
Emperor or Emperors?

in alternate Spatial reality, androgynous like Being entered a Massive Golden City, as it Traveled to the center point of the city, he was Greeted by Custodes that numbered in the Billions, Stood in Silence as they eyed on the Visitor....

(???): Alex Giving me all the Paperwork *Grumble* shouldn't he be using the System to purchase goods and Be Op? but nooo, my Morality check *Sigh*, Well he is a bit.. better than his predecessors.... a bit that is....

*Pillar Men Theme*

the Being was Approached by a Familiar Trio...

almost naked and Bathed in Exotic Oils and Making any Nearby Custodes nearly Fainted from their duties while other left their post to bolt their Armor to their bodies...

(???): Well well, look who back, would you like to have a Promethium Bath With us?

(???): Shush you or I will send the Clowns after you... Wamuudes

(???): no...not the Clowns!? is he here!?

(???): let me through Fabulous trio, I have business to do

*Pillar Men Remix*

(Karstodes): Hey! who taken our theme Song!?

(Wamuudes): and Who the heck are you!?

(Custodisi): Guys I think we should...

(???): we are you but Superior

as Trio of Necron approach the four...

(Karstodes): oh really, you bucket of Bolts, how are you Superior than us? handcrafted by the Emperor Himself?

(N.Karstodes): Our Emperor Has Crafted us and Delivered us Perfection and What Flesh Bag Like you has to say anything about it? we already handed the Galaxy to earn his favor

(Wamuudes): We have been Oiling ourselves with the most Exotic of Oils, And Promethium Baths and Look at our Tan, Nothing compares to the Hard Work we have done, Unlike you Walking bag of Bones no purpose after the Conquering the Galaxy

(N. Wamuudes): *Scoffs* Your Flesh is Temporary, But our Bodies are Eternal, We Swim in the Seas of Flames and Looked at our Bodies perfect for all eternity...

(Custodisi): We are Going to fight again? I just had My Abs rubbed...

(N.Custodisi): It would seem like it, Flesh Me... I just had a Bath of melted Necrodermis

(Karstodes): Take this, Fabulous Strike!

as one of the Fabulous strike at the Necron...

(Karstodes): What!?

He was Punched and Flew towards several Golden Buildings, making a Comical Holes of himself...

(Karstodes): Hohoho, You Hit like a Bitch

(N.Karstodes):Oh? You are approaching me?

(Karstodes): Well, I can't wait get close to you and Beat that Smirk Face from your skull

The City came to life as Many Versions of the Emperor see this event... the Holo Video was Seen

( Broadcast Emperor): Come One and Come All! We have the Daily Fight of the Two Fabulous Trios, What do you Think of this Big E?

(Big E): I Shall Bet... 50 Pence on those Hulking Bodies! hah Humanity for the Win, Can I say Vam...

(Broadcast Emperor): Now We Will See to it to our News on the Ground.... T.V Kitten?

A Masked Human Sized Figure, With a hulk of a Red Massive man holding a Camera

(T.V Kitten): yes we are here for the Epic fight of the daily as Several Building Collapse by the Constant Fighting, Several Variant of the Emperor Was Smashed on the Faces and Now joining in the Fight is the Orktodes by the Ork Emperor of Da Emperor... Oh shitttt *Video Blacked out*

(Broadcast Emperor): That is all folks... now we turn to Utopia Emperor Chisel Competition

(Big E): Hey! where is my 50 quid reward!?

As the Fighting Ended both of the Trios were escorted by Custodes that is working for the Security....

The Androgynous Being Sigh once more and Headed to the Central...

In the Massive Central, It housed Multitude versions of Emperors were tasked with their Efforts....

(???): Universe No. 17392 Is destroyed... *sigh* it getting bad

(???): At least my Universe is Fighting back, we have Black hole technologies... but even then, they are ramming the place more with bodies more than we could manufacture...

(Imp Ascent Emperor): no I must save my other versions from dying... but I could only hold so much until it slipped away

(???): but you won right? you heeded my mistakes and strived to do better...

(???): at least I have a Different purpose now... I must be alive to see my Grandchildren... Fck that Abnormality... *Takes out a Weathered Card* they even sent a Happy Father's day card to me...

(???): Family? Trololololololol Hah All you need is...

(???): a Webway to get those Dark Eldar Prostitutes? Fck you! at least I have a better way to pass the time! and I don't install a Text to speech on that throne!

(TTS Emperor): Trololol hah, Should we called you the Weeb Emperor of Weebkind? why do you get Sailor Moon as your wife? lololol..

(Weeb Emperor): At least I have a Wife, you? hahaha, Still stuck on that Throne are you? and I am still walking?

(Family Emperor): Sucks on both of you, I already have Grandkids and have a Wife, and I am the winner of this Debacle

A Version of a Emperor was Holding a Child that Alex Had asked him to saved

(Child): Emperor I am Scared...

(???): Don't worry my child, they are me in a Sense... but we are different... come let's see Sister Celestine okay?

(Child): Sister Celestine? The Child Beamed as she was lead off from the Bickering Trio, now Comparing how Successful they are in the Great Crusade

A Necron Version of the Emperor now Looking at the Quarrelsome Version of Him, now Amused with their bragging, left them for a more useful activities....

A Figure of Red with Wings was in a corner...

(???): I definitely in hell am I?

(???): Big Brother Magnus? would you care for some tea?

A Maid Looking Primarch? appeared behind Magnus?

(TTS Magnus): Do you have Hatred to Leman Russ?

(???): *Cat Snarl* I hate for what he did to you... come now Big Brother, Let have some tea and snacks to forget some of your pain.

(TTS Magnus): 'wow... at least there was someone that understand me... not a bad place after all...at least there are some colors different from this intolerable gold hell...' thought the Red cyclops as he Headed to a Cafe...

As The Androgynous Figure headed deeper... and Meet Emperor Prime... the Base of all The Emperors...

(Prime Emperor): Status report?

(???): Project Midas is Progressing... however we see some abnormalities in His galaxy... seem like they made a move.... should we help?

(Prime Emperor): No... we should wait... He done enough and hopefully make flush out the enemies hidden in the dark.... this is more than the Great game... more than Destruction of Chaos... It is the Survival of Our Multiverse...

Fanfic and Characters that were used...

Messages for Dad

TTS Emperor

Imperium Ascendant

That Female Neko Maid Primarch

OC Necron Fabulous Custodes

Da Emprah


well I take my time off from all the seriousness and Added a Little lol in this serious chapter ongoing, It's basically like that Rick Citadel from Rick and Morty, but with the Emperor as a Twist... and no Morty....