
What happened here?

Mia: Mmm... So warm...

Why is it so warm? I squirm in my sleep but something holds me in place. I slightly open my eyes to see... nothing. Huh? Wait, what's that sound? I strain my ears.

*Lub- Dub* Lub-Dub*

That's someone's heartbeat!! I quickly sit upright and my head spins.

Mia: Ouch!

???: Mnmm...

T-that... that sounded like... I slowly turn towards the person beside me.


I'm about to shout his name out loud in fright, but stop myself. C-Custard Face?! What he is he doing here?! And why were we cuddling each other?! I look at him sleeping peacefully, terrified. But, strangely, something about this sets me at... at what? I don't even know what to call this feeling; am I nervous? scared? confused? or perhaps.... a little excited? I mean, my crush is is sleeping right beside me!! But why? I look at his face once more. I never really got to appriciate his looks but, he has long eyelashes, a slender nose, perfectly shaped lips and face... Ohemgee, just how handsome is he?! It's unreal for such a beautiful person to be so close to me. His body is so well toned and even though it may not seem like it when he has clothes on, his arms are quite muscular.... And that's when it hits me...


Why is he naked?! D-Did we do something?! I wrack my brains but I can't remember a single event that happened yesterday. I look down at my body. Okay, I'm wearing my PJs, sooo... we definitely didn't do... IT. I sigh with relief. But then why isn't he wearing anything? Hold up, could be that he is only naked waist-up? Um, welllll, I guess there's only one way to find out. Don't blame me for being perverted, I'm only doing this for, um, I guess my safety? I hold my breath for whatever reason and reach my hand to the blanket covering his body. Oh God, if he wakes up right now, I'm going to be mortified!! I start to gently lift the sheet when...

Custard Face: Don't take advantage of me.

Mia:...!!! Eep!!

He suddenly opens his gorgeous blue eyes that are still unfocused from sleepiness at looks at me. I jump back in surprise and accidentally fall off the bed. Wait, this is my couch and not my bed! No wonder we were packed so close together! My nose hurts though.

Custard Face: Hey are you okay?

Mia: I'm rubbing my reddened, probably broken nose, do I look like I'm okay?!

Custard Face: Hmm, good point.


Ugh, this is so embarrassing!! I want to crawl into a hole and never come out! He sits up and props up one knee. The blanket slides off his body. Oh, he's wearing jeans.

Custard Face: Y'know, it's inappropriate for to be drooling over someone's bare body first thing in the morning.

Mia: Drooling?! Don't flatter yourself! I totally wasn't!

He gives me a look as if to say 'Oh really?'.

Mia:... Okay, maybe I was, just a little... mentally. But that's not the point here! What are you doing here?!

He ruffles his hair.

Custard Face: You mean you don't remember what happened yesterday?

Mia: Yesterday?

And as though I had finally sobered up, all of the previous events start coming back to my mind....