
Tank Lord: The Iron Beast

The story would take a place on Africa and Europa as he goes on a campaign and fighting for the German Wehrmacht, the MC was defiant and always disliked how the SS Party doing things thus opposition always occurred. The MC always tried on trial due to always mocking and insulting the party but due to his exceptional skill, he always been let off from the court-martialed in the army, not only were his company supported but they were also loyal towards him because of his inspiring charisma they would even follow him to the death. During the last eastern front holding the front, his entire company were betrayed and backstabbed by the SS party from behind not only dying from that he was last killed by the enemy due to extreme infamy towards him but luckly fate said otherwise as he was reincarnated back once more to the battlefield, not as a tank commander but a newly appointed lieutenant with his first tank and teammates. On the way fighting to the eastern front this time, he would lead his newly recruited and formed team spearheading into the enemy line with his commander in chief who will support behind the line. Either he won the war or die trying, Blitz. Warning: Image or picture may change if there were any complaints about it and the word will be a normal English no mixture of the german word like Jawohl and anything similar. It's a work of fiction as the story is not based on real person and event.

Mirragez · War
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7 Chs

Eastern Front The Lost Winter the last Front

The date is three January 1944, on the Eastern Front Germany army were the joint forces of the Thirty-Six Panzer Battalion with the newly formed Fifty SS Motorized-Grenadier Battalion as the battle would take place in the city of Warsaw as the two-division were forced to work together to recapture the area near the city while they were currently on a bad term with each other.

In the first month, the battle was in Germany's favor before the arrival of the winter war and when it happens the casualties were already staggering enough beyond believing when the casualties skyrocketed as the entire army was forced into a defensive position against the approaching Soviet infantry unit as it was mixed with the armored Army.

The Panzer Battalion requested for the SS division to hold the line and siege the city from all side waiting for their supplies to run dry but such request not only were ignored but it was also given with an order saying the Fuhrer wants the city to be taken right while at the same time he wants it taken by the end of the month.

The Panzer Battalion first argued about such outrageous order which would make the entire operation a total failure and added the fact they did not have any winter equipment ready for them as it would be suicide while the SS grenadier division also said if they did not follow the order to the very letter then they would be killed or executed as a traitor as they were suspected of treason.

Surprised and angered they were forced to submit to such order and commence the assault on the Stalingrad, in the battle that was about to start as a lone tank, lies silent on the snowy plain and it was the panzer six the infamous tiger tank with one person was repairing the broken track and another tiger behind it few meters away from it.

"Ah, truly those SS dogs think they own the place if it weren't because of us they would be dead by now." said one of the Tank crew as he repairs the tank's track.

"Haha, that's right Schultz but they should have died even before the battle of France," said the other Tank crew who gave a coffee to the supposed Schultz.

"Ah thanks, Hans. my hand is cold right now" said Schultz as he grabs the coffee.

"Ah, really I miss Rommel and he was promoted as general by the Fuhrer," said Hans as he drank the coffee "Can't believe it though he was a captain when you met him right?" said Schultz.

"Yeah, hardly believe it" as he looks at the track once more.

"Yups, it's done get on to the tank and tell the other to turn the engine on." said someone nearby as he stands up and walks to the tank.

"Haha, good I had enough of standing around and repairing this bloody damn track," said Schultz.

"Ah, Gunther you just came where did you go now," said Hans.

"I just went to another panzer and talk around they said that Rommel just took half continent of Africa from those tommies," said Gunther as he jumps on the tank and sits on the loader seat.

"Schultz, please turn the engine on," said as the person quickly get on to the commander's seat.

"Sorry friend, commander just said it so I'm going in first," said Hans as he runs to the tank hatch and slowly moves to his radio seat.

"Ah?! this blasted engine, okay then" as he pulls something like a turning gear before putting it on the engine turning it again and again until the engine started to work.

"Get on, Schultz, or we'll leave you," said Hans as he speaks through the radio.

"How do you even leave when the driver is me, damn Hans" he laughs a bit.

"All right, the First squad is clear and ready for action" as Hans talk over the radio.

"Good we're waiting for you on the front here," said the person over the radio.

"We have enough fuel that can hold out for one hour or so," said Hans over the radio.

"Everyone commences the assault we must take the city of Warsaw by the end of the month," said Richard to the radio "All panzer forward" as he quickly added.

As the gear was turned forward the tank move slowly before moving at the normal speed of 35 hp, Richard on the commander seat could see no enemy on the horizon as he could only see the latest panzer four G used against tanks but a bit inferior to the tiger tank which is outfitted by an 88 mm cannon but with lesser mobility due to being as the heavy armor the tiger hold position of the far back position.

"This is the third squad we had met the enemy tank squad and are engaging, over," said the third squad commander over the radio.

"Understood fifth squad go and support the third squad," said Richard over the radio.

"Third squad understood moving in for the support," said the fifth squad commander over the radio.

"This is the fourth squad we have trouble on our hand and need support over," said the fourth squad's commander as he was distressed by it.

"We lost half of the second squad just lost contact with them a moment ago" he added.

"Second and fourth having a hard time that is the first I had heard the news about them like that," said Hans as he looks at Richard with an unbelievable face.

"Schultz, speeds up the engine we need to get in there fast," said Richard with a heavy face.

"Understood commander" as he pushes the gear to the highest gear ever used.

Half an hour has passed as the two tiger tanks moved closer to the city where the battle carries on.

Richard looking through the gun's scope sees the fourth squad has only half of its total number while the second squad only had only one tank remained as it has its track broken and was holding the line pretty badly.

"Stop the engine," said Richard as he looks at the scope and finding four T-34 tanks coming in fast for a kill "Ready the shells and kill the engine, I'm firing the shot," as Richard.

A moment of silence as Richard look through his scope while aiming at the enemy tank as the range were more than 1500 meter far, he waited for the right moment to strike at the incoming enemy tank closing in before it happens when the range was about 900 meters far then it happens.

Booom, Shleeng, Schleeeck, Bang the sound repeats until three-time.

After the shot was fired upon the enemy the first shot land directly on the incoming to T-34's side turret where the ammo racks are located which caused a huge explosion as it killed the entire crew instantly, then the second shot hit directly at the fuel tank which made engine exploded a bit then turning the entire tank and its crew on the burning iron coffin as one of them managed to escape in time to extinguish the fire on his back, the last third shot hit where the driver is currently at penetrating as it penetrates the armor causing the shoulder to split into two killings he driver as it made one of the gear goes half causing it to turn to the side as it crashes then turning the tank around supposedly able to killing the entire two tank crew if anyone able to survive it would be a miracle.

"Thanks that was close and First squad it seems we owe you guys a beer," said the second squad with a laugh before suddenly an explosion occurred on the last panzer.

"What just happen?! huh, wait a minute is that a KV? must be the second version of it a tall turret," said Richard as he looks through the scope.

"It's no wonder they just lost and many of the first squad lost the entire squad quickly because of it," said Hans as he thought it was true.

"No, sir it was another tank we never knew what it is but the armor is thick and probably bigger than the tiger." said the fourth squad commander through the radio.

"Eh? another tank... commander?" said Hans as he turns his head toward Richard.

"... I see; indeed, that tank is thicker from the looks of it," said Richard as he looks through the scope looking at the unknown tank that accompanied the new KV tank squad.

"Then commander what is your order?" said the other tiger crew waiting for the order.

"Tell the other squad to fall back and reinforce our position and also tell those damn SS division to get in here and assist us also if they say it was the Fuhrer order then they should come and support us by then," said Richard over the radio "Yes commander," said the other tiger crew over the radio.

"This is the third squad the enemy anti-tank gun took almost all of our squad it looks like we are the only one remaining it we have one crew who survives the attack," said the third squad commander over the radio.

"This is the fifth squad we took half casualties and one of our tanks just broke its turret unable to rotate well enough, some of us manage to fix it but unable its unable turn very fast," said the fifth squad over the radio.

"Understood then regroup at 371, 258 coordinates, we are currently fortifying ourselves and are preparing for an enemy assault," said Richard as he looks out from the turret while feeling the winter wind touching his skin.

As the order was already given the entire squad regrouped against the soviet combined assault while creating a hole to create a defensive line to combat the new type Soviet tanks as they also holding the line for the SS grenadier division as they expected to arrive an hour later, What they waited were not a couple of squads nor was it the new soviet tanks but it was the entire brigade of the entire Soviet tanks coming down on them while they well-fortified but the ammo stock on them was unable to stand long against the massive number of enemy who is coming for them.

"Oh, boy. Keep your adrenaline on boys" said Hans.

"Hans you blabbermouth, don't act so mighty you are merely a radio operator," said the fourth commander as he laughs.

"Why you... well I try to kill them with my Machine gun here," said Hans as if he was joking around while speaking with a serious tone.

Hearing it the entire crew burst into a laugh before turn back serious as they stand against the entire Soviet army tank charge as they also joined with the motorized infantry Battalion which also armed with self-propelled Anti-tank gun.

"Wait men hold your fire," said Richard as he looks through the scope "just a little more" as he continued.

The men and soldiers of the group were heavy and tense as they look at the incoming enemy while waiting for the firing order.

"Bit more," said Richard "Steady, steady" as he continued.

Sweats slowly drip down from their cheeks and neck as the excitement or fear slowly creeps them.

"Fire" shouted Richard as he also pulls the triggers.

As the moments has arrived the entire remaining Panzer division opened fire on the incoming enemy tanks that also return the fire unlike the incoming soviet tanks, Richard's entire unit was mostly a veteran as they have entered many operations as most of them killed at the very least more than a hundred tanks on the battlefield, thus the entire Battalion of the Panzer division were able made a killing at least eighty or so percent of killing rates.

The Soviet tank charging through the battlefield did not even have the chance to cause any damage to the remaining Panzer division as they slowly being torn apart as they approach them.

"They are annoying but even so why did they throw their life trying to hold us here though?" said Hans as he peers through his sight.

"Not sure, I even guess it would not be good for us," said Gunther as he loads the shell.

"I agree with what you said Gunther, everyone is alert on anything even the slightest move of rock report it," said Hans as he said over the info to the radio.

The Crew of each tank watches over the horizons as they were wary of the new unknown foes before suddenly a new tank appeared behind the nearby building and fired its first shot.

"What?! aghhhhhhh!!!" shouted one of the tank crews right beside the tiger tank.

"Turn the turret now... Fire!!!" shouted the other nearby tank's crew.

As the shot was fired the shell didn't even manage to penetrate the armor even by one millimeter, the unknown tank then fired back at them which resulted in a huge explosion.

"All tank focus fire on that tank, fire at will" shouted through the radio as he also pulls the trigger.

Sounds echoes around the open plain as another squad of tanks appears on the horizon, it was a KV 2 tank as it aligned its barrel towards Richard squad.

"Ah, another one from our right?! it's no use!!!" said one of the squads.

The barrel fired a barrage of shells as it flew toward them in a quickly that the entire squad is unable to react back, resulting some of the squad lost with a huge explosion exploded at the same time the shell not only bypass the ammo rack but also the fuel tank igniting the oil then making a huge explosion.

"Fall back and regroup, move to point 376, 428," said Richard as he looks through the scope.

Pulling a trigger shot were heard the first shot by the tiger managed to dent the new Tank as it retreated away from the battlefield even so its job was a success as it managed to deal heavy casualties to the panzer division, reloading the shell Richard pull another shot as it managed to fly directly to the barrel by luck blowing the barrel of as it iron pipe were opened like a flower.

"What a lucky shot captain, understood falling back," said Schultz as he pulls the level.

"Hans radio the other how many survive against the enemy assault," said Richard as he peers to the scope then raises to the commander viewport as he looks to the outside making sure there is no more any enemy nearby.

"Understood, Captain... is anyone alive over... I repeat is anyone else alive over..." as Hans shout over the radio and keep repeating to make sure it there is responding.

"Bbbbzzzzz" the radio sounded.

"Sir, I think the radio is broken it seems I get out sir, and to fix it," said Hans after turning to Richard.

Between getting new information for the mission and safekeeping his crew and soldier, he takes the tough choice between letting him go or not.

"Okay Hurry and gets out then repair it," said Richard as he looks the scope once more before he notices "Wait, enemy tank the KV2 and the new tank pairing on our front, wait there are two new tanks?!! get the shell ready we hold our ground here," shouted Richard as he continues.

Pulling the shell from its rack Richard fired the first shot and it was a direct hit on the KV2 lower hull penetrating it causing an explosion, loading for the second shot the enemy fired on them as half of the shell fly by them while the few managed to penetrate the turret commander's viewport rupturing it.

"The new gun must be heavy we barely dent it... load it, but even so they must be newly recruited the shell mostly didn't hit us," said Richard as he fires the shot.

"They stop sir... nice knowing you guys," said Hanz with a paled face.

"If we meet again in Valhalla the drinks are on me," said Schultz as he smiles.

"Nice knowing to you sir it been an honor," said Gunther as he saluted.

"... indeed, it's an honor, prepare for the last shot," said Richard as he pulls the next trigger.

Firing another shot as the shell fly directly to the KV2 turret which caused it to deflect and fly sideways unable to penetrate as the entire enemy tank fire their gun with its shell fly and cut through the air and into the Tiger tank front armor killing turn Shultz into thousand pieces of meat, while Gunther has a medium-sized hole near his groin and Hans body part flying in the air.

Richard suffered the injury that supposes to kill other people but he still breathing with bit large wound on his left hand, looking at the gun barrel was half loaded he quickly put his hand on the cannon's lock mechanism and pulled down then lock it in place as he slowly places his eye on the scope looking at the enemy newest tank.

"I would not... go down... so easily!!!" said Richard as he slowly panting holding his pain before pulling the trigger.

Firing once more the shell fly slowly into the enemy new tank as it penetrated its dented armor causing a huge explosion and the nearby tank quickly turned its turret aiming at the broken tiger tank with a large hole in the armor as they surrounded him while their front to his rear side.

"Hahaha... I think... it's my turn... to die." as Richard slowly close his eyes with his head lowered a bit.

Then explosions were heard across the snowy plain, the KV2 and the new tank left the wreckage where the Tiger and Richard and the entire Panzer division lies were in turn slowly but surely the snow falls in the cold sky as a flock of it floating slowly to the place while one of it landed on top the Tiger's wreckage where the fire and the burning flame slowly engulfed the snow.

Suddenly when most of the snow landed on top of the burning flame a bright but tiny speck of light floated to the air and raising itself to the cloud before lastly disappearing from the surrounding.