed while nodding vigorously.

"Mind introducing us to your friend brat" Virion asked as he looked at Ráel furrowing his brows when he could not sense anything from him.

"Gramps, Mr. and Mrs. Eralith this is Ráel my bestfriend I made as an adventurer, Ráel this is the royal family of the elven kingdom." I said

"Yo, nice to meet you all, I am Ráel a former AA-rank adventurer " Ráel replied by waving his hand now that I think about it those last few months he has gotten more nonchalant and expressive, but his cold expressions still remains on his face, after breaking through Silver stage he slowly started to change being more expressive.

"From what director Goodsky told me you should be a strong kid,two freaks being friends I fear for your opponents" Gramps laughed at his own words as the rest followed right after him.

Tessia giggled as well as she took a seat on the bed too.

"I'm telling you! I'm Arthur Leywin's best friend! We're like brothers! If I can't visit him, then who can? I'm telling you, it's true!!" I heard a familiar voice echo in the distance and I couldn't help but chortle at my friend.

Director Goodsky, hearing this as well, signaled to the security to let him through.

"ARTHUR! You okay, man?" He rushed towards me, totally oblivious to the other people in the room.

"You're late. And you didn't even bring any food with you?" Letting out an exaggerated sigh, I just slightly shook my head.

"Haaa... I guess you're fine if you can talk like that." Elijah let out a sigh as relief washed over his face.

I started smiling as his head came back up and recognized who the other people in the room were. My friend's face contorted from relief to terror as he realized that, besides my family, the Director of the academy and the whole Royal Family of the Kingdom of Elenoir were also in the room.

"Uhh...oh my..." His slack jaw failed to form words.

"Pfft, Hahaha...oww...haha!" My stomach felt like it was being wrangled as I couldn't stop laughing.

"Gramps, Mr. and Mrs. Eralith, I'd like you to meet my closest friend, Elijah."

"P-Pleased to meet you! Sorry for being so rude just now!" Elijah immediately bowed, almost dropping his glasses.

After everyone got acquainted with each other, my parents continued to chat with Tess' parents at the other side of the room. Gramps finally left me alone and started catching up with Director Goodsky after wringing me of all the details and telling me to make time for him once I'm better to further discuss everything else.

"Brother. Who's prettier, me or her?" Ellie pointed at Tess and gave me a serious look.

"You guys are both pretty ugly to me." I just shrugged helplessly but I regretted it as soon as the words left my mouth.

"OWW! That seriously hurts right now!" I groaned as the both of them pinched and twisted the skin on my arm.

"Tess, like I said, Elijah and Ráel are close friends of mine. You guys should get along." I said through gritted teeth, my arm still throbbing, moreso from the state of my body than the power of my sister and Tess' pinches.

"Sorry, I never formally introduced myself to you two. I'm Tessia Eralith, Arthur's closest friend." She stuck out her hand and as Elijah accepted her handshake first , he responded, "I'm Elijah, Arthur's best friend. Nice to meet you." Sparks flew between them as they glared at each other in competition.

She turned around and offered a handshake to Ráel wich he took and whispered something in her ear as Tess started looking at me and her face got completely red.


POV: Ráel

"Sorry, I never formally introduced myself to you two. I'm Tessia Eralith, Arthur's closest friend.

After she introduced herself and offered a handshake, I whispered in her ear"I know you like Arthur, so you better make the first move before someone steals him from you".

She started to look at Arthur and got completely red overthinking everything .

Since breaking through Silver stage and fighting my inner demon, it's like a seal that was holding me back broke I can think freely now before I just wanted to become strong and have freedom but now I want to enjoy this life and of course still become the strongest and have the freedom I want .

My attitud also has slowly started to change and match my desires from a cold and driven man to a more nonchalant aloof one.

Still the cold and battle maniac I am comes out when I fight.

Everyone, "Now! I think we should give Arthur some more time to rest. His life isn't in danger but he should be very tired right now."Cynthia said as she started moving towards the door.

"Son, come visit home after you're all healed up, okay?" His father grasped his hand and gave it a gentle squeeze before herding his family out.

"Get plenty of rest. Okay, dear?" his mother said as she headed out. Tess' parents said their brief goodbyes while patting him softly on the arm before following out after his parents.

"We'll catch up soon, brat." Virion ruffled his hair, making him wince, and towed Tess, Elijah and I out with him.

Just as we got out ,Tessia after a few steps she turned around and went inside the room again obviously taking my advice.

I just shook my head at that as I decided to go to my dorm to take a shower and rest I have been in that room from more than a day.