
Tales of the Legendary Magus

Gold medalist of WPC#140! A magical school. A talented boy. Things should've gone perfectly, a talented magus should've been created within the walls of this school. Yet it is now, now that he is here that all these horribly dangerous events transpire. Traitors of the continent are hidden within the school. Mage supremacists are making their move. Schools will fall and cities collapse when the events begin unfolding. So what will become of this boy, wanted by both groups? Will he perish under their manipulative hands or will he rise and bring magic society to a new high? -------------- If you wish to support me you can do so by donating at www.patreon.com/belg4r perhaps then I won't have to go premium!

Belg4r · Fantasie
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236 Chs

Chapter 2: A New Body, A Sad Beginning

When Villin finally regained consciousness he was assaulted by a wave of nausea. In just a single moment seven years of memories assaulted his consciousness at once causing a massive headache to form.

Villin groaned as he slightly managed to open his eyes. He saw an old wooden roof that seemed to be rotting. When he looked to the left his eyes suddenly widened as he saw a lady about forty years of age laying on the floor with a pool of blood around her. Her chest looked as if it had been slashed by a sword for a hundred times.

Villin subconsciously crawled backward towards the other way before he felt something sticky below his hands. When he slowly turned his head he was greeted with yet another corpse. A male in his fifties was sitting against the wall, his face in ruins. Villin started hyperventilating as he jumped up. Still being assaulted by a wave of nausea and memories that were impossible to make sense of.

When he tried to run toward the doorway he saw not far away he fell, his coordination was way off, his legs were shorter then they were before and since he wasn't used to it he simply wasn't able to run.

Just after he fell the nausea receded and memories suddenly made sense.

His name was Villin Grey son of Adam Grey and Violette Grey. He was about to turn nine and had recently been contacted by a young woman named Silver. She talked to him and his parents for over an hour, after showing proof multiple times she also managed to convince his parents that magic was real and he had it. Apparently they had sensed it on him just about a month ago and so she was sent over to make sure he could join the academy when he turned nine.

Tears fell down his face without him knowing it as he saw the parents of this body's last owner. Villin felt weird and confused, having no idea on what to do. He must've sat there for hours, completely lost, trying to figure out what was going on and slowly putting all the memories into place.

After this unknown period of time, footsteps came from behind him. Still lost in his head, Villin didn't realize as even now tears were flowing out of his eyes. The lady standing behind him gulped as she saw the situation. She had already found two other corpses in the living room, the two younger sisters of Villin, and now the parents were also found.


She said calmly as she tapped her wand onto Villin's head, causing him to fall asleep.

When Villin woke up he felt extremely calm. He could recall the events that happened before yet he couldn't form any emotions of them. He quickly noticed he was laying in a proper bed, in a proper room, and just as he woke up someone came out of a door to his left.

When he looked at the doorway he saw a twenty-year-old lady with beautiful silver hair and nearly sparkling blue eyes. This was without a doubt Silver, the mage that had told him he was a magus. Before he could say anything she looked at him with a sad expression.

"Hey Villin, I am very sorry about what happened to your family, the academy has taken it upon themselves to find out who did it, they will surely catch the killer."

She paused and she almost looked as if she would tear up herself.

"The bed you are laying on is enchanted, as long as you stay in bed you won't feel extreme emotions, I suggest you stay in bed for a day to make processing the situation easier."

Villin looked slightly confused as he started asking Silver some questions. It appeared she had taken him in for the time being because she didn't want him to go to the orphanage.

Surprisingly the conversation didn't stay at the subject of last night's matters for long. Since Villin didn't feel right now he simply decided not to ask about things that Silver wouldn't be able to answer.

"Why did I only get notified about magic a few months before I'm supposed to go to a school?"

Hearing this question Silver seemed a bit more confident as she simply explained.

"Since you were born of two mortals, finding you can only be done out of luck. One of our mages happened to sense your energy a short while back. If we had found you earlier we would've informed you of everything earlier. We would've asked if we could have a mage live with you for a while to properly explain all you need to know."

Villin nodded, before laying down again. He wasn't stupid and knew he had to take some time to process what happened last night. If he could properly realize what happened now, potential grieving wouldn't be as hard.

Luckily it seemed that he worried about nothing. He left the bed after only an hour of thinking and when he did he felt a clear change in himself, allowing his emotions to flow again. Even though he felt somewhat scared when he thought back to what happened last night. He didn't feel any kinship with his parents. At this point, the memories no longer overwhelmed him. It felt more like a movie than anything else.

Silver lived alone in a rather big home. Despite its size it still felt very cozy, the living room had a nice fireplace and a few couches, and a number of trinkets could be seen which he couldn't recognize. Other than this he also spotted a radio, meaning technology probably didn't have an effect on magic.

Silver stayed close to him for the entire day while neither of them spoke too much. It was clear that she was giving him time to think and he was having a look at everything. When he got tired of looking he sat on the couch in front of the lit fireplace.

"Hey Silver, thank you for taking me in for a bit."

He sounded slightly gloomy which wasn't a surprise, Silver decided to respond with a smile.

"I heard it's your birthday today so I got you a present, I hope you like it."

She didn't respond to his thanks as it didn't seem necessary at the time, instead, she grabbed a square wrapped up box and gave it to him.

She smiled at him wildly so Villin looked at her thankfully as he opened the package. When it was fully opened he could see what looked like a small mouse made out of metal.

"Try touching it."

As she advised Villin gently touched the metal mouse and it immediately came to life. The mouse seemed to be fully made out of metal without leaving any gaps yet the snout, legs, and tail easily moved.

"This is an enchanted pet. It doesn't hold much intelligence and only lives for a few years but if you want to learn enchantments later on it could be a good object to try to learn from and perhaps even experiment on."

While she was saying all that Villin looked at the little mouse with a somewhat shocked look.

Even though he knew this was probably nothing compared to what mages could truly do, it made him realize magic was now really a thing.

"Thank you miss Silver, I love it!"

He said as he held his hand out to the little mouse letting it climb on. With an invigorated expression he turned to Silver.

"Please miss Silver can you teach me magic?"

Seeing his excited expression Silver couldn't help but smile, she was glad he didn����t seem to have a trauma because of what happened. Even though how quickly he seemed to have gotten passed it nearly seemed worrying, she could tell he certainly wasn't some psychopath.

"Since I'm only a first-grade mage, I'm not allowed to teach any future mages, if you want I can give you some books on magic and magic society though. In fact, I was already planning to do so, after all, school starts in a month.

Saying this she walked over to the one room that was locked before. When she opened it Villin saw a study. The walls seemed to be made out of bookshelves filled with books as at least a few hundred books were here.

Without any hesitation, she walked forward and grabbed a few books out of various shelves. All of these books were relatively thin and they sported titles such as 'A guide to Magus society', 'The world from a Magus' standpoint', 'How to transform from a mortal with magic to a magus' and 'Basic rules in the Magus world'. It was clear these books were made for people such as himself who was born with mortal parents.

After giving these books to Villin, Silver spoke once more.

"Tomorrow I won't be home since I have to go to a teachers' meeting in the academy. I will make sure there will be plenty for you to eat, when you open the cabinet on the top left of the kitchen a warm meal will appear. I will be back in the evening to properly talk to you alright?"

Villin nodded as he looked at the woman before him. It was hard to say how he would classify her. She was the same age as he was so he really didn't see her as a mother figure. And well, she was more caring than a sister. Letting the matter rest, he went to go sleep. He was still quite exhausted mentally and even if he tried he probably wouldn't be able to read properly.

And so, while laying in the bed which suppressed all emotions he looked over everything that happened once more before falling into a deep slumber.