

Chen Xin is a very disadvantaged child in the world of soul masters cursed with a power too powerful for his body to handle leading to his death. however fortune smiles upon him as in his death he finds himself reincarnated into the world of swallowed stars and to make matters even better he retains the power that led to his death in the previous world granting him an incredible boost in his new life.

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Chen Xin wasn't born like a regular human but rather he was made in a lab by aimed scientist known as Ling Zichen.

She was a top notch scientist who sought the secrets to regular people matching up to soulmasters so she took a portion of Tang Wulin's blood and cloned it to form a new person,

Since before his birth it was clear he was destined for greatness however he didn't have a soul and consciousness yet, Ling Zichen wasnt there yet,

One thing was after his birth an accident happened, he was born an adult but although he didn't have a soul he still posessed thr golden dragon blood essence and its regenerative abilities were already active and trying to build him a consciousness,

Sudeenly a divine consciousness enveloped the planet, it came from the abyssal sage king, and the golden dragon blood essence absorbed his essence endlessly.

It was using it's own blood essence and the divine energy to form itself a soul, this was never supposed to be possible but they were in trying times,

Suddenly a different divine essence enveloped the planet but it wasnt just one, they were three of them, one was the plane Lord Tang Hao, the other was the plane life core Ah Yin and the other was the sea god as well as supreme godking of the divine realm Tang San.

These three divine essences were connected to Tabg Wulin's true body so the clone felt the closeness to them as well. Using their essences it successfully forged itself a consciousness and a soul.

When Tang Hao was resurrecting the dead, he sensed the clone and granted it some strength as well as it registered as Tang Wulin to him.

However in that very instant, a mysterious entity with the strength comparable to a god king had burged into Chen Xin's body at birth.

Tang San sensed its presence as well as Tang San and they teleported there instantly, what they saw surprised them but all Tang San said was it shouldn't be possible,

He then used the majority of his power to try and seal this creature in the Cline's dantian to prevent it from manifesting on the world.

Tang Wulin opted to deal with that when they were done with everything else, after the battle he confronted Ling Zichen who openly admitted her fault and confirming that she did infact clone him.

The clone was already at rank 9 but his power had been sealed, if he still possessed the golden dragon's blood essence perhaps Tang Wulin could have extracted it out and ended everything however the golden dragon essence was replaced by the new creature.

It was a combination of the silver dragon and the golden dragon creating an electrum looking appearance, this thing was equally as powerful as the golden dragon making it attempt to extort its superiority.

The problem was that this thing had the strength of a godking already so Tang San's projection couldn't cast seals strong enough to hold it.

The seals were already breaking one after another in just a few weeks, through the first six weeks Tang Wulin guided the clone who he had actually named Chen Xin into safely withstanding the power of the seals.

Although its soul force was still at rank 9, Chen Xin had quasi-god level spirit domain spirit strength, his body was already at the golden body arahat and his bloodline had already formed a bloodline core.

Before the seventh seal could be broken though, Tang Wulin had his conflict with Gu Yuena and they were eternally sealed in ice.

It wasn't long before Chen Xin needed to breakthrough the seventh seal and without Tang Wulin it was a problem just as they had expected dit to be.

The effect was so powerful that Chen Xin was losing consciousness almost instantly, the silver-gold dragon would take over his body soon so in an act to save the world he obliterated his own body by exploding himself into a billion pieces.

although he had lost, the silver-gold dragon didnt win either, however in an act of self preservation it bonded its entire consciousness into Chen Xin's soul and used the rest of its awareness to send them into reincarnation, it hoped to be strong enough to gain control in the reincarnation.

however destiny wasn't on the dragon's side as its life force was used as fuel to ferry Chen Xin's soul into reincarnation allowing him to keep the memories of all he had learned in his former life.

at that exact moment Chen Xin opened his eyes to reveal that he had been successfully reincarnated, he didn't know where he was or what he looked like but he was certain this wasn't the douluo world anymore.