
Tales of the Chimera Master

In a world full of Magic and Wonders, Comes an age where every region of the world is ruled by the highest form of hybrid creature known as the 'Chimera'. To appease the Chimera Rulers. Both men and monsters began to offer sacrifices to appease their Chimera Rulers, for protection and prosperity. __________________________ To support the author: Join Discord: https://discord.gg/nPUQhX9C Join Dc Server: https://discord.com/channels/1218787271004651680/1219862931752091718 Follow me on Instagram: @kjv.zeanso Follow me on Twitter: @KjvZeanso https://www.patreon.com/KJVZeanso

KJVZeanso · Fantasy
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44 Chs

Smelling Opportunity

[ Thunder Mist Mountains, Thunder Sakura Gardens ]

Yakujin tests Shiro's talent, still wondering if his Special Blood really give him a potent energy powers, wondering if what they say about it were true.

* Shiro meditating. *

* Shiro focusing. *

" I could feel it, Master Yakujin. " Shiro says as Yakujin tutors him a bit about Mana.

" Do you feel your connection with Nature? " Yakujin asks as she kinda of hopes for Shiro.

On one side, she hopes Shiro fails to do so for she doesn't want to teach her to sacrifice things that will give them the chance to overpower her, but on the other side, teaching Shiro Magic and Martial Arts...

Might've proven how potent his 'Sacrifice Lamb Blood' was, for Yakujin still wonders how powerful she might've been if she had just taken a little sip of Shiro's Blood.

"( Despite Akafushi's claims, I need to see for myself if the Boy's Blood is really the 'Special Blood'. )"

"( Those with it usually had talents over Magic and Ki, for a human the talents could be either or both of them. )"

"( What I need here, is proof... )" Yakujin says as she watches Shiro sniffing his scent, watching and analyzing every moment.

" Continue to feel nature's entry over your body, feel and focus on letting it heighten your senses over your surroundings. " Yakujin tells. 

" Let the Mana's wind, connect you to life. "

While Yakujin gradually witnesses him, Shiro still closes his eyes, as he feels the Mana around him, feeling it coursing towards his skin and entering his body.

"( There's a soft breeze, a breeze that felt different entering my body, making me somehow hear everything around me. )" Shiro says.

"( I could see and hear Master Yakujin and the animals in these Mountains, so peaceful and... )" Shiro says as he also sees the other things other than peaceful, he sees a local carnivore eating a defenseless herbivore, he sees people in the mountains killing each other for no reason, for something unexplained.

"( Why? )" Shiro asks himself as he cries, seeing it all through his connection to nature.

"( So you could see that far? )" Yakujin asked herself as she sniffed and sensed how much Mana Shiro could absorb.

"( He absorbs with great quantity of Mana there, not to mention, the more Mana one absorbs, the more they can witness everything around them even far away than their current location. )"

"( This is the first proof of his 'Special Blood'... )" Yakujin slurps as she witnesses it, seeing Shiro's talents at a young age.

As Yakujin wanted to witness more, holding her urges to feast as she now was sure of the boy's capabilities over Mana, realizing he now could do the 'Mana Sense' and 'Mana Absorption'.

After that, the Chimera Master decided to do another test, for she tried to wonder if the boy could do the Ki as she could see the boy's 'Mana Absorption' already accumulating, making Shiro's 'Mana Presence', the great presence of Mana Energy, so large, which Yakujin and Akafushi in that place could sense despite their distance, and also...


( Unknown Place. )

" *Sniff* *Sniff* " 

" This 'Mana Presence... "

" *Sniff* "

" It feels so powerful and... " the creature also sniffs the scent blowing the winds through the Mana.

" 'Sacrifice Lamb Blood'!? " 

( Hours later. )

[ In An Unknown Place. ]

" Is it true that there's a 'Sacrifice Lamb Blood' human from the 'Thunder Mist Mountains'? " said a being covered by the dark.

" Yes, sire, it is true... "

" As I sensed the huge Mana accumulating there, the winds that spread the Mana Presence also smelled like Blood, blood that we Non-Human Creatures could tell what that is. "

" You weren't there so I can't blame you, sire... "

" If you were there, then you could tell there's the 'Special Blood' human in that place.

" Unlike any other. " said the being who smelled the 'Sacrifice Lamb Blood' scent from the 'Mana Presence'.

" Hmm? " the sire begins to think about it.

" If I remember, the 'Sacrifice Lamb Blood' already vanished in all Easterion around a hundred years ago. "

" Both by the effect of nature or perhaps by the effect of human attempts. "

" I've heard back then, that there are some humans who made a drug, to use to alter the 'Sacrifice Lamb Blood', making it lose its potency and taste to every Non-human creature. "

" Humans always found a way to avoid any danger. "

" What a waste, despite the Blood's holder very potency and talents I've remembered. " said the sire.

" You've met them, Sire? " said the lower creature to him.

" I've once fought a warrior that had it within him, it was a great and thrillful battle which I've won and feasted on him as the victor's reward. " the sire says while touching the wounds in his cheek.

" How nostalgic... "

" Guess the tale was right that a 'Sacrifice Lamb Blood' human possesses great power if they are trained. "

" But sadly, many hate these kinds of humans for bringing danger to them, instead of training them as warriors or shamans. " said the sire.

" Then isn't it good, Sire... "

" If they were trained, they instead could, please forgive me... "

" They could hurt you... "

" That's what I wanted, for that's the best way to taste the tastiest 'Sacrifice Lamb Blood'. "

" It's like a risk, with huge risk comes huge return. "

" The more the 'Special Blood' Users get trained, the more potent their blood shall be. "

" Don't you get it? "

" That's how I came to this Current Stage. " he grips his hand.

" If I didn't sacrifice my skin and get gradually damaged against that 'Special Blood' Warrior, then I wouldn't have the reward of feasting his powerful Blood, evolving to greater heights! " said the sire as he roars, his voice gives shockwaves in the air.

" Making me the ruler of my mountains, and thus! "

" The 'Chimera Master' of the 'Thorned Mountains'! " said the sire as he laughed after hearing it all.

" Go, call the pack," he orders the lower servant who talks to him.

" Order them to prepare for the 'Thunder Mist Mountains'. "

" To claim my 'Special' prey. " the sire grins as he orders this.

This is the test Yakujin wants to do for Shiro, to know if his 'Sacrifice Lamb Blood' is that potent.

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