

"Cathy? Why would she?" 

Veronica was surprised since her friend had no reason to send her a letter.

Arthur shrugged. "Maybe she knew that I'm here. Why don't you check it out?"

Using his magic, he let the envelope fly toward her. When it approached her, it gently fell on her chest.

After Arthur left, Veronica opened the envelope and read the letter.

Catherine wrote - 


I think you will be busy with Arthur since he came back. However, please read this letter when he isn't around.

Ovior called me at noon and asked me about the first temple. He said Merlin used to study in Utahill in religion. So, he knew that Saints lived in the first temple for generations.

Ovior asked me if I knew the location. I said the temple disappeared from human eyes during the Great War. Only Saints can see that.

Well, I didn't lie but I also didn't tell them that you know that place.