
Imperium Bio: The Missing 13th High lord and Vehicles of the Kaurava Conflict

While The Imperium of Today knew about the 12 High Lord's that decide the Fate of the Imperium, The Thirteenth is Shrouded in Mystery, as it came be Known as the "Seat of Cogs and Gears", It was Established during the Great Crusades as a Separate Military Force to Act as a Fast Response force as the Primarchs took to rest from their crusades and continue to invade and Assimilate Planets under the Imperial Compliance, which they done at a Rapid Pace and With Success, they kept their Doctrines and Tactics as similar as the Main Crusade Fleets of Old, The Imperial Navy able to fight alongside with the Ground Forces, During the Horus Heresy, It Stayed out of the Conflict, and it does not abide by the Separation of the Imperium Fleet and Astra Militarum as it had Legitimately signed by the Emperor and Macaldor the Hero as a Separate Force... and Continues on... Many sought it's seat as it held the Combined Might as the Astra Militarum and The Imperial Navy bypassing their authorities on both factions...

That is... until the War of the Beast, It Crippled the Fleet under a incompetent High lord orders, they Returned to the Legendary Coalition of Planets for replenishment only that it became Shrouded in Warp Storm till this day... turning this seat Empty as No one want a Seat of No Power, and Those that were stubborn, wanted to hold on to it, died under mysterious circumstances.... Causing the seat to be Empty for Almost a Millennia

Many times, it was proposed To be dissolved Several times by both The Imperial Navy and the Astra Militarum as it Threaten their authority, the Mechanicus Threatened them to Stopped producing weapons to the Imperium as The First 13th High lord was Close to the Mechanicus of Mars, causing the belief that it belongs to a Person that is Close to the Mechanicus or a Seat of a Puppet by the Higher Strata called it...

Even During the Age of Apostasy, The Mechanicus Stood their ground from Letting Goge Vandire of taking the Empty 13th seat even to the Point of Threatening to Succeed from the Imperium, Which the Power Hungry Man took a Step back as he knew the implications...

As of the Current time, Seat is Empty and if someone was to Be Raised as the 13th, it would means that the One has very good Relations with the Mechanicus that they would Defend the said person as their own...

If the Warp Storm is Lifted from the Supposedly Missing 1950 planets that is Under the First 13th High Lord Rule in the Ultima Sector... Then the Person can only claim it as the 13th, and would yield both Political and Military Power that is equivalent to a Supposedly Segmentum Force as the Theorist and Debaters Theorize hiding behind the Millennia of Warp storms... and the standing being the Fourth Place of Importance in the Imperium...

During the Kaurava Conflict Several Vehicle was Introduced in the Campaign

. "Hounder" Attack Bike

. "Initiate" Artillery

. "Lotus" MLRS Hovercraft

While some of the Conservative Techpriest claim it as Tech Heresy, Their Hostility was gone from the moment that there were STC's Templates to Construct them... Though Belisarius Cawl has Suspicion with the Designs as he examine the Templates...


A Fast Attack Bike that Alex Used Extensively to drive the Dark Eldar Raids back, Imperial Guard use as it is a Stable Platform for Hand Held Weapons like the Stubber and Lasguns and more faster than their current Bikes, and the Missile Pods could be replaced by Twin Stubber, Single Auto Cannon and LasCannons though the Latter could be used while removing the Shielding as the power consumption was a thing...

Many Guardsmen Loved it as they often took it out for a Joyride to a Town and Still manage to have enough fuel to Commence a Scouting mission, Though several copies have been made, Many Put in Orders in Monse Manufactorum for the Designs as it provided Safer and Deadlier... The Riders often are Wild and Free Types as They wrecked havoc in the Enemy lines...


A Bipedal Walker, It was said that Alex Was Frustrated By the Basilisk Production and Supposedly Created the Behemoth of a Walker and was one of the Vehicle that helped Alex took down the Necron Dragon, It was armed with 125mm Cannons that the Leman Russ uses, as he cared more about flinging shells more than the Maneuverability of the Vehicle due to the desperation of the matter of Seeing the Orks swarm and the Necrons, It is Slow and Armored, And what makes up is the Volley of the Shells it can dish out, It only possible to be deployed when Logistics are stable as it consume the Ammunition as fast as it could load... It had several variants, 150mm cannons for a More Longer range, the Mortar 170m for Defensive Purposes and Railgun Variant made by the Mechanicus for A Cheaper Orbital Cannons, Many More Variant were created, the Monse Manufactorum is in higher demand that they used Nan Yannoi as a Forge World for the manufacturing...

It carries Fame as It Variants Participated in several Campaigns... The Siege of Cadia, Second and Third war of Armageddon as the Shelling Volume is more Appreciated than Maneuverability... any Lucky Commander that have Several of this could stave off an assault as long as they have Ample amount of Shells... Drivers of this vehicles Were either Cold and Calculating as they Pull the trigger or Trigger happy to see everything exploded Infront of them...


A Hovercrafts Serves several Roles and its first sighted of use was in the Takeover of the Fortress Wall on Kaurava IV as it distracted the defenders from the Blood Raven Steel rain, it serves as a Portable Medium Artillery, Flanker, Infantry Support, and Tank Hunting or Anti Air Duties, depending on the Missile or Rocket in their arsenal, it thrives on Water Planets and plains as Imperial Guards used it as Flanking Vehicles and treasure it greatly, there are several Variants created to accompany the Hovercraft such as a Twin 45mm AutoCannons for Air Defense, Depth Charge Holder for Anti Sub Warfare, Infantry mortar Platform or a Troop Transport for Faster response team...

While it may be Weaker in Both Armor or Speed compared to the two above it make up in the Modularized Weapon slot and heavy Shielding... Drivers of this are Meticulous and Steady Aim as the Hovercraft need a Steady arm to shoot under pressure... as the Enemies of Man Already mark this vehicle as Priority One, the moment they see this in their range...