
Tales of Zypher (Marvel/DC)

A lovely boy who was kind and innocent by the nature, became a victim to the struggle between Heros and Villains. It's the epic tale of Zypher's revenge, struggle and battles in this dangerous world. In a world full of Superpowers, Magic and Mutations, there are countless Superheros and Villains. The fights between them are dangerous, terrible and bloody. In the end, the ones that suffers the most are neither heros or villains, but ordinary people. They are the victims to countless tragedies everyday. This is also the tale of one of those tragedies, but the one in which victim gains the power to subvert everything.

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11 Chs


A gaint snake with a length of tens of meters appeared above the surface of ocean. Standing, it's head reached almost at the level Helicarrier which was floating at a lower level. The snake's whole body was black with three shinny jewels on its forehead, which were blue, sky blue and silver in color. The black body of snake was covered with beautiful patterns of the same colors as the jewels.

Everyone gasped.

Flash and Hawkeye's mouth were wide open in shock: "What the hell is this."

Arthur Neptune said: "It looks a bit like Jormungader."

Wonder Woman Diana nodded. Everyone's reactions were different, but one thing that was common was the amazement. It's hard to believe that such a huge monster inhibits the Earth.

The gaint snake opened his mouth, and terryfing screams sounded. The water level started rising again, and even more dangerously.

The people on the Helicarrier took the fighting stance at once. The snake doesn't seem to be cooperative.

Black widow took her standard fighting position, "So it seems to have the ability of water."

Batman and Iron-man spoke at the same time: "No, it has three."

Iron Man continued: "Why did you kid give this guy so much power. The previous bird with only one element was enough, and now its this snake with three."

Carla saw that the people around her wanted to fight with Fang, she hurriedly persuaded: "Don't fight. Fang's not going to hurt." she doesn't want anyone to be hurt.

Orlo storm said: "We are not fighting, we are just trying to protect people. The snakes seems to be hostile and angry."

Carla stopped talking. She was a little tangled wether to say it or not.

Diana saw Carla's hesitantan. She asked: "Do you have anything to say Carla. You can tell us without hesitation."

Carla was a little embarrassed, but she said: "Fang's not bad. He's just angry, very angry."

"Why? " asked Superman, but he had a perominattion that it must not be a good thing.

Carla replied a little embarrassed: "Fang protects brother. He can sense when someone wants to do something bad to the brother near him. That's why he is angry."

A complete silence. Everyone looked at each other and then at Nick Fury. There was anger in their eyes. It must be this guy plotting something in his mind.

Fury was stared by so many angry eyes of superheros, and was helpless. This was not him, but no one seemed to believe in him. Even his Avengers weren't on his side. In fact, Nick Fury was really innocent this time. The malice Fang was sensing was from Hydra's agents on the Helicarrier.

Before Nick Fury or heros could say anything to elevate the embarrassment, Zypher spoke before them: "Don't worry my friend. Nothing would happen to me, and if happened, they will be creating the disaster themselves."

No one liked Zypher's words. Its like a warning. This shows his complete untrust in them, but they didn't refute. After all, they can see that Carla didn't lie. It means someone even on this Helicarrier wants to harm the siblings in their presence, so how can they say anything in refutal.

Fang's anger seems to have reduced a lot, and his size shrunk by dozen of times. It teleported from its orignal place and appeared on Zypher's arm, in a coiled firm.

Carla ran to her brother to play with Fang, Benjamin and brother.


In the Conference room, the whole room was quiet.

Batman's metallic and cold voice broke the silence. "Justice league will have the custody of the children. The test results are out, and they are Bruce Wayne's children."

Although his words were plain, but only Superman and Wonder Woman could feel the excitement and panic in their friend's heart. The test results proved what was more than ninty person already true.

Nick Fury immediately denied: "No, they should be under Shield's regulation."

Wonder Woman mocked: "The Shield whose malice was clearly seen outside." she did like this institution, so Diana mocked them openly. Wonder Woman has never been afraid of anyone.

Nick Fury was angry on the insult, but as an excellent agent, he accepted it with a smile. The important thing is to get mutants first. Anyway he doesn't have a proof of innocence. So let others say what they want.

Iron Man, Tony spoke: "I think it's better for me to adopt the children. Anyway, surname Stark would fit them quite well. Oh my God, Carla is such a cute kid. She deserves to be Tony Stark's daughter."

Captain America sighed. He doesn't know what to do with his friend tongue.

Everyone knows Bruce Wayne is Justice League's financial supporter. Tony talking about giving Bruce Wayne's children his surname is a slap on Justice League's face.

Clark looked worriedly at Bruce. He could feel the temperature dropping further when Tony Stark talked about adopting the children.

Professor X who was quiet the whole time spoke: "Gentlemen, I think children should go to the School first. It's for them to decide later wether they want to be with their father, uncle or adoptive parents."

The quarrel calmed down. Everyone agreed with the proposal, at least on the surface.