
Retaking Kaurava [2]

After the T'au were dealt with, and assuring that the Xeno Cannon would be put to use by the Tech priests within Six Terra Hours aiming at the Hive fleet, any remaining T'au defense that were still operational have tagged the Imperial Guard and Space Marines as Friendly, and Nan Yanoi would be put under Imperial Rule... and the T'au were to be detained and stripped off their weapons... and be Shipped off When this Conflict ends...

Alex Head back to Monse to see that his Projects given to the Forge Priest is done... something to keep the Tyranids and Necrons at bay...

Monse Manufactorum, Now Renovated to produce Fulltime War Supplies to the Conflict, workers didn't seem to notice anything was wrong as the Pay and Food was Remained Constant due to massive supplies and materials that Alex kept in his hidden bases against the Orkz Campaign, thus not panicking the citizens for a Shortage... Cheers was heard as they saw the Colonel entered the Office, he was the one that made their life better...

*Psssh* the Door opened he was greeted by the Tech priest in charge of the facility, now Placing down the Data slate, staring at him...

(Alex): Is it done?

(Techpriest): ++Almost... most of the STC Templates you gathered is Authentic... and no Scrap code can be found... Omnissiah is pleased with your contributions...++

(Alex): I would be pleased with the Omnissiah Grace, if we weren't under these circumstances, I requested a Commission of the Vehicles before I left...

(Techpriest): ++Sure, they are ready.... however... they can only be produce in limited quantities... but... thanks to your efforts, we could steadily grow the output...++

They left the office and headed to the projects Alex been working on.....

Dark eldar...

Kaurava IV was a beautiful hunting ground for them as They raided the Tyranids and Chaos alike and Scores of People, Demons and Tyranids were sent to the Soul Cages to be shipped off to Commoragh a Cesspool for incessant desire for Pain, torment and Suffering for their sadistic desires and their desperation to staved off Slaanesh from stealing their souls... Warriors by their standards are shipped to their Gladiator pits, while the weak are turn into abominations for satisfaction

However, Vect who visit the Archon Tahril of the Kabal of Black heart, As Vect Oversee the Operation Safely from Lacunae, the Sole moon of this Planet orbit, He was not pleased with the Hunting ground and decided Persuade Tahril Raiding parties to other Planets for more "Varied" Taste, Through Ancient Secrets of what Vect knows, They were able to Bypass the Conflict with the Imperial, now entering the Three way Conflict on Kaurava IV, using a Master key for these Ancient gates now fully activated, Overridden their purpose and Linking their passageways to the Warp gates of Commoragh for their endless hunt, no longer being tied to one planet, for all they need to hunt.... what they didn't expect....

Kaurava II

How they Snickered with delight as they believed all Imperium was sent out all their best... and only the weakest was stayed behind untrained and untested, A Meal ripe for the taking, how they Drooled as they could see themselves torturing women and Children as their victims Pain and Agony now filled their desire to hunt, no longer heeded their Commander call, They rushed at Monse, Klaxons were heard... they couldn't care less, what they see is just a weak animal in a Wolves skin...


as Sound of Shells and Bolter rained on them.. they believed that the slow shells would not catch up with their skimmers, their incubi is Expendable....

Several Reavers Jetbike and Raiders was Destroyed as a volley of Shells hit them, The rest laugh at those fools.... Tortured Slaves Rushed at the Defender screaming profanities and Begging them to be killed, as Morale Began to dropped, A High Ranking official stepped on the City Walls Ramparts stopping the Force for a Moment, Cold, Indifferent to the BDSM Party, they now decided to find ways to tortured him, how to make him scream in agony different to the uncaring attitude etched in the minds of the Dark Eldar... the City Gates was Opened...

Minefield exploded around them as their rushed toward the gate, to be the first to get a Pick of the lot, Now Dwelled in their eyes only to be met with Scores and scores of Bikes flooded out of the gate as the Imperials greeted their invaders with a hail of Stubber, Missiles, Rockets, LasCannons and Bolters, Now Coming out to greet the Dark Eldar, the Imperium Warm Welcome

The Dark Eldar fought Back the Bikes but where furious as the bikes had a Shield Generators installed in them, Causing their attacks ineffective.... Many of the Dark Eldar Were Purged in the first Charge, and the Second? they Swept in their disarrayed Foes with Chainblades and Power Swords now in every Dark Eldar they could Strike in closing distance... the Leader of this raid sense their time is up as he turn to flee, he was meet by the Official he seen on the Rampart...

"Going Somewhere?" as he tried to respond to the monkeigh... his head was Slipped off his neck as a Flaming Sword now In the Officer hands searing the wound completely, His fleeting moments was the Cold Faced Monkeigh now Staring at him, judging him... as his eyes turn glassed... and his body burned away turning to ashes...

"Tahril... You just handed me your Skull on a Silver platter, By releasing the Master Locks, Now we can assault directly to your Base..." spoke softly the figure staring at the place where the Warrior was slain

"But it can wait.... as my Second personal hatred checklist, you would receive my rage... Personally..." the Officer waited as a Guardsman came in a Buggy and they left the premises Leaving Craters and Bodies in their wake... as Corpse Runners are now Burning the Bodies with flamers to prevent a Plague...

Kaurava II moon


Another part of the Raid dictated by Vect to Tahril had hit a Hard Rock, the moment they stepped out of the Gate in the Cold Tundra wasteland, they were attacked by all sides, Countless Turrets began popping up from the ground built by Alex during his Tenure as Governor, and they Started to rain down on them, Both Optical and Ballistic, Countless Lights from Tracers and Explosion was heard, the Garrison along with the Blood Ravens and Sororitas march out to meet what's left of their foes... those that survive the Attack was Put to the Stake in this Tundra wasteland as their bodies provide a Temporary Warmth and Light as the Sororitas Lit their Flamers setting the Dark Eldars on Flames and what's left of their Corpses was soon forgotten as a Frost wave set in, blanketing their failures in snow....

Kaurava I

What the Raid Party met was the Full might of the Ecclesiarchy, as they tried to used their Psychic powers, upon realizing that they didn't work, they soon tried to flee, Overwhelmed with the Bodies and Lasguns they were rounded up to be Burned by the Fanatics and those that tried to escape was Met with the Living Saint Anais as she Decapitated the Last of the Stragglers....

Vect Looked at the Raiding party failures amused of Tharil Failures so he wouldn't want this little Upstart to over throw him and be the leader of Commoragh... and Now Most of the Soldiers Tahril Field, now only obeys Vect secretly as most of the Hardliners were sent to the Imperium Raid...