
Chapter 3 ~ The Arrival

Ben's P.O.V

Six months back

McCarren Airport, Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A

6:30 a.m.

A woman was seen walking out of the airport dressed in a crisp professional suit as if coming straight from a meeting. Her features were rather exquisite. She had deep ocean blue eyes and a wrinkle free fair skin. Her auburn hair was tied up neatly into a bun. She had a few baggage placed on the trolley. She came out and stood under the shade of the airport's roof. She was looking at her watch frequently as if she was waiting for someone. A slight frown was formed on her always smiling face denoting that whoever she was waiting for was running late.

She took out her phone from her jacket's pocket and quickly dialed a number. She placed the phone near her ear.

...ring - ring - ring...

Meanwhile in a club in the other side of Vegas...

"Hey man! Get out of here! The club was closed in the night but I let you stay here because you were too drunk. Now pick your lazy butt and get out of here..." a voice came into my ears and I slowly opened my tired eyelids to see a stout man standing behind the counter piercing his eyes into me. I found myself laying on the counter of the most famous bar of Vegas, 'The Golden Tiki'. Suddenly I felt a buzzing sound in my pocket, forcing me to jump onto my feet. I reached to my phone and took it out with all the strength left in me. I placed it on my left palm but suddenly it grew all sweaty not because I couldn't cope with the sudden buzz but because of the name that was flashing across the screen.

"Holy Shit! 50 missed calls I'm in big trouble..." I said getting tensed. Gathering up all the courage I could, I finally picked the 51st call. "Benjamin Franklin Olsen" a voice scarier than the one I heard before resounded in my ears. "Where were you last night? More importantly, where are you now? My best friend's been waiting for an hour at the airport... how dare you forget the only task I assigned to you?!" Now my eardrums were on the verge of bursting, when I heard another voice from behind.

"Scarlett, why are you shouting on that poor soul? He's been out all night and now in the morning you shout on him as if he left me to die on the airport. He didn't turn up doesn't mean he doesn't care. Maybe he was busy doing something important. .." A girl's voice. The girl who saved him

from Scarlett's wrath. But it didn't last for long, "Ben, get home as soon as possible. Adriana saved you this time, but not everytime."

I ran straight out of the bar and towards my car parked in the back. I got into the car and drove away. While I was driving, the only thought that was occurring in my mind was that whenever I escape from Scarlett, I'll need to thank the angel who saved me from her. "What was her name again, Adriana I believe? "

Author's note ~ Hey Pufflehuffers! I am really sorry for this late update. I was busy with some other work. Anyways, I hope you like the chapter and if you do, please vote and comment...