

Chen Xin is a very disadvantaged child in the world of soul masters cursed with a power too powerful for his body to handle leading to his death. however fortune smiles upon him as in his death he finds himself reincarnated into the world of swallowed stars and to make matters even better he retains the power that led to his death in the previous world granting him an incredible boost in his new life.

Starbrand29 · Others
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5 Chs

Chapter 1

in the middle of a battle field, Chen Xin opens his eyes to find himself surrounded by monsters.

at first he couldn't tell just what monsters these were until like a switch, information flooded into his mind at that very instant,

he was in a new world on a planet called Earth, he was in Yang-Zhou city also known as the safest city on earth.

the previous owner of his current body was surprisingly also called Chen Xin so there is a nice little coincidence.

Chem Xin was eighteen years old and he was an orphan, ten years ago he lived in Failan City until the whole city was overwhelmed by a beast tide from the ocean.

both of his parents were killed in that attack and he should have been killed as well.

luckily for him, he was saved by one of the world's powerhouses, his name is Luo Hai and at the time he was a universe level fighter.

Luo Hai single handedly annihilated the entire monster tide without breaking a sweat, he came from the most powerful family on earth known as the Luo family.

their Ancestor Luo Feng was the strongest warrior on earth as he had reached the domain lord level.

Luo Feng didn't spend much time on earth since Chen Xin was born as there was a rumor that he was undertaking some big time mission.

Regardless of that his family was like royalty on earth since Luo Feng owned the planet and even the galaxy they were living in.

Luo Hai saved Chen Xin and took him in, he brought Chen Xin into the Dojo of Limits.

Chen Xin was raised in the life of a warrior and he started intense training at the age of eight.

by the time he was ten years old he awakened his genetic energy and started cultivation.

it wasn't that strange for young children to awaken genetic energy on earth anymore.

however something was special about Chen Xin, not only did he awaken genetic energy, but also spirit energy. Chen Xin was a spirit reader.

Earth's rankings were quite different from what Chen Xin was used to.

here there were no martial souls but there was genetic energy which can be awakened by special individuals on earth making them warriors.

these warriors would then cultivate themselves rising through the ranks.

a newly awakened warrior is at the primary warrior level, from there they rise to the intermediate warrior, then advanced warrior, then primary senior warrior, then intermediate senior warrior and then advanced senior warrior.

from there a person becomes a war god, among war gods there are also three classes, primary war gods, intermediate war gods and advanced war gods.

from there a person becomes an outgunned war god and there are cases of people exceeding the outgunned war god level.

this was the normal human version of warrior rankings, or atleast that is what is available to the regular person.

however in the world of warriors, the rankings are based off the universal standard.

a newly awakened warrior is at the student/ Apprentice level and that level is split into nine sublevels.

from there a warrior advances to planet level / Star traveller level which is also split into nine sub levels.

after that there are higher levels like the star level and from there the universe level.

levels above that aren't common knowledge to ordinary warriors as they do not have the right to learn about them due to their weak strength.

the stronger a warrior becomes the more they can learn and do, now warriors are split into two groups.

there are fighters who absorb universe energy into their cells to become stronger and enhance their bodies and power.

meanwhile there are also spirit masters who absorb universe energy along with spirit energy which they use to strengthen their spirit and will power.

however there are rumors of a rare group of warriors capable of following both the fighter and spirit master path, they are called dual warriors.

before awakening his spirit energy, Chen Xin was already exceptional when it came to strengthening his human body, so Luo Hai sought a rare opportunity to cultivate a dual warrior.

he took Chen Xin to his home where he introduced Chen Xin to his master Di Fan, Master Di Fan was already a being beyond universe level so training Chen Xin seemed like a bother.

however after hearing Luo Hai's explanation he chose to take Chen Xin on,

Chen Xin wasn't the only student he was nurturing but he was the only dual warrior student he would have.

Master Di Fan already had a student named Luo Yuner, she was the daughter to Luo Hai which made her a grand daughter to Luo Feng.

at nine years old, Luo Yuner was already a spirit master and her strength had already reached the student level 6,

in short this meant she was one step away from becoming a war god.

however because of her family background, her level had been achieved through some heaven and earth treasures.

because of that, Master Di Fan had prohibited her from entering the war god level before she clocked twelve years of age.

Chen Xin on the other hand was a clean slate, his training started vigorously where he spent the day training with Master Di Fan and sparing with Yuner,

in the evening he would spend his time meditating to absorb spirit and genetic energy to grow his body's strength,

however even after one year, Chen Xin had only managed to reach the intermediate warrior stage.

master Di Fan noticed that Chen Xin naturally had incredible will power and dedication however he was missing something in his cultivation,

he had been prohibited from publicizing his spirit master identity but mainly focused on his fighter abilities.

in retrospect it was like he was fighting with both hands tied behind his back.

the main reason was that Luo Yuner was already a spirit master so she needed a training partner efficient in fighter techniques.

Chen Xin was being groomed to be that fighter, however what they didn't know was that in secret, Luo Yuner taught Chen Xin spirit master basics every evening after classes were done.

at fifteen years old Luo Yuner had already reached the advanced war god level while Chen Xin was simply an advanced senior warrior.

using her family's connections, Yuner secretly purchased a vial of dragon blood.

with the aid of master Di Fan she got the Vial to Chen Xin and he took it in,

there was a scorching heat and unbearable pain in his body but at that very instant, most of the impurities were washed out from his body.

he developed a stronger connection to universe energy and broke through to war god level or student level 7.

from that day his comprehension skyrocketed, he had chosen a spear as his weapon seeing as he was forced into using fighter techniques.

he had managed to reach war god level at fifteen years despite the restrictions and that was beyond great.

two years later the matriarch of the Luo family, Luo Feng's wife and Luo Hai's mother Xu Xin arrived on earth.

Luo Yuner got a chance to speak to her grand mother secretly informing her about Chen Xin's situation, Xu Xin retrieved Chen Xin and integrated him into the family directly as Luo Yuner's boyfriend and future husband,

her father didn't like it however his mother asked him how he thinks his father would react after learning that Luo Hai was stopping a young talent like Chen Xin from cultivating to his full potential simply because he sought to make his daughter better.

at that moment Luo Hai left Earth and went for one of his warrior journeys that would last years or even decades. Meanwhile a year passes slowly after Chen Xin was integrated into the Luo family's dojo.

there were very many young talents there and not many of them appreciated the fact that a lowly peasant like Chen Xin was training with them,

to make matters worse he was engaged to the Luo family princess who many had been eying for a while but couldn't even get close to.

this earned him enemies in this new elite training ground, by the time they are eighteen years old Luo Yuner was at the peak of student level and all she needed to reach planet level was inspiration.

meanwhile Chen Xin had already arrived at Advanced war god although he was a step away from Luo Yuner's power.

after joining the elite training team, his cultivation speed had skyrocketed.

this was because he could actually train in both his fighter and spirit master abilities with the best resources.

on arrival he was granted a vial of the purple lightning fluid which raised one's cultivation speed and potential slightly.

however that slightly was already enough for someone with his talent.

currently they were sent on a mission to an island continent filled with mutated monsters,

although Chen Xin was already an advanced war god he was far from the strongest among his group, and he was the least liked person.

because of this his teammates planned to strand him into a cave with a centipede type monster overlord and despite his fighting prowess he couldn't defeat a monster overlord.

Chen Xin died in that cave with the monster however before the monster could eat him, Chen Xin regained consciousness having been reincarnated by a different individual.

Chen Xin was caught up to his past and he turned around to find the jaws of the centipede monster about to bite him in half.