
Tales of the Chimera Master

In a world full of Magic and Wonders, Comes an age where every region of the world is ruled by the highest form of hybrid creature known as the 'Chimera'. To appease the Chimera Rulers. Both men and monsters began to offer sacrifices to appease their Chimera Rulers, for protection and prosperity. __________________________ To support the author: Join Discord: https://discord.gg/nPUQhX9C Join Dc Server: https://discord.com/channels/1218787271004651680/1219862931752091718 Follow me on Instagram: @kjv.zeanso Follow me on Twitter: @KjvZeanso https://www.patreon.com/KJVZeanso

KJVZeanso · Fantasie
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46 Chs

Kitsune's Kiss

[ Thunder Mist Mountains, Thunder Sakura Gardens ]

" Wind Magic? " Shiro asks as Yakujin tells him.

" Yes, your Magic is Wind Magic. " 

" Hmm..., despite your 'Blood', I must say... "

" Your magic is kinda... "

" Basic. " Yakujin says as she sniffs it.

" I'm sorry. " Shiro bows, giving an apology if he didn't meet the Chimera Master's expectations.

Yakujin scratches her fur, she wonders what to do next after learning Shiro's Magic.

"( The next step is to teach him some skills. )" Yakujin says as she begins to try and and tell Shiro how to do it, telling him to release the Mana using his limbs, in order to draw out the Magic within him which Shiro does, but.

" Uwaa, I can't do it! " Shiro cries after making many attempts.

" CONTINUE! I WON'T ALLOW IT! " Yakujin shouts at him, telling him to try until he can, for she wants to know what the 'Special Blood' magic looks like.

" Uwa, Master, I'm sorry! " Shiro cries even more, he even peed in front of the Chimera Master, making her startled.

"( Gyah, I overdid it! )" Yakujin says as she sees it.

" Oh, my little dear, I'm sorry... " Yakujin tries to calm him down patting and licking him as Shiro fails.

"( Akafushi! )" Yakujin calls Akafushi as she comes and hugs Shiro to calm him down even better, whilst also giving him change clothes as she picks the old one to be washed.

Shiro gets his clothes changed, and he he is hugged by Yakujin who calms him down while waiting for Akafushi, whom she ordered to bring some Spell Scrolls from the Library in her lair. She hopes that, with the help of written scrolls, she could easily teach Shiro better.

As Akafushi searched for the scrolls, Yakujin decided to lick Shiro while patting him, realizing that was the only thing she could do to bring back the boy's mood.

" ~Aww my dear, doncha cry again, woncha~? " Yakujin smooches him, seducing the boy with a more 'motherly nature'.

  She tries to imitate what a 'mother' does to their child, despite.

* Yakujin smooches on Shiro's face, licking it. *

" Master Yakujin... " Shiro calls her.

" ~Yes, my dear~ *wink* " Yakujin responds.

" Mmm... "

" ... "

" ... "

" Did you just kiss me? " Shiro asks as he points at his lips.

" Yes, I did~!, " Yakujin said it with no suspicion.

" What's wrong with it, does your mother never do that to you~? "

" Mmmm... "

" Of course, she didn't. " Shiro responds.

" For mothers will never kiss their children on lips... " Shiro says which made Yakujin surprised.

" Ah, really~? " Yakujin asks while keeping her seductive tone.

" Yes, Master Yakujin. "

" Then who should kiss one on the lips, then? " Yakujin asks.

Hearing that, Shiro then responds.

" Well, a kiss of the lips can only be done by parents, basically. "

" Um, it's a thing done by a 'husband' and 'wife'. " Shiro tells Yakujin which shocked her to the core.

"( Husband and Wife!? )" Yakujin shouts in her mind, her cheeks go red, she really messed up this time.

"( Gah, Husband, and Wife!? )" Yakujin screams in her mind as she realizes what she's done.

"( Nonsense, I... )" Yakujin begins to feel embarrassed, as a Chimera Master, the highest mortal lifeform in the New Age.

Yakujin believed that if she got married or became a Male Creature's mate, she would only mate herself for a Chimera Master who defeated her in combat and the one she might have a heart for, which is impossible for an arrogant one like her.

" Shiro, that's nonsense! " Yakujin tries to defend herself, defending her pride as a female.

" What do you think I did, it's not even my sign for affection, I-... "

" No, don't think nonsense, you sacrifice! I am your master...! " Yakujin says this as her sweat drolls down like a waterfall as she tries to think of her defense against the boy.

" I will never submit to you, I'll- "

" What's going on? " Akafushi comes as she brings the Spell Scrolls.

"( Gakh! )" Yakujin gets hit by thunder, getting shocked, as she sees her already come with her request.

"( Oh no, Akafushi... )"

"( If she's here, then... )"

" Oh, Akafushi, I- "

" Sister Akafushi, Master Yakujin kisses me! " Shiro says it while pointing at the Fox Chimera.

"( Young brat, how dare you to point at-... )" Yakujin glares at Shiro with the sharpest glare she ever did as he says it.

" Aw, Master Yakujin kisses you? " Akafushi asks as Shiro nods.

" Yes, Akafushi, Master kisses me on the lips and doesn't want to take responsibility! " Shiro says out loud, which gives Akafushi a sudden shock after hearing it.

" Kisses you..., on..., the... lips...? " Akafushi says as she slowly looks at Yakujin and glares at her.

" Master... you... " Akafushi tries to say it while Yakujin defends herself while drilling sweat.

" No, no, don't think of it, Akafushi! " 

" Shiro is just joking, we're only... "

" You dare to defile a young boy, Master!? " Akafushi says as she raises her tone, feeling enraged, as the atmosphere around her changes.

"( Oh no... )" Yakujin sweats in fear.

"( Oh dear me, Shiro... )" Yakujin grunts as she blames Shiro for being too...

"( You naive little- )" Yakujin says as she feels many Spiritual Presences.

"( Oh crap! )" Yakujin says as the presences revealed themselves, making their Spiritual Selves visible to her eyes.

[ Giganthorn Kabuto Hybrid Spirit Army ]

[ Thunder-Bull Kabuto Hybrid Spirit Army ]

[ Gigant-Hornet Sparrowbee  Chimera Spirit Army ]

" Gah! " Yakujin sees it in sweats, realizing that Akafushi is pissed because of this.

" Master Yakujin, are these things Bonded Spirits like Sister Akafushi? " Shiro innocently asks while his Master is fearing for her life.

" Oh, they're... "

" Master Yakujin, your bad deeds have been gone too far to be tolerated. "

" You be punished, by me and my subordinates! " Akafushi says which makes Yakujin so afraid as she is being misfortunate, for now.


The concept of 'Kiss' is not that common to Non-Human Creatures for they usually 'lick' to show affection.

So there may be some of them who think kisses could be done on any body part.

Please understand, for this is the thing in the Non-Human Creatures' world.

Better be responsible, Yakujin.

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