
System: Would You Rather?!

After filling in what seemed to be an innocent quiz, I was thrown into the world of Ateria by taking over Camilla Millingtons body, with a Would You Rather System at my disposal, my first ever mission became to escape the train that was only a few hours away from being blown up by an underground organization but without alerting the enemy, is there even any possibility of survival?

Swagnim · Fantasy
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5 Chs


We dragged our new friend Noel to the first class section of the train, which was beyond the dining area, we moved in line, because of the narrow halls on our path. I was up first, followed by the elf and Cade was in the back making sure our pray wouldn't escape.

"I don't think it's appropriate for me to enter the first class cart, all the other nobles will voice their distaste about the matter, and look even the staff is giving us side looks for attempting such unspeakable actions. I'm simply thinking about your lady's best interest." Although his personality was meant to be more of a bad boy, in my presence he acted like a scared mouse cornered by a cat. Such reactions made me think of him as cute.

"And what are they going to do? Sue me? You truly believe there is someone inside this train with a bigger authority than mine?" He shook his head, but then it appeared like he received some sort of enlightenment.

"Yet there might be a person that might be at the same level as lady Millington." I rose my brow, if there was someone with a high enough standing to match mine they were sure the third target I was searching for.

"And who might that be?" I posed the question to figure out who I ought to seek.

"The high priest!" He seemed so cocky when mentioning that title as if he outsmarted me. Ultimately, I could witness a different side of his which wasn't cautious of my title or presence instead, I found him smirking in my direction. Which I found to be illegal because as of matter of fact, my perception of him changed to sexy. The audacity this guy had to show such duality in a such short amount of time.

However just knowing who the third target was, I could suddenly recall the most essential thing about his existence. He was the high priest in the church of the Sun God. The worst pick he could have made, simply put he was screwed over. The god of the sun was so misogynistic, his words reminded me of all those screwed-up alpha male podcasts I've seen on the internet, he hated the female population so much that he forbid his followers from partaking in sexual activities with the other gender because that was seen as gay? Yes, I couldn't phantom that explanation either, but that's the conclusion he came to.

"The high priest from the Sun of God?" I sneered.

"Soon he and his followers won't be even allowed to peek at women, you think someone like that will stand up to me?" Noel's smirk vanished in an instant.

"Keep moving." We finally dragged our prisoner to our cabin and the first thing I said while inside was.

"You want some cake, maybe cookies?" But it looked like this guy chose to abound his cautiousness, by starting complaining.

"You truly think you will get away with this?" He questioned as I nodded my head.

"As a matter of fact, I will... so sit down already or do you seriously want to find out what happens when I get angry?" I asked, he shook his head immediately. Hence he tried to sit on the opposite side of me.

"No, sit beside me." Was my order.

"I never thought someone that was known for her kindness and intelligence would kidnap a person in broad daylight. You must genuinely find yourself superior to our species." I just crossed my legs and shook my head.

"I don't, and you definitely will thank me once you recognize why I did this." He didn't seem to believe me, just started to shove angrily some desserts down his throat sending me fierce glares and that's when a mission popped up.

'Would you rather feed him some cake or sit on his lap and whisper into his ear?'

Considering he was already here I didn't deem wasting time to be beneficial to any of us, so I climbed onto his lap, making him look mortified before I whispered into his ear.

"Relax... I need you to do me a favor... I know about your organization can you make sure there are no eavesdropping magic devices inside those four walls?" I heard such equipment was really expensive so each member of the highest council inside their group had a device to track such objects.

"How do you know about that?!" He yelled out loud.

"Shhh, my dear~ You don't want anyone to find out what I'm about to say, so keep moving." Instead, this fella pulled a dagger out of nowhere and put it to my throat. Of course, my knight drew out his sword the moment it transpired.

"Put it down or I won't hesitate to strike you down!" Cade yelled and then even the maid took out some small nails from under her skirt. So that's how she could be both a maid and assassin, interesting. I guess Camilla had a method of hiring the best staff.

"You really want to go thru this? Noel, you won't get alive out of this cabin if you kill me and you know it, so why don't you take a leap of fate by trusting me?" I asked.

"Only if you stop touching me, that's sexual harassment."

"Only if you do what you're told." I was finally released from this dangerous situation, but Cade wasn't one to trust this elf no longer, so he pulled me closer to his chest, pointing his blade at the guy.

"No funny business." I sighed hopefully, this would turn out fine. So yes this guy pulled out a device, thankfully he was carrying it on his person.

"There's nothing here, so you can speak freely Lady Millington...therefore you better start explaining what is going on here." I could detect venom in his voice, I could understand his frustration, and perhaps I could have handled this better, but under such circumstances, the anxiety was getting the best of me making me take some more rash decisions.

"You're not allowed to tell this to anyone else, but this train is about to blow up in a couple of hours."

"What, why? And how do you know that?"

"Such questions can be directed toward your subordinates as for how I know, I managed to eavesdrop on someone's conversation by chance, thus I went out to inspect the situation unfortunately, the only thing we can do by this point is jump out of the train."

"No this can't be true... you must be lying to me! I don't know how you know about the organization I'm currently part of, but they couldn't possibly do this to me!" It seemed he refused to accept reality. So I pushed Cade's hand away from my shoulder and inched closer toward the elf.

"Are you sure? None of the subordinates seemed to have a guilty conscience when you were leaving? Or maybe this idea of taking this exact train to the capital felt somehow forced? And they pushed for this solution giving you some lackluster reasons?" His eyes went wide, it must have meant I hit the nail in the coffin.

"You're right I was surprised that an emergency mission popped up and one of the deputies just happened to have a ticked on hand for this exact occasion when he wasn't one to ever leave our main base." I smiled in his direction, and let him be for the next few minutes so he could gather his thoughts.

"Meanwhile he figures it out let's have the train staff bring us a nice meal to our room." As our refined guest had a mental breakdown I was trying to come up with a plan to snatch the high priest, in the meantime Mia my maid went to order the four of us some food.

"You really can eat in this situation?" Noel asked looking quite furious.

"Yes, since it will be the last fulfilling meal I can get my hands on, once we jump out of this train scavenging for food in the middle of the desert will be indeed difficult." I pointed out.

"You're planning on running away, just by yourself, what about the other passengers?!" He yelled his voice filled with rage.

"That's why I don't like nobles they only know how to care for themself."

"I understand your devastation, but there is nothing I can do... I do not possess the powers necessary to take care of the nine-circle magic installed in every single cart inside this train. Furthermore... Cade can you get out the crystal ball." It was an expensive item that could have been used for long-distance video calls.

"The signal is jammed, even if we go take care of the problem someone will notice and intercept the call and we will be busted. The next solution would be to inform everyone... and sure some people may survive but more likely the boys from your organization will go out on a killing spree while the bombs are activated remotely by the mages. However, if we take a leap at such scenario the people that marked us as targets will be cautious and if they don't find our corpses we will be hunted down. So the question is, is playing the hero truly more important than guaranteed survival?" I asked. It seemed like I left him speechless.

"What I meant to say is, I know my limits, and there are mostly ordinary people on board, we can't really ask for their assistance." Wait I had the system, maybe it could answer my eager question.

'Yo rat, let's say I will stay behind and try to access this situation, what would my possibility of survival be?' I asked inside my head, the creature suddenly appeared with a grumpy face probably mad at the fact I once again referred to him as a rat.

'I'm actually an otter, not a rat!' I was astonished it sure didn't resemble the species it was claiming to me.

'Nevermind I will answer your question just once, if you proceed this way, outside of what the system wants you to do... your survival is exactly zero.' I gasped out loud catching the other two men's attention. And that's when Mia returned with our meals, accompanied by a staff member, whose expression darkened when he saw the elf. It looked to me like he tried to bash out, but when he noticed my displeased look he kept his mouth shut. Once he left and I put a fork thru my dinner I let out.

"You need to make a decision, you either work with me or against me, how is it going to be?"

"I don't agree with your judgment I'm certain there is still a way to fix this!"

"There is none unfortunately, so you better join on my plan or I knock you out and drag you along, now when I got to know you better I definitely can't leave such an intriguing person behind... so it's your choice either be a useful ally or a sack of potatoes of course, I wish you would choose the first option so we could carry more stuff."

"Fine, what is the plan?" He asked.

"Truthfully I'm planning to add another person to our party."

"And who might that be?" Noel asked Cade and Mia joined the conversation.

"Well our rate of survival will be higher if we have a priest with healing magic by our side don't you think?"