
Chapter 4 ~ The Awkward Meet

Adriana's P.O.V

Summerlin North, Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A

8:00 am

After reaching home ( my best friend's residence ), I took a quick shower and changed into something casual because the professional wear was drawing me looks. I went down the mansion's stairs and headed straight to the kitchen as Scarlett had directed me to do earlier. My stomach was practically growling. After all I hadn't eaten anything for the last 5 hours. I was going there when I bumped into someone. The push was so strong that I staggered back and fell. A little while later, I saw the very person who bumped into me giving me hand for support. I was a self sufficient woman so I didn't take his hand (you know ego issues). I tried to get up myself but miserably failed. I tried it once again but to no avail. Then again the stranger offered me his hand and this time I accepted the offer.

He pulled me onto my feet and said, "If someone's offering you help you should accept it. It's there politeness, not them taking advantage of the situation." I finally looked up at him. His face was the most beautiful object I had ever witnessed. His emerald like eyes were equally alluring. I don't know for how long was I lost before I was brought back to the present by the stranger's voice, "Next time you should watch where you are going miss." With that said he drew away and went from there. I passed a string of curses in the back of my head, "What a douchebag! First he bumped into me and now he warned me to watch my steps... I'll see him but not now I wanna have a nice breakfast before losing my appetite by shouting on a stranger."

Well after being lost 2 times (I wasn't joking when I said a mansion), I finally found my way to the kitchen. I saw Scarlett sitting on the counter with her fiancee and there was another man, but I couldn't see his face because his back was facing me. As I got closer to the trio, I heard Scarlett scolding the man sitting across her. "Ben please! I thought I did a nice job by giving the responsibility of my friend to you. But maybe I was wr-". I cut off Scarlett mid sentence and said, "Girl chill! I am here right. As I told you earlier he didn't turn up doesn't mean he doesn't care. Take a deep breath. You know your wedding is in a week. " She nodded , "then why are you stressing yourself..."

Ben's P.O.V

"I think this is the same girl who saved me last time maybe I should thank her now..." I thought. I turned around and saw the girl for the first time. How can someone be so beautiful? Her eyes, her hair everything was so beautiful. But then realisation dawned on me. She was the same girl who I bumped into when I came running from the entrance. How can I be so rude? The girl hadn't seen me yet so I quickly turned my face away. She was still facing my back. I could hear Scarlett's voice again but this time it was calm, "Ben this time I forgive you because Adriana insisted. Next time onwards be careful. " I sighed a breath of relief. I didn't know for how long I had been holding it. I opened my mouth to say thank you but before that Scarlett interrupted and said pointing at Adriana, "Thank her you idiot! She saved you not me."

This was what I was afraid of Scarlett Brian being benevolent. I had no choice but to turn around and express my gratitude. I slowly turned my chair and looked up at her. The moment she realised I was the jerk who pushed her, her gaze turned burning. Her blue jewel like orbs were fuming with anger. I uttered the words 'Thank You' ever so slightly that I was sure no one heard me but the cool wind from the air conditioner. I stood up from my seat and was about to go out when I heard the same voice that saved me moments ago but this time it was full of mischief, "Mr Olsen I think you need to find a way to repay me..."

Author's note ~ Hey Pufflehuffers! This was just a quick update. Hope you enjoyed the chapter and if you did, please vote and comment...