

It's been almost a week since that day and Custard Face hasn't shown up at the store after that. Everytime the door opens, I feel as though he had walked in. I don't know why I'm being so desperate.

Naomi: You're spacing out.

Mia: Huh?!

Naomi comments from the counter area and I reply, startled.

Naomi: Are you distracted?

Mia: Er, I guess so.

I can't really tell her that I was waiting a guy to show up. She's my best friend but it's just so embarrassing! My cheeks slightly flush as his face comes to my mind and it doesn't escape Naomi's sharp eyes.

Naomi: Oh my God, don't tell me...

Mia: What?

Naomi: Are you perhaps... in love???

She smirks mischievously.

Mia: What?!

Naomi: I'm right, aren't I! Your face is so red!

Mia: It isn't!

I cover my face with my hands to hide them. What the hell is she talking about?! 'Love'?! Custard Face and I haven't even known each other well! And how could I fall for someone... whose name is still unknown to me? But if I don't have any feelings for him, why does my heart beat so fast when I think of him? No, I made a promise to Jason; I promised him that I'd wait for him but,... it's already been 19 years since then. He must've forgotten about me and here I am, still hoping that he would return and... And what? Marry me? Marry the girl who is naive enough to believe that love would last between us even if we were separated for almost two decades? I really am pathetic.

Naomi: What's wrong? Why the long face?

Naomi is my best friend, I can trust her with this. She already knows that there is a boy I've been waiting for just not his name. She's asked me to move on countless times for my own good but even after going for trial dates with a couple of guys, I still haven't been in a real relationship yet.

Mia: Naomi, how do you know that you like someone?

Perhaps thinking that I've finally taken her advice and moved on, she politely smiles.

Naomi: Well, first, you'll think that the person is really nice even if he has a aloof, cold or mischievous personality.

Hmm, I do think that Custard Face is nice.

Mia: Then?

Her brows slightly raise noticing that the topic has piqued my interest.

Naomi: Then your heart would beat fast whenever you hear his name or when you're around him.

My heart beats like a drum every time too.

Mia: And then?!

I hurriedly ask her. Naomi smirks at me.

Naomi: And then...

Mia: Uh huh!

Naomi:... The person you like is that guy who you hit with custard in the face, isn't it?

Mia: What?! H-How did you-

Naomi: Don't underestimate the power of best friends... and otakus.

She says with a grin, her eyes practically filled with twinkling stars. I don't really know what an otaku is...


I really hate how perceptive she is sometimes though. But, she just proved that I have feelings for him. Hold up, what about Jason? My heart feels heavy as lead wondering if I've betrayed him. Sensing my tension, Naomi rubs my back.

Naomi: Are you concerned about that childhood friend of yours?

Mia:... Stop reading my mind.

Naomi: You're just too easy to read is all.

Easy to read, huh...

Naomi: Anyway, you shouldn't feel guilty; if that guy really liked you, he would've shown up by now.

Mia: But I...

Naomi: Okay, just answer this question, do you still like him or are you just used to liking him?


Her words hang heavy on my mind. However, this has made one thing clear.

Mia: Option 2.

Naomi smiles, relieved.

Naomi: I knew it. You've finally moved on, my girl! I mean you had to! You're in your 20s and you're still a vir- Mnph!

Mia: Shush!

I clap my hand over her mouth before she completes the sentence. She's right, I can't waste my life just waiting like this! I must move on! But now the problem is... How do I face Custard Face?!

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