
System: Would You Rather?!

After filling in what seemed to be an innocent quiz, I was thrown into the world of Ateria by taking over Camilla Millingtons body, with a Would You Rather System at my disposal, my first ever mission became to escape the train that was only a few hours away from being blown up by an underground organization but without alerting the enemy, is there even any possibility of survival?

Swagnim · Fantasie
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5 Chs

First Mission~

I tried to rack my brains to figure out who the three main targets were that the rat creature mentioned, causing me to bite onto my nails because of the additional stress this mission, in particular, gave me. In turn, I was scolded by the maid that didn't appreciate her nail work being destroyed by my teeth.

"Is something bothering you, my lady?" The knight asked as I nodded my head.

"I have a bad feeling..." Was the only thing I could mention at the moment since there was no way of knowing if any eavesdropping magic spells or devices were present in this very room.

"Right!" I slammed my hands onto the table finally recalling the content of the book, let's just say the other two individuals here were astonished by my sudden outburst.

"Yes, yes it makes sense." It felt like they were waiting for me to explain what exactly was going on. But I was focused on my own thought, remembering how the organization in question hated the nobility, how their inspiration was to shape this continent to become a no man's land, which was the case for the desert around these parts. It was safe to say I was actually one of their three targets or more like Camilla Millington was, not that she did anything bad to deserve this, just her being a duke's daughter was enough for her to become the main target of this operation.

"So now I just need to figure out who the other two are." But first I decided to take a small glance at my stats. Thankfully I didn't need to look suspicious by having my finger float in the air, the system was operating by my thoughts alone. Relatively convenient.

[ Intelligence: 5]

[Luck: 3]

[Endurance: 1]

[Agility: 2]

[Strength: 1]

[Health: 20/20]

[Mana: 0/0]

Why were these stats all so puny? I asked specifically in my head requiring an explanation from the system and that's when the rat creature made its reappearance frankly, I never noticed him disappearing.

"These stats do not reflect the reality of your body functions, actually right now you're just an equivalent of a smart person that never left their room for exercise... it will take you a long journey ahead to notice any difference in your overall performance." Great so it meant I could walk a few miles and maybe run for thirty seconds straight, nothing too great but at least I wouldn't die from going on a hike.

Then I headed to the overall description of my character.

[Name: Camilla Millington]

[Occupation: Duke's Daughter, Flower of the Upper-Class Society, Student in the Academia]

Then I barely skimmed thru the list of skills that this girl's body I now possessed had gathered under her belt, there was expertise in embroidery, and a silver tongue, meaning I didn't need to worry too much about my performance in the aristocratic society. Regardless, one part, in particular, caught my interest.

[Affinity: Magic SSS]

Things weren't adding up, based on her character traits described in the books she had zero talent for magic, that's why she was looked down upon by her father that took pride in his family's ability to wield powerful water magic. Did it mean this ability appeared itself because I took over Camilla's body? Not like I could put this knowledge into practice, considering my Mana points were lacking. Despite it was not the time to overanalyze a few specs in my description, there were more important things on the platter for me right now.

"Who is the second person?" I asked myself trying to go down my memory lane, recalling how one of the people they wanted to get rid of was in fact one of the founders of this organization. To summarize what happened, the group was established with good intentions, to steal from the rich and use that money to fight against prejudice. Yet the more individuals were allowed inside their ranks the more corruption spread itself inside unnoticed until it was too late.

"Are there any elves onboard? Can you find one of their kind for me?" I spoke directing my words towards Cade the knight.

"With all due respect my lady, you shouldn't associate yourself with their kind." Right, I forgot how there was mention of discrimination of the elves inside the novel, something about their ancestor being those ancient beings admired by everyone, until they doomed themself, reaching their own destruction. Wait didn't I see also such a plot in one of the games I played?

"Are you trying to give me orders?" I went with the simplest method to get what I wanted, which was using my authority over people as a noble. Sure I could have mellowed it down and come to a sound agreement with the other party, but in this state, I could not spare any second for idle chitchat.

However soon a strange sound echoed in my ears, it took me a minute to realize where it was coming from and that it was indeed the system, was this what I needed to get used to? There was a new notification presented before my eyes, giving me a brand new mission.

[Would you rather sit on Cade William's lap and beg him to cooperate with you or yell at him and storm out filled with rage?]

And what was the second option even good for? I wanted teamwork not splitting our numbers when they still had no clue what was about to happen.

"Here goes nothing." After picking the first option, I gave myself a small pep talk before proceeding with the task at hand. I rose from my seat and then plopped my ass down on the opposite side, on this guy's lap.

"Pretty please? I will explain everything once he gets here." I gave him puppy eyes, hoping for the best results, only for him to freeze from the shock he received.

"My lady this behavior is unfit for a lady." Was the maid's response to my action.

"Please don't tell to anyone this happened." After she assured me she would never let out any information that would sullen my image, the knight responded in a positive manner.

"Fine." Although he only let out a single word it was enough for me. So off we went to acquire our next acquaintance to help us escape this horror train.

Once we found our target I couldn't stop myself from being mesmerized by his appearance, this made me realize one thing when people were describing their race as dirty in all of the books, it never stuck me that they were describing their skin color. I always thought that these characters were so poor that all they wore and owned were ragged clothes. I just felt like my innocence was somehow stripped away when coming to this realization.

I think the more fitting name for them would be dark elves, at least basing it on the media I was usually consuming. So his hair and eyes were white, meanwhile, his skin was a dark shade of purple, which reminded me of a night sky, if only I could pick up a brush and paint some stars on his skin, he would become even more magically breathtaking. No actually scratch that, if I could find something equivalent to glitter that would have been even better.

"Now go fetch him however, don't even think of looking too intimidating and possibly scaring him, I need him... for our safety, so please make it look like I'm intending to flirt with him, please, and thank you." Cade was frowning at the mention, I couldn't blame him, he was interested in Camilla for a long time, but hello a new owner took over and I didn't intend on walking on eggshells around him, because I knew he had a crush on the previous owner of this body. Yet he must have acknowledged how seriously I treated this task so he caved in.

"Yes, my lady." And off he went, inched closer to our target, they exchanged a brief conversation before the two parties looked in my direction. I tried to look composed and elegant, so rather than waving I just smiled at them.

A few moments later both of them were standing before me.

"Greetings Lady Millington, to what do I own the pleasure for such an outstanding individual as yourself to be showing interest in me?" Our boy Noel seemed quite outspoken, he must have mingled a lot with the high society, but because of his aura or whatever I got nervous, that's when a brain fart occurred and I spoke the first thing that came to mind.

"You're just so mesmerizing." I let out and felt so embarrassed since I usually never attempted to compliment anyone. But I saw his eye twitch in annoyance even if he tried to fight the urge, perhaps he heard such words many times before and it was never a good sign, so I took it a step further.

"Your skin looks like it could reflect the night sky." Unlike his previous reaction, he seemed equally shocked at my words as Cade was.

"Lady Millington sure knows how to compliment people." He expressed, I could tell he was pleasantly surprised by showing a much better reaction than before.

"I truly stand behind my words." Anything to drag him inside my cabin I guess. We exchanged a few more words before I suggested.

"I wish to converse with you in a more private area, so could I possibly invite you to my cabin, I don't want to attract more attention to myself than I already had."

"I must decline your invitation, my lady." He tried to excuse himself and step away, thankfully Cade blocked his path with his large body.

"I don't think you understand, it's not an invitation, it's an order," I whispered to his ear, causing him to lose his composed posture, after adding additional pressure he finally caved in and joined us on a walk to my first class cabin.