

" Good or evil Hero or villian It all burns down to the power man can control." This book tells the story of Henry Blank, a human soldier sent to space to check a new planet humans on Earth named Saivas which was discovered on by a satellite. The soldier and his team reached Saivas but the whole crew was killed except for one soldier, Henry. Left stranded on a strange planet, he strives to survive in a dark world, then he luckily gained the strongest ability to ever exist. Henry protects his world and the strange world as he struggles to keep his sanity and values.

Emma08 · Aktion
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13 Chs


Taintron~ 1654

Henry stood up, dusted his cloth with his hand before cleaning his blood seeping from his nose with the back of his palm. He walked away from a crater his body had created few seconds ago.

" You should stop this now Henry, we both know that you wouldn't beat me, we can achieve so much if we work together." Diane said as Henry walked towards her.

" You talk to much Diane." Henry said unhurriedly as he stood opposite Diane, with just a few meters separating the both of them.

" I would never work with someone like you, you irritate me." Henry added.

" You never learn boy." Diane as her eyes turned dark with tiny black and blue viens protruding around her eyes.

" This is not the first time I would be kicking your ass but I have always spared you. You remind me of my husband in every way." Diane said with a wry smile on her face.

" But now, you have to die, you have always hindered me from achieving my goals. But sometimes… I wonder why you are so hell bent on stopping the great conquest, there is a world waiting for us out there for us to explore." Diane said.

" A world, a world… can't you see what we can achieve if we take over that world, we will be gods." Diane said, screaming before laughing loudly, a strange laugh that echoed, that shook the ground around them.

" Sadly, that world is where my family lives and I can't let you invade that world, they are not capable of fighting against you." Henry mumbled under his breath.

" Now let's finish this… shall we?" Diane said, she didn't wait for Henry's response before gathering chaos energy around her hands, after the chaos energy concentrated on her palm, she rushed at Henry with a lightning speed. Henry face swiftly turned serious, he conjured a long sword out of nowhere before running towards Diane. Before they could clash, Henry disappeared and he reappeared behind Diane, he quickly slashed his long sword at Diane's back but Diane already went out of the way, she threw a compressed chaos energy ball at Henry, before he could dodge, the ball already hit his chest. Henry was sent flying, Diane chased after his body and before Henry's body touched the ground, he teleported to a corner of the battlefield. Reappearing, he went on his left knee before coughing black blood, he supported his weight with his long sword he had stabbed into the ground. Henry stood up, shot Diane an angry look and he ran towards her, Diane just smiled as she rose to the air. She watched Henry run towards her with a speed that human eyes could barely catch but Diane saw him clearly, before Henry came closer, she directed a chaos halo towards Henry. Henry seeing the halo, frowned and he conjured a large shield, he met the halo head on with a large shield, the shield was completely destroyed but Henry escaped, unscathed. Henry continued to run towards Diane and before Diane could do anything, Henry leapt towards Diane. Henry stabbed his long sword at her and she couldn't block the sword from piercing her stomach, they both fell to the ground, creating a huge crater on the ground they landed. Henry, pulled out his sword from Diane body and he stabbed her at the same spot again, Diane coughed blood, as the sword found its way into her stomach, again! Diane suddenly smiled and she created a chaos bomb that exploded in the middle of the both of them, Henry did a backflip, leaping away from where the bomb could reach. Henry still covered himself with a transparent shield he made by bending water element, after the bomb exploded, Henry dismissed the water shield, conjured a broad sword because his earlier sword was destroyed by the bomb. The dust cleared and Henry gasped when he saw a graceful blue dragon with blue eyes, large talons, large fangs, walk out of the dust.

" You didn't expect me to do this right." Diane said in a voice that echoed loudly.

" I have so many abilities that you're not even aware of but I know all the abilities you can use." Diane said, chuckling.

" You are in for a surprise Diane." Henry responded, deep down he felt fear, he had fought a lot of dragons and he knew that blue dragons are the strongest dragons to have ever lived and now he has to face a blue dragon capable of using different strange abilities.

" Walking the face of Taintron all these years revealed a lot of abilities to me and I have collected the strangest, powerful ones. The fight with the owner of this ability still resides in mind, I can't forget how I stabbed a Emerald sword into her heart." Diane said, Henry just watched her as he made plans on the perfect way to deal a great damage to her before reinforcement came.

" Funny thing is that she hid among the dragons, living like a dragon because she knew that she wielded a great power so she hid herself but I luckily discovered her. " Diane said in a deep loud dragon voice.

" Enough of that now… I hope you are done with preparations now." Diane said and her voice suddenly turned serious.

" Are your ready?" Henry said as a large black wing appeared on his back, another wing just like the previous one soon appeared on his back, he surrounded himself with thousands of wind blade, he also held a broad sword and his left hand held a compressed water element that he could turn to a shield anytime he needed it.

" Gladly." Diane said as she rose to the sky, she flew up so high that the clouds almost covered her before diving back to the ground, heading towards Henry that was floating in the air. Henry coldly looked at Diane that was approaching him fast, he flew up to meet her, they both clashed midair and a loud bang sounded, shaking the mountains around the battlefield. Diane was still in her dragon form as she laid in a crater her body created, she could barely stand up but she managed to get up as every part of her body bleeded. She crawled out of the crater before searching for Henry with her eyes but before she could find her, thousands of wind blades hit her. She couldn't dodge, she couldn't run, she screamed loudly in pain and she fell back into the crater she had crawled out. Silence dominated the battlefield, before Diane walked out of the crater in her human body, her eyes pitch black with black viens protruding all over her body, she looked like a corpse. She already found Henry and she walked towards him, taking steady steps. She soon saw Henry laying on the ground with pain all over his face with one of his large wings ripped out of his body and one of his arms was almost disconnected from his body.

" I would give you one last chance." Diane said as she stood over Henry that laid on the ground.

" Join me now or I kill you now." Diane said coldly and her nails elongated, turning into talons.

" My choice is still the same, I would never join you." Henry said with a wry smile.

" The world you want to conquer is where my loved ones are… I can't let you kill them." Henry added.

" I see you are really crazy, you didn't take my offer so I have to kill you." Diane said.

" And this brings us to the end of your life and our battle." Diane added.

" You're wrong Diane. One weakness you've ever had is that you worked alone but I have a team, an army, friends ready to help me fight against you. " Henry said.

" And I would show you what a team can do today before you die." Henry said and immediately, a blue fire ball hit Diane, throwing her far away from Diane. Henry smiled as his team arrived, four men, two women. They walked towards him.

" Why did you guys come late? I almost died." Henry said as Jason healed him, healing his wounds and also regenerating his limbs.

" We had a little delay." Susan said.

" You shouldn't call that little though, Jason almost died." Rashar said.

" That's because he's weak." Yara added and others chuckled except for Jason and Henry.

" Stop that, Diane is not yet dead." Henry said as he stood up, the others turned serious, realising what Henry said is true.

" Let's finish things up." Henry said as he walked towards Diane with his team behind him, they were prepared to kill Diane and end this war.

" You shouldn't have brought them Henry. They would end up dead, all of them and I would feast on their blood." Diane raved.

" Let's see about that." Henry said, conjuring a fire ball.

★ ★ ★

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