
Tank Lord: The Iron Beast

The story would take a place on Africa and Europa as he goes on a campaign and fighting for the German Wehrmacht, the MC was defiant and always disliked how the SS Party doing things thus opposition always occurred. The MC always tried on trial due to always mocking and insulting the party but due to his exceptional skill, he always been let off from the court-martialed in the army, not only were his company supported but they were also loyal towards him because of his inspiring charisma they would even follow him to the death. During the last eastern front holding the front, his entire company were betrayed and backstabbed by the SS party from behind not only dying from that he was last killed by the enemy due to extreme infamy towards him but luckly fate said otherwise as he was reincarnated back once more to the battlefield, not as a tank commander but a newly appointed lieutenant with his first tank and teammates. On the way fighting to the eastern front this time, he would lead his newly recruited and formed team spearheading into the enemy line with his commander in chief who will support behind the line. Either he won the war or die trying, Blitz. Warning: Image or picture may change if there were any complaints about it and the word will be a normal English no mixture of the german word like Jawohl and anything similar. It's a work of fiction as the story is not based on real person and event.

Mirragez · Krieg
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7 Chs

Tank Classification and variant Available on the Novel

German Army (Wehrmacht and SS Unit) Section

Turret based.

Panzer One: Not yet confirmed.

Panzer Two: Not yet confirmed.

Panzer Three: Will be added.

Panzer Four: Already on the chapter.

Panzer Five (Panther): Not yet confirmed.

Panzer Six (Tiger): Already on the chapter.

Panzer Seven unconfirmed (Tiger King): Not yet confirmed.

Flakpanzer (Ostwind) One cannons: Not yet confirmed.

Flakpanzer (Kugelblitz) Two cannons: Not yet confirmed.

Flakpanzer (Wirbelwind) Four cannons: Not yet confirmed.

Non-Turret based.

Minor-Axis Army section

(Hungaria, Bulgaria, Italy, Romania, Yugoslavia and western axis allies)

Turret based.

Non-Turret based.

USSR Army section

Turret based.

Non-Turret based.

US Army section

Turret based.

Non-Turret based.

UK Army section

Turret based.

Non-Turret based.

Commonwealth army section

(Canadian, Australia, New Zealand, Poland, and other commonwealth armies)

Turret based.

Non-Turret based.

I was planning to add the characteristic of each tank and variant but never would I expect the wiki and the other online site would be adding the explanation to the very last detail which is very appreciated so that would reduce this chapter into which tank that either already added, will be added, or not yet added on the novel so anticipate it.

Unless you guys personally request which tank should appear in the next chapter add it in the comment either in here or the other chapter, thank you for reading.

Mirragezcreators' thoughts